Ch. 59 The Chunin Exams End

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It almost scared Oda how quickly Akari and Fuu got along.

One ball of energy was more than enough for them to handle. Now there were two.

The other two genin from the Hidden Waterfall seemed to be dreading the same thing.

The two of them, Akari and Fuu, had made it their sole purpose to explore everything around, and had somehow brought down a giant crab in the middle of a sand-storm down and saved Choji along the way.

Then somehow managed to impress the Kazekage with their answers of why they saved someone that wasn't their teammate, or even from Fuu's village.

At least Fuu's answer impressed him. Akari's blank "We are... not supposed to?" he wasn't sure what to make of.

Both of them reminded him of Naruto Uzumaki nevertheless.

So he would never have expected that after miraculously surviving through everything that had been thrown in their way during these exams, and still not getting a scroll, they would be facing off the Hidden Waterfall for one.

Of course Akari and Fuu took it on themselves to get their teams the scrolls, or maybe they were just excited to finally get to test each other's abilities.

It didn't seem much of a fight when they kept complimenting each other for their moves.

The four of them, Oda, Haru, and the two Hidden Waterfall shinobi, sweat-dropped.

However, what caught Oda's eyes was how, to prevent herself from the fall, Fuu revealed a pair of wings in her. That was a strange power, and it seemed oddly similar to something Ibiki had been interrogating on since a while now.

His suspicions were confirmed when when they saw a man playing a flute and trying to extract something from the Kazekage, and Fuu too when she jumped in.


Humans with tailed beasts sealed inside of them.

Akari had been hanging out with a jinchuuriki all this time.

Several shinobi teamed up to rescue the Kazekage from his own narrow-minded villagers, key highlight being Neji who took the leadership role on his shoulders perfectly and constructed a plan that utilized everyone's talents.

The chunin exams ended up being cancelled at the end because of everything going down, the Kazekage was rescued and the man who tried to assassinate the Kazekage committed suicide in order to repent himself.

All of them were praised for their efforts with a speech from Lord Gaara, except Akari who had her mouth sealed shut by sand because she won't stop shipping him and Fuu.

And this was how their first chunin exams ended.

"Man, it seems that none of our chunin exams get a proper ending," Akari's 'eternal rival' sighed from somewhere on their way back to their village.

So this was how their second chunin exams had ended, then.

"At least they will send the results to our respective villages," Sakura shrugged.

"Shit!" Akari cursed, holding up an orange hair-pin. "This is Fuu's!"

"Welp, keep it," Ino muttered dismissively. "It's not like you can go after her now that-"

"I'll be right back!"

Ino stared speechlessly seeing Akari rushing off towards the Hidden Waterfall, where Fuu and her team took off to.

"Really?" Shikamaru muttered from among them, before groaning. "That idiot doesn't even know the way properly," he groaned again before following her, shouting back a "I'll get her back and join you guys!"

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