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Taylor's pov

"Do you really think this is going to work?" I asked, looking at the dress that Angelina had gotten bagged yesterday.

"Relax. You haven't even heard the plan yet," Angelina said, laying it as flatly as possible in the trunk of her car.

"So Sam has been keeping me updated, there're leaving in like five minutes. By the time we get there, they'll be gone. He left the gate unlocked so we could get in, and I'll help you get your dress on then leave," She explained as we walked to the drive and passenger doors.

We opened the doors, getting in the car and ignoring the ringing of the car from not having seatbelts on yet. Luckily my car was at the Traphouse already so it wouldn't cause any suspicion that I was there.

"How are they going to get Colby back before everyone else?" I asked as she began driving.

"They rode separately. Sam says he has it all figured out so I'll leave that to him," She turned up the radio to stop our conversation.

I looked at the window the entire ride, feeling the nerves biting away at me. There was this constant feeling that he wouldn't like the dress or that he would leave me once he opened his gift and figured out I was pregnant.

I was just hoping it was a bunch of bullshit and he would be happy, thrilled, even.

"You ready to do this?" She pulled her car up to the sidewalk next to the Traphouse, parking on the side of the road since we could only get in through the smaller gate.

"I think so," I said with a nervous smile as we climbed out and grabbed the dress from the trunk.

Angelina waved me off, grabbing all the materials we got for Colby's surprise. I walked ahead of her, opening the gate door for her and then the front door after that. Sam left everything we would need unlocked, thankfully.

"Okay," Angelina said as she shut the door with her foot, "What are we doing first?"

"Uh," I paused for a moment, taking in the silence of the Traphouse while it lasted, "I think getting the dress on would probably be best. Can you help me with my makeup? You know what it wouldn't hurt to do it on my own. Whatever you feel like doing,"

"Of course I'll help you. Let's get upstairs and get this shitshow started," She joked, beginning to take the dress up to Colby's room.

"Honestly," I sighed, following her up.

She managed to get the door opened on her own, and as I expected, the room wasn't as clean as it was when I left it.

The bed was unmade and the blanket from the couch was thrown on the floor. Hoodies that usually were on the rack beside my side of the bed were mostly on the floor, which was something odd to see since he took really good care of them usually.

"To the bathroom!" Angelina sang, and I followed her to it. She unzipped the dress, laying it on top of the cover on the floor, "Strip, bitch," She smiled at me.

I did as she demanded until I was only left in my undergarments. I stepped into the dress, letting Angelina pull it up and held the front while she tied it in the back.

The metal bars that helped to loop the ribbon were uncomfortable against my back as she tightened it, but as soon as she was done the feeling went away.

I opened my eyes to take in my appearance.

The dress was fit to my body, a beautiful flame-looking red color. It was sleeveless with a slit coming almost the whole way up my thigh. I glanced at the mirror behind me, seeing as the bathroom had mirrors facing each other, and took a look at the criss cross pattern of fabric that held the dress together.

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