Ch. 82 Nightmares

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"I did it on orders! You think we'd let an Uchiha step foot in the Land of Wolves!? After what they've done!?"

Akari took a deep breath to maintain her composure. "Eisaku."

Even though the wolf barely showed it, the cold tone of Akari's voice slightly set him on edge.

When he had met her the first time, she wasn't capable of masking her emotions like she was right now. Her voice never sounded as blunt either.

She never used just his name either.

He had never thought losing the title of 'Snow-White-nii-san' would feel this cold.

"Akari," he nodded. "Long time no see."

"I would've appreciated if you had kept it that way," the preteen glowered at him.

Eisaku sighed to himself. Nope. Akari didn't seem in the mood to forgive.

It had been more than a month ever since he had last seen her.

The Land of Wolves was left eerily quiet after their newly declared alpha had left them, and he didn't even blame her for it. His pack did attack her. And then he did get protective over his pack rather than siding with her.

He would've immediately summoned her back, but the cubs of his pack were all but terrified by her. Specially when she had said that she would be cruel master they were making her out to be if he did so again.

He knew that she wouldn't. Akari was just... too pure. However, the pack did not have the kind of trust that he had on Akari, and he couldn't summon her back.

The only other option he had was to wait for her to summon him. But she never did that either. So he had to wait all this time until their acting leader, Eik, finally allowed him to leave their domain and then walk all the way over to the Hidden Leaf.

The now destroyed Hidden Leaf. 

"Your village got all weird," Eisaku pointed out.

"Good eye," came the bland response.

"... Were you attacked-?"

"If that's all," Akari interrupted. "I'll get going. Ask anyone in the village about the Pein attack and they'll gladly answer you, Eisaku."

"No, wait!"

Akari raised an eyebrow looking at him. 

Eisaku took a deep breath before a sigh escaped him. "I'm sorry."

"For inviting me to the Land of Wolves, subjecting me to a random challenge, then trying to kill me after I've won the challenge, tossing a huge responsibility at me, and then kicking me out of there right after which I got attacked by two rogue Uchihas followed by the Pein invasion?"


"Yes. Your words definitely make up for all of that," Akari drawled sarcastically. 

"... Technically we didn't kick you out, you kind of reverse summoned yourself on your own and threatened us to never summon you back ever again," Eisaku said wearily as she started walking. He walked by her side, his padded paws making less to no noise. 

"And I meant every word. I dare you to summon me to that hellhole again."

Eisaku sighed. Even though she was calling his home a 'hellhole', she did have a very good reason to be pissed. He supposed he'd let it go.

"But you are literally our Alpha now," Eisaku argued. 

"One that no one wants," Akari spat before sighing and looking at him seriously. "My contempt aside, lot of things are going on right now, Eisaku. There is going to be a war. Frankly, I would rather prepare for that than deal with you and your pack's tantrums."

Akari UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now