Ch. 26 Weird Old Bandaged Councilmen

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When Akari went to find the Uchiha Compound, she was not expecting it to be at the outskirts of the village, so far away from the other clan compounds. It almost seemed... isolated.

Now, she remembered her master told her to not skip out on her strength training, but... the mere idea of doing it was so tiring that she decided she'd do it in the evening.

She would rather skip on the training, but she had a feeling that Scarecrow sensei would know, because he seemed to know everything, somehow. And she really didn't want to disappoint him after she had struggled so much to get him to acknowledge her. Plus she was aware that she was still just a nuisance to him, so she'd rather not push her luck.

It took her another few minutes to find the closest house to the clan compound and... it was oddly similar to the cottage she saw in her dream.

Which assured her that it wasn't a dream. She sighed. If someone still lived in the cottage, she could ask them if they ever helped a lady give birth on the day of the Uchiha massacre.

Which Akari did realize sounded weird... but she was curious!

So she climbed the stairs to the door of the cottage and knocked.

And no one answered.

Akari shuddered as it started snowing. The first snow of the new year! She instantly regretted not wearing any warm clothes other than her casual clothing and a scarf.

Now Iruka sensei had taught them all the moral values, like politeness and not invading people's privacy, but Akari was sure that if she just opened the door and entered, she was saving the old lady who supposedly lived in that cottage much work.

A veil of light entered through the door and bathe the dark cottage. The wooden floor creaked under the new-comer's weight. Akari shivered slightly at the cold atmosphere.

"Hello?" she called out, her voice sounding oddly hollow. There was only a single bed and a long abandoned kitchen slab inside. She couldn't see much else because of the darkness.

Akari turned back, to open the door further so the entire cottage could be illuminated, however froze, feeling a presence behind her.

She whipped around, her hand poised right beside her weapon holster, as her eyes searched in the darkness. She blinked twice, activating her Sharingan. It was the second time she'd use it since she activated it last time.

"Come out," she said aiming a kunai beside the chakra signature she could now see.

She stumbled back when two yellow eyes suddenly started glowing in the darkness.

"W-Who's there!?" she demanded, even though her voice trembled slightly, and her mind was regretting ever coming here in the first place.

She hadn't even brushed her teeth yet! She didn't want to die without brushing her teeth!

No wait... she didn't want to die at all!

"You're demanding answers from me, little girl? You're the one who entered my territory and rudely just threw that kunai at me," a deep voice answered her gruffly.

"It didn't hit you," Akari muttered under her breath, before her breath got caught in her throat as the figure revealed itself, slowly stepping into the light. It... He... had snow white fur, sharp yellow eyes, and a beautiful but scary aura around him... 

"You are a talking wolf!?" Akari exclaimed in her wild panic before shutting up at the low growl that emanated form his throat. He was taller than her even though he was on all fours... figured why he called her little.

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