Ch. 36 Evil Annoying Insensitive Frogs

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Akari dodged a punch, backflipping on the water and aiming for her attacker's nose, before her supporting leg sank in the water. She panicked, trying to regain her balance, however by the time she did that, she felt a punch to her face and fell down in the water.

"Oh come on!" she groaned, annoyed, as she resurfaced from the pond, glaring at Akio who stood in front of her unbothered, even though he was panting slightly after the match.

"Match is over. Akio wins," Genma announced, smirking.

"Awh man," Haru and Akari whined together, both lying down annoyed on grass and water respectively, mourning their defeat.

"Good job, Akio," Genma complimented. "You're getting better at water-walking. You, on the other hand," he pointed at Akari. "Need to focus more."

"How am I supposed to dodge his senbons and punches and keep my chakra flowing to my legs at the same time!? Either there's a trick to it, or Ibiki sensei taught me wrong! Awh man, It's been four days already and I still keep losing my footing! I'll never be able to show off in front of Scarecrow sensei at this rate," she whined.

"There's no trick to it. Just practice it until it becomes second nature. You should know how to fight in all kind of terrains," Genma lectured as she walked out of the pond, drenched in water.

"Though I was impressed the way you managed to catch Akio off guard by suddenly switching to senbons, your accuracy has really improved."

"Still nothing compared to mine," Akio smirked, making Akari glare at him.

"Wait till I learn swords," she grumbled.

"Senbons and swords?" Haru muttered from the back. "Give it a rest, Akari."

"I thought you were motivated for training after we found out our chakra natures!" Akari whined.

Haru sighed. Of course Akari thought it was his chakra-nature-discovery (which he already knew because his clan used water style) instead of a chunin almost killing her. His best friend was such an idiot sometimes.

"I am motivated, I'm just patient with it," he countered.

"You don't know water walking yet. Hurry up, Mizuhi, or your classmates will all leave you behind," Akio smirked.

"Oh shut up, Haru dodges things better than anyone around!" Akari countered. "And Sara doesn't know water walking yet either!"

"Sara is gifted with good chakra control, short-stuff. Unlike you, she will barely take a few hours to master this, from her speed at mastering the tree climbing exercise," Akio muttered.

"Girls are usually gifted with good chakra control. That's why they're so good at medical ninjutsu," Genma informed.

"And then there's Akari," Akio commented, snorting.

"Hey! Akari can do many amazing things that you can't!" Haru stood up challengingly.

"Oh? Like?" Akio challenged him back.

"Like- ... well..." Haru trailed off. 

"Hey! Come on, dude, you shouldn't be taking so long to come up with things I'm good at!" Akari shouted, offended.

He turned to her and whispered frantically, "It's not my fault! He's better than you at senbon training and water walking. Plus he just defeated you at a Taijutsu match. And do you really want me to match up your tiny fire ball with his water wall that saved all our lives when you got us in trouble?"

Akari pouted. "Fair points," she grumbled.

"You're really bad for an Uchiha," Akio muttered.

"Uchiha... that's right! I've the Sharingan! Take that, sucker!"

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