Ch. 15 Old Folks are Cool!

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"Your move is too slow!"


"Your swing is too wide!"


"Your fist is not powerful enough!"


"The angle of your attack is wrong!"


"That hurt!"

"Block it and it won't."

Akari wished she could warn her past self about what training with Scarecrow sensei would actually be like once she had challenged him to make her give up.

"Get up," she looked up to see Kakashi looking at her expectantly.

"Break," she panted, holding up a hand.

"Don't waste my time, chibi. Stand."

"Don't... call me that..." Akari panted, pushing herself up. It was weird how he barely ever raised his voice but she still felt the need to obey him.

Well, that was probably because he was an elite shinobi, that was common knowledge to most of the shinobi in Konoha.

Plus that Sharingan... he just looked at her with that eye and...

"Oomph," Akari grunted stumbling back, holding her face.

"Focus," Kakashi drawled.

Akari barely got time to recompose herself before he landed another hit on her.

"Wait a second!" she grunted, before she was sent flying back, hitting her back against a tree and falling down.

"The enemy won't," Kakashi shrugged casually. "Stand up."

Akari decided to ignore him, trying to get used to the throbbing pain in almost every part of her body.

"Or quit," she heard his annoyingly bored voice. She glared at him at that, wiping the sweat off her face.

"That's terrible stamina for a genin, really," he shrugged, ignoring her glare and leaning against a tree.

"Aren't we done with Taijutsu yet?" Akari whined, shooting him her best puppy eyes, unaware of the fact that Kakashi already had a pack of dogs doing that to him almost on a daily basis.

"No," Kakashi eye-smiled. "We won't be until you perfect your forms."

"What's the use?" Akari whined standing up and blocking another punch, only to be hit by a kick which she wasn't quick enough to turn herself to block.

"That," Kakashi hummed. "You would've had time to block that if you used a proper form. You do the katas correct, but then when you start sparring it all flies out of the window."

"What's the point of learning a kata anyways?" Akari grumbled.

"It saves the time you take to think of the next move in the middle of combat. Now, less talking, more training."

"When does this end?" the tiny Uchiha groaned when she was kicked back against another tree.

"I thought you wanted to train with me," Kakashi eye-smiled. Akari scowled.

"When you do more than just kicking me around," she muttered under her breath.

"It won't end until you perfect it. Or of course until you quit."

"So I need to perfect it to go home then," Akari deadpanned. She wasn't going to quit. Why did he keep offering it up!?

"Do you think you'll finally return Inu-chan to me today?" she asked quietly.

Akari UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now