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Taylor's pov

"This shit's rigged," Jake huffed, crossing his arms after choosing a giraffe as his prize.

"Well if your throw didn't suck fat nutties you could have won a Shrek," Sam replied before pointing to a food stand, "Look! Deep-friend Oreos!"

I glanced over at Sam, "That's gross.  I'm going to get myself some supreme fries," I said, pointing over to a different stand

"How dare you," Sam and Colby said in unison.

I giggled, pulling out money out of my pocket to pay for my food as I walked over to the line by myself.  

The man in front of me noticed my presence and turned around.  Due to my social awkwardness when I wasn't drunk, I felt the nerves immediately begin stirring as he spoke to me.

"Hello there.  How about I pay for your food so you can spend that money elsewhere?" He asked.  This man couldn't have been more than four or five years older than me, but he surely towered over me height-wise.

"Um, thanks for the offer, but no thank you," I said calmly, "I can pay for myself,"

"Oo, feisty," This man winked at me, and all of a sudden my appetite for the fries or anything else was gone.  Long gone, "Why is a pretty girl like you here alone?" 

"Um, I'm not," I looked around for any sign of Sam or Colby, but I could only see Sam standing in the other line by himself, "My friends are getting food," I believe he could tell I was getting nervous, because I was beginning to stutter.

"They must not be very good friends if you're getting food alone," He countered, and I shrugged.

"I don't need people to be hovering over me all of the time," I insisted, and I couldn't help but notice he was not social distancing, not in the slightest.

"Okay, okay," I didn't know what to think of this man, "You got a boyfriend?"

"Uh, I-," I was cut off by a familiar voice from behind me.

"Yeah, fuck off," Colby snapped at the stranger before putting his back to him.  I noticed his hands were tucked behind his back, "I got you something," His smile returned, and I smiled a little bit though I don't think it was obvious with the masks, and that man left me feeling a little shook up.

"You were gone for less than five minutes," I stated, but there was more confusion to my voice than certainty.

Colby told that creep he was my boyfriend, except he wasn't.  Yeah, it got me out of a situation I didn't want to be in, but it put butterflies in my heart.

And they weren't supposed to be there.

"I am a man of many talents, if I do say so myself," He held out two bags of cotton candy. "I didn't know which one you'd like, so I got both flavors," Colby gestured to the one bag that had pink contents, and the other with blue.

"You didn't have to do that," I said, grabbing the bags from his hands.

He took a step closer to me as the son of a bitch told the workers what he wanted from the truck, "Yeah, well sometimes it's what you want to do, not what you have to,"

I smiled, letting out a little unsure laugh.  "There's that smile," Colby said, and I watched as he glared at the same man from earlier when he walked past.

"Next," The worker yelled, and I stepped up to the cart.

"Hi, can I have the supreme fries please?" I switched the bags to one hand to pull out the money.  

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