Ch. 17 The D-Rank turned C-Rank turned B-Rank Mission!

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"Wait, the scroll said we just need to deliver it right outside the village!" Akio hissed.

"We already told you!" Haru answered back. "That lady told Sara and Akari that she'd be disguising a C-Rank mission as a D-Rank."

"She gets to pay less and we finally get some action!" Akari fist-pumped.

Akio facepalmed. "As tired as I am of D-Ranks, there's a reason they aren't giving us C-Ranks yet!"

"Maybe Akio-kun is right, we should... go back to the village," Sara whispered as all of them made their way through the forest.

"Heh, you scared evil frog?"

Akio instantly forgetting everything logical that his brain had been contemplating so far replied with a, "Scared? You know what, short stuff? Let's see who has grown more since the graduation at the academy."

"You're on!"


Tsunade sighed heavily.

The group of genin she had sent out of the village for the first time wasn't back yet.

She knew they were most probably just lounging around, but she still couldn't help but think even though the mission was classified as a D-Rank she should've sent someone with them.

She shook her head. Well, she didn't have many shinobi to spare, and they had to learn.

As most of the village said, they were indeed a troublesome lot, with much less natural talents to spare, however she could see raw potential in most of them. There was also the possibility that one of them might awaken the first stages of Sharingan.

Though the girl already seemed pretty weary of the dojutsu, Tsunade sighed again. Well, it made sense considering her first experience with the Sharingan was that encounter with Kakashi.

The Hokage remembered the talk she had with Kakashi later, where the idiot actually apologized sincerely for once. Even though that sincerity didn't last longer than ten seconds, she figured that was the most she would get from Kakashi. But she remembered one of the sentences he had said in that brief meeting.

"You do realize all the Uchiha subordinates I've had before this are either rogue or dead, right?"

She hadn't known what to answer the man. She still didn't-

"Lady Hokage!" someone burst in through her door.

"What is it?" she snapped at the interruption.

The chunin pointed towards the girl behind him. Sara Yamanaka. It was one of the genin.

"We're in trouble! Akio-kun and everyone else! We got attacked and... there are too many of them!"

Tsunade's eyebrows shot up. 

She knew she shouldn't have trusted those little brats on this.


"Water style: Water Wall!"

Akari looked in awe as Akio raised a water wall, stopping all the enemy attacks.

"Water style: Water Bullets!" Haru joined in, shooting water bullets through the water ball.

She reached into her pocket to grab some paper bombs however... they were empty!?

Oh right... she still didn't have enough money to replenish all those lost paper bombs and kunais! How could she forget that-

She gasped, suddenly feeling a presence right behind her, immediately drawing out one of her scarce supply of kunais. Her kunai collided with a sword. She looked at the man holding the sword with widened eyes, before he swung it backwards again.

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