Ch. 40 First C-Rank! Turning Out Totally as Expected! Like... Totally!

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"Our mission is to deliver these supplies to the Land of Iron," Shikamaru explained.

"The Land of Iron?"

"Isn't that where Samurai live?"

"What's in that scroll? Is it food?"

"Yes Sara, the Land of Iron. Yes Akio, that is where Samurai live. No Akari, the scrolls do not have food. Just because you learnt how to unseal and seal things in scrolls does not mean you'll unseal and look at everything, you're not allowed to do that. Keep it back."

"Come on!" Akari whined, pouting, before sealing the swords she had unsealed again.

"So we are going to the Land of Iron to deliver supplies?" Akio concluded.

"Yep, that's the gist of it. It has been classified as a C-Rank because they don't expect anything more than street bandits or robbers. And you are trained enough to handle them. At least that's what I've been made to believe," he muttered under his breath.

"You've half an hour to pack all your supplies and meet me at the main gate of the village. You," he pointed towards Sara. "Pack useful things, you don't need more than four set of clothes."

"You," he pointed towards Akio. "Don't go off on your own and listen to what I'm saying. I'm the leader here for a reason." Akio scowled.

"And you," he pointed towards Akari. "Stay out of trouble. Starting with not forgetting that it's always snowing in the Land of Iron."

A huge red exclamation mark appeared above Akari, before disappearing in a second, as she laughed awkwardly. "O-Of course, yeah, I remembered that! Hehe..."


"How did you know I didn't remember to pack the correct clothes for a snowy country?" Akari questioned on the way.

"You seemed like the kind of person who'd do that."

"But we have barely ever talked!" she exclaimed.

"I observe. And Kakashi-sensei warned me before-hand," Shikamaru added.

"Why is she on this mission anyways?" Akio grunted. "The three of us would've been just fine. No need to add another burden."

Akari scowled, turning away.

"Yeah!" Sara blindly agreed.

"Akari is the only one here who can seal and unseal things from a scroll. Without her, there's no point doing this mission."

"Heh," Akari grinned victoriously at Sara, not even glancing at Akio.

Akio frowned, annoyed.

"Whatever's going on between the two of you," Shikamaru pointed at Akari and Akio respectively. "Shouldn't come between the mission," he said with a yawn.

"Nothing's going on. We are cool," Akari said coldly, in contrast, closing her eyes and smiling.

All three of them sweatdropped, thinking the same thing. They/We are not cool.

Shikamaru sighed. She got that from Kakashi.

"Who taught you sealing and unsealing stuff anyways?" Akio questioned.

"Do you hear something? I don't hear anything. It's probably ugly toads croaking away nonsense. Anyways, how long till we reach the Land of Iron anyways?"

"Three more hours."

Akio grew an irk-mark on his forehead. "Stop ignoring me!"

"I saw an ugly little frog, he was worse than one can be, he was sitting on a log, and I'm sure he croaked at me~"

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