Ch. 33 Just Two Senseis Casually Talking About Life

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Kakashi sighed, running a hand through his hair as he walked through the market place, carrying his bag of groceries.

"Stupid apprentices," he grumbled under his breath.

Akari really did a lot of stupid things.

Like dangling off the roof with half perfected chakra control, firing fire balls straight above her to see if they fall down (which they do), breaking into his house while teaming up with Gai, trying to convince Bisuke to get his Icha-Icha to her, followed by lots of other foolish things.

Lots of other foolish things that were so painfully similar to Obito's.

She even went helping old grannies around.

For a second Kakashi wondered if Obito would reborn as his apprentice just to personally torment him.

He shook his head, shaking off the idea.

Even though she was very similar to Obito, there were many qualities that were uniquely like her.

Like how she never whined or complained that much. She just accepted things and found the best way to deal with them. Even though half of the times those ways were admittedly idiotic.

Like instead of turning her back at him like she was supposed to at having a terrible disinterested master, she decided to bulldoze into his life head first. And almost succeeded. And look where it got both of them.

Kakashi sighed. This is why he tried to keep her away. Screw whoever that brat kept getting information about his past from.


He turned black and blinked at Iruka, waving at him.

Wow, that's the first time Iruka had called his name without being annoyed.

He loved annoying people. Kept them away.

When that didn't work he acted mean.

And that always worked because there's not much you can do when an elite jonin starts being purposely mean to you.

"Iruka," he nodded when the academy sensei walked up to him. "You seem happy," he muttered wearily.

"Oh, just had an easy day at work," Iruka laughed awkwardly rubbing the scar on his nose.

"Lucky I didn't barge in with my report then," Kakashi smirked.

Iruka's eye twitched.  "Seriously though, would it kill you to write down a proper mission report?" he groaned.

Kakashi rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish laugh. "I don't like writing reports."

"No one does, but you still gotta do it," Iruka drawled. "Anyways, I was out here and saw you grocery shopping."

"I'm surprised you didn't walk the other way," Kakashi chuckled.

"I only walk away when I know you'll ruin the rest of my day," Iruka scowled. "Right now it's a maybe you'll ruin my mood so I decided to take a risk."

"Ah yes, the life of a ninja, all about making difficult choices and taking heavy risks," the copy ninja drawled sarcastically.

"Don't mock me," Iruka scowled. "You don't really make it easy for people to walk up to you."

"And yet they do, for some illogical reason," Kakashi sighed, not-so-subtly glancing at the chunin besides him.

Iruka narrowed his eyes. "If I hadn't promised to Akari that I'd try being more patient with you then I'd be ranting about how you should stop mocking your juniors."

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