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Taylor's pov

I woke up to the sound of people talking quietly.  However, in order for me to hopefully try and get some sleep, I let my eyes stay shut.

"Maybe she's not like the other girls," Katrina said hopefully.

"That's also what you said about Brittany and Angie," Tara pointed out.

"Yeah, but those were the only other two he actually introduced us to," Kat replied.

I was really confused about the topic of conversation, and also why the couch was moving gently by my head.  After a second, I realized that this movement was cause by Colby breathing, and the pounding was his heartbeat.

I had fallen asleep on Colby.

"Yeah, well Brittany was a dick and Angie could care less about him," Xepher said, and I heard the unscrewing of a water bottle.

"But she's really sweet.  And Colby's happier with her around," Katrina insisted, and that when I realized they were talking about Colby and I.


"I don't even know her name," Tara admitted, "I'm sick of trying to get to know his lady-fuck-friends after Miley.  Remember her?" She asked with a laugh.

"Yeah," Corey spoke for the first time, and I wondered who else was in the room that I couldn't see, "That was right after everything with Meghan happened.  He was just trying to cope with the pain, and took it too far."

Meghan? Was that was just one of the girls he messed around with? And why was she so special?

"Miley should have a "d" in it," Xepher said out of the blue.

"What? Why?" Katrina began laughing, and I felt Colby shift underneath me.  Someone must have covered her mouth, because the laughter was now heavily muffled.

"Because she's a whore," She completed her joke, and everyone began laughing.  I tried my best not to react, and imagined turning off a light switch in my brain to keep me from laughing.

"Morning Colby," Tara spoke in a teasing tone, still chuckling at what Xepher said.

"Morning," His voice was slightly scratchy, but it was cute for a morning voice.

"So," she continued, "I'm sorry about how I treated your new friend.  I just didn't want to have to get to know her for you to ditch her and then I'm stuck with being the one to explain to her how you have a new bitch to fuck and repeat the cycle." 

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Colby seemed to brush it off, "But give Taylor a chance.  What has she done wrong?"

"She stole my boyfriend," Corey said, making him laugh.

"We aren't dating," Colby corrected, "And you are forever my boyfriend," He spoke in a girly tone.

"Yeah, well I don't remember the last time that you let Kevin get away with a sex joke around one of them," Xepher sounded distracted, like she was reading a text.

I felt Colby shrug underneath me, "I'm hoping she stays around.  I already kind of told her about the girls thing,"

"What about Meghan?" Kat asked gently, "Did you tell her about her?"

He fell silent for a moment, and I could feel him grab the ends of my hair, twisting the around his fingers, "No," He untangled his hand from my ear, "No, I didn't tell her about Meghan.  I might, if we get closer.  But there's no point in bringing back old memories and things that can't be changed,"

Everyone fell silent after Colby spoke, but I was confused.  Who the hell is Meghan? And why is everyone so sad about her?

I heard one of the couch cushions creek as someone stood up, "I'm gonna go and start cleaning up.  Hopefully I can get something done before everyone wakes up," Tara explained.

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