Ch. 61 Try to Dodge a Flying Uchiha

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"Hah!" Akari grinned, looking at the leaf in her hand splitting into two. "This was easy!"

Sakura blinked. "Well, wasn't that... fast..." she muttered.

"Oh, he wrote exactly how we are supposed to split the leaf," Akari pointed at the scroll Kakashi had left her.

"But you do need fine chakra control to get it right on your first go," she muttered. "Say, Akari, what do you think about medical ninjutsu-"

"Been there, done that."

Sakura looked at the younger kunoichi in surprise.

"Lady Hokage forced me into it, and I qualified for round two but there was just so much going on, and I wasn't interested, so I didn't show up later," she shrugged. "I learnt a lot though! Like how to properly fake sleep!"

Sakura sweat-dropped. "What do you plan on doing if not a medic?"

"Jonin Commander! Though a jonin commander who can heal would've been cool... too bad medical textbooks are so boring. Wouldn't it be cool if you could just put your healing chakra in my seals and I could unseal them wherever needed," Akari sighed, before her eyes lit up.

"I've heard enough of your big balls jutsu to want to hear any new jutsu idea you might have," Sakura cut her off. "And no, putting medical jutsu in seals is not possible."

Akari blinked. "But what if-"


"Okay..." Akari sweat-dropped. She glanced at the scroll. "Next step, splitting... water? What the heck?" she glanced at Sakura for explanation.

"Why don't we start tomorrow?" Sakura yawned, before blinking. "I think Kakashi sensei might be returning soon enough. Didn't the letter say two days?"

Akari tilted her head, recalling the message the Hokage had conveyed her. Indeed, it had said two days.

Her eyes lit up excitedly. "YES!"

Before Sakura could open her mouth she saw a red-green blur rushing past her.

"Well, let her wait all day at the gate then," she huffed, shaking her head.


A certain blonde whiskered shinobi dressed in orange stood on top of a tower, proclaiming loudly: "Everyone! Uzumaki Naruto's back!" he grinned pointing towards himself happily.

Before he could open his mouth to make another loud proclamation, his eyes widened seeing a blur of red and green heading his way. He frantically looked around, the said blur of red and green frantically looked around, both unable to dodge.

The legendary Toad Sannin scrunched up his face at the impact as he saw his apprentice and the tiny chunin he collided with tumbling down, groaning.

"What is up with you?" the eleven-year-old groaned holding her head.

"Can't you watch where you are going!?" Naruto retaliated defensively, jumping up and pointing towards her.

"I was mid-air, you could've dodged! Or not stood up on the tower to begin with! What the hell kind of ninja are you!?"

"One that has been training since the past two and a half years and has just returned to the village and you are totally ruining his dramatic entry!"

Akari blinked. "That description sounds familiar," she muttered to herself, tilting her head, before glancing behind him. "HOLY SHIT!"

Jiraiya sweat-dropped as the tiny chunin pointed at him. "You are the Toad Sannin!"

The sannin's face broke into a huge grin.

Akari UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now