Ch. 32 Lots of Blackmail Material for Grumpy Snow White!

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"...and that was so totally cool! Like I had no idea two people could combine their jutsus! I've never even thought about it! Woah imagine if they combine all the elemental natures! I can totally ask Haru to combine his water style with my fire style! Wait.... I don't think that's a good idea... but worth a shot anyways! I remember the last time Akio used his water style after my fire style there was this lot of steam and..."

Emika stared exasperatedly at the Uchiha child inside her house babbling nonsense since the past few minutes.

"Child..." she started. Akari finally paused her rant to look at her. "Do you always talk so much?"

"After something super cool happens yeah!" she exclaimed happily. "I still don't get how I managed to dream up this place..." she added thoughtfully.

"Chakra is a powerful thing. It connects people. Like how it did for your mother and you."

Emika sighed. "I really appreciate you helping me. How did you know where I was?"

Akari grinned. "Anything for you Godmother Emika! Eisaku kind of pounced over me and screamed at my face about how all Uchihas are terrible and what not, I figured out the rest!"

An irk mark appeared on the mentioned wolf's forehead. "Brat," he growled annoyed. "I told you the rest. And had you practice that summoning jutsu so you could summon me when situation got out of hand."

"I still don't know why we couldn't have gone to Lady Tsunade directly," Akari questioned.

"I told you already, the Foundation is everywhere, watching, listening, manipulating. That bastard Danzo is everywhere."

"It's weird how everywhere I go someone or the other seems to hate Danzo," she muttered under her breath. "Lady Tsunade, Scarecrow sensei, you..."

"If it wasn't for your sensei we would've been dead. Good thing I sent Ekiko to get help from someone trustable," he muttered.

"Ah I know Scarecrow sensei is amazing! He's my master after all," Akari grinned.

"Kakashi Hatake, hm..." Emika hummed. 

"How do you know him?" Akari questioned curiously.

"Who doesn't?"

"Fair point... I didn't... hehe..." Akari laughed sheepishly.

"He used to carry out escort missions for me when he was as young as you," the lady said. "His team actually. Pity what happened to all of them."

Akari glanced up. "What happened to his team anyways?" she tilted her head.

"All died in war," the lady shook her head.

Akari saw the picture of a girl with an electrized hand protruding her chest flash before her eyes.

"I remember a young Uchiha lad in his team, he was just like you. Always helped us old folk," she sighed. "He used to wear orange goggles," she chuckled slightly at the memory.

"He was like me?" 

"Oh wow, that's probably all she got from the entire reminiscing you did," Eisaku grumbled.

"Why are you always so grumpy!?" Akari demanded.

"Because you are annoying!" he growled back.

Emika chuckled. "You were surprised to see her back at the cottage though, weren't you, Eisaku?"

Eisaku froze. "I couldn't care less."

"Oh?" Emika raised her eyebrows. "Well, considering how much you looked after her right after she was born, I figured you'd be excited to see her again."

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