Ch. 38 Scarecrow sensei and Green sensei, the Totally-Not-Best-Friends Duo!

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...To prevent the coup, Itachi Uchiha, a member of the ANBU unit of the Hidden Leaf Village, will be eliminating the Uchiha clan.
Danzo Shimura

Akari stared at the paper in her hands in disbelief.

Sneaking inside the Hokage Tower was easier than Akari had thought once Eisaku had managed to distract the ANBU.

And she found it unbelievable when Pink Goddess had told her that her teammate had stolen the Scroll of Sealing when he hadn't even graduated from the academy.

She didn't get it. The first few pages of the document were reports from the ANBU after they reached the sight of the massacre.

Akari suddenly stopped short. It made sense that the massacre was planned not only by Itachi but by other higher ups of the village too. There was no way that no ANBU could not have reached the sight of the massacre if they had wanted to.

She found a small slip hidden in the last page of the document, the one that she just read, signed by Danzo.

She clenched her fist. Scarecrow sensei said everyone in the village was her comrade, but what kind of comrade makes you kill your own clan? She wasn't even sure if that was what really happened.

Surely Sasuke would have bothered confirming this before going on his Itachi-killing-spree? Or did he go rogue just to find out the truth from Itachi himself after looking at this document?

"Someone's coming," she suddenly heard Sakura's voice, breaking her train of thoughts.

Akari hurriedly shoved the document back inside before she escaped, Sakura stayed to say she was there for training and Akari hurriedly managed to dispel Eisaku before he could get caught by the ANBU.


"Danzo Shimura, eh?" Eisaku questioned, before sighing. "Well the councilmen do a lot of dark things. You say Emika get kidnapped."

"But they wouldn't kill off an entire clan!"

"If the clan was planning a coup, they probably would."

Akari sighed. Were her parents part of the coup too?

She shook her head. It didn't matter. They were dead.

"Aren't you telling Sakura what you found?"

"...she just assumed I couldn't read it in the short while I was there so... she didn't ask."

Eisaku raised an eyebrow.

"That and I think she'll probably demand an answer for it from the current Hokage, considering how much she loves Sasuke. And then we'd all be in trouble."

The wolf beside her sighed. "Well, I don't care either way. It still bothers me though. Accessing that document seemed too easy," he muttered to himself.

"Probably I'm just too skilled?" Akari grinned.

"No, that's not it."

Akari sweat-dropped.

"In any case, I'll be off now. Do not summon me again, brat," he glared at Akari who laughed sheepishly.

"Ne... Eisaku-nii-san?"

"Stop calling me that," the wolf groaned. "What is it?"

"I was meaning to ask this the next time I saw you. Godmother Emika said you could go to the Land of Wolves only if a wolf summons you there. So I was wondering..."




"Awh come on!"

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