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Taylor's pov

After switching multiple different outfits out, I finally decided on something I wouldn't normally wear.

It was a change that I knew Angelina would be proud of, and I'm proud of too.

Now knowing that Alex wouldn't be home for quite some time, I let myself take the time to do my own version of what I had done with Ang earlier.

My makeup was heavier, darker, to match the tight-fitting dress that exposed everything that I wanted.  It was strapless, fitting my body perfectly until just above the halfway point of my thigh where it stopped.  The dress was partially laced, showing off my stomach. 

The heels were a matching black, and on a normal day I would have just taken them off.  But right now I was angry, angry at everything.

I took a video of me doing different poses around the apartment, from my bed to the living room or just sitting on the kitchen counter.

I screenshotted the poses I liked the best, like the one where my dress was beginning to ride up my leg and I was holding it in place.  I chose a couple others that showed off my body, deciding I didn't care what anyone thought.

Without too much thought, I posted the best ones on my Instagram.  

I realized that overall, I did nothing.  Nothing to show I was upset with anybody.  

I didn't know how.  I wasn't going to pick a fight with Colby or accuse Alex of doing anything.

Somewhere inside of me doubted that I was right, and all this mess was just in my head.

I had no actual evidence that they were doing anything together.

But that all changed when my phone began ringing, "Hey Ang, what's up?" I asked as I pulled out pajamas I would want for the bath I was getting ready to get into.

"You're not going to believe this bullshit," She yelled, and you could hardly hear her over the background noise.

"Are you at a party?" I asked, raising my voice so she could hear me.

"I'll send you the address.  I'm here with Mike and Gray and you would not believe who I just saw!" She shouted, and I didn't even have to put my phone on speakerphone to hear what she was saying.

"Don't tell me," I guessed, "Are you serious? They are both there?"

"Get over here, now.  I already sent you the address," She shouted before hanging up.  

Just as she promised, my phone went off seconds later.  With a groan, I slipped the part of the dress that I started taking off back on, and grabbed my heels.

I found myself looking in the mirror again, once again noticing how this wasn't the same girl from a month ago.

I felt dirty though I didn't do anything wrong.  I felt awful, but at the same time that anger surfaced again, and a wicked smirk appeared on my face.

It felt like seconds later that Angelina met me in the parking lot, looking beautiful as ever.

"You really dressed up for the occasion!" She complimented, linking her arm with mine.

"Is it too much?" I asked, looking down at what I was wearing. 

"No!  You're going to fit right in," She assured, "Now let's go, we can meet up with Gray and Mike.  Gray has your car, by the way,"

"Oh thank god, I am glad I won't have to Uber home," I said.  I don't know how emotionally stable I was going to be by the end of the night, and I didn't want to burden the poor driver with a sad girl.

"Here we are," She said, walking in and leading me directly to where my two old friends were standing.  This place was packed, I had no idea how she spotted Colby and Alex here.

"It's been so long!" I threw my arms up in the air before letting them fall on Mikey and Gray.  Angelina joined, and a group hug didn't necessarily fit with the upbeat party vibe.

"You guys drinking tonight?" Gray asked, dabbing Ang up once we separated.  They had a very interesting bromance, even though she was a woman, that's what they called it.

"Nah," Angelina answered for the both of us, before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from them, "We'll see you later, we're going to go dance,"

And with that, I was being dragged away from their table and into the crowd of people, pressing their sweaty bodies against each other to the beat of the music and spilling alcohol over some in the process.

Angelina led us into the thick of the crowd, smiling as she turned and faced me.  We began dancing, letting our bodies bump against each other's and other people who were around us.

To my surprise, she spun herself around and pressed her back against my stomach, moving herself to the beat of the music.

It was more of a worried move than one she'd enjoy, so I let my hands rest on her waist as she turned her head so I could hear her.

"I see them," She shouted with a nod, and I followed her eyes to see she was right.

Colby and Alex were off to the side, not dancing but drinking together.  It hurt my heart to see him so happy, because I knew I could never do that.

The second we were sure they couldn't see us, she grabbed my hand and took us off the dance floor and to the bar.  We were close enough that they could see us if they looked hard enough, but not even close to be in earshot of them.

"Hey," Angelina waved the bartender down, which I thought was unnecessary but I didn't object, "Can you get us drinks please?  Whatever is your favorite," She said to him with a wink.

The second he turned away, Angelina and I peeked over at Colby, who had his hand on Alex's waist.

That was not where his hand was supposed to be.  They were not supposed to be near her, let alone on her. 

Ang glanced over at me, seeing my reaction to his actions.  She looked back over at him once more, and I stared directly at her.  

I couldn't bring myself to look in his direction, disgusted at the thought of the two of them acting like this.  But what Angelina did next couldn't have been much better.

She pushed me up against the counter, her hands on my waist as she forcefully pressed her lips against mine.

Confused and slightly stunned, I didn't move for a moment.  My body lost all function, and I was just standing there.  Something came over me and felt my hands against her face, keeping her lips on mine longer than she probably intended.

"You got something on your lip," She said with a smirk, pulling away and looking over in Colby and Alex's direction, "Sorry.  Colby saw you and I figured you wouldn't mind all that much,"

My silence was a better answer than words, and I looked over to see them standing in the same spot as before.

"Ladies," The bartender said, announcing his presence and handing us two glasses.  I didn't know exactly what it was, but it was definitely a fruity beverage based on how it looked.

"Are we actually drinking tonight?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Angelina.

"Of course not.  I just didn't want the poor guy having to watch us make out," She sat her drink down on the counter before heading over in Gray and Mikey's direction.

I couldn't help but put a little more sway in my hips as we walked past Colby and Alex, having yet to acknowledge each other.  

I had a feeling this was something we wouldn't mention to each other until it came to a point where we coudln't take each other anymore.

I hated this relationship, and I hated this love.

I loved him but at the same time I hated us and everything we've become.

And I don't know who to blame

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