Ch. 56 Lack of Sleep = Disaster

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"What is the problem?" 

Akari flinched at the annoyed growl leaving her sensei's throat. He barely lost his cool like that... but for some reason... it just seemed more and more often these days, ever since her encounter with Itachi and that mission to Amegakure.

At first she would blame herself, that she probably pissed Kakashi off again like she had done before mentioning things from his past that were triggering to him.

But now... she was really trying her best. She had dark circles around her eyes from all the effort. She had barely had three hours of sleep since the past three days.

The medic-exams? She got selected for the next round, along with Sara, who didn't seem quiet happy about her success. Well, she wasn't that happy about her success either, considering she never wanted to be a medic and Kakashi sensei didn't even seem to remember that she had those exams or that she qualified since he never mentioned it.

She only wanted to sleep. 

"Do you not hear me, brat? I said suppress your chakra!"

She gulped, coiling her chakra further into herself as much as she could. She felt her stomach ache from the effort, feeling constricted.

"Not even close," Kakashi drawled, annoyed.

She shuddered feeling the familiar killing intent that seemed to be getting worse and worse no matter how many times she tried to get used to it.

She couldn't take it anymore!

"M-Master..." she stammered, having thought that she would follow Lady Tsunade's advise and tell him to stop.

"What?" he snapped.

"Your... KI-"

"This KI?" he asked mockingly, before flaring his Killing Intent up, making Akari whimper.

Instinctively, her chakra recoiled out of fear, trying to press itself further in. Akari fell to the ground, holding her stomach, crying out in pain.

She tried! Now Lady Tsunade can't say she didn't, she tried telling him that it hurt! He won't stop just because it was hurting her. She already knew it.

She didn't realize when the Killing Intent around her disappeared. She only felt a pair of strong arms catch her before she could fall to the ground.

Akari glanced up and flinched seeing Kakashi, jerking away from him, however his hold prevented her from doing so.

"Hey, easy now," she heard his voice. He didn't sound mad... he wasn't... right?

"Chibi," that nickname had became less and less frequent since the past few days. He placed his hand on her hurting stomach, where her trembling hands were clenching her t-shirt right above the spot that hurt. "Uncoil your chakra."

Akari's frantic eyes looked down, trying to concentrate, before automatically going to Kakashi. She felt the pain in her stomach increase and whimpered, tears filling her eyes.

"Akari," Kakashi said urgently. "Stop-"


Kakashi froze, before staring back at his apprentice.

"Please," Akari added in a quiet whisper, before the pain got too much for her to say anymore.

Kakashi hesitated, before vanishing out of her sight.

Of course he couldn't leave.

He would never leave her when she was like that.

He felt her chakra slowly increase, the normal amount, and sighed in relief.

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