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Taylor’s pov

Once again, I woke up and rushed to the bathroom, puking in the toilet. 

I don't remember exactly what happened after we met up with Grayson and MIkey, but I knew that it probably wasn’t good and I definitely drank something based on the shit that just came out of my mouth.

The headache didn’t quite set in yet like normal, but I drank pedialyte and took headache pills for when it hit.

Angelina was knocked out on my couch, a blanket thrown over her waist.  She had one foot hanging off the couch, and I laughed quietly at her stupid sleeping position.

As quick as possible, I grabbed an outfit for the day and hopped in the shower.  I had no idea what we’d be doing, but I could only hope that it’d be relaxing.

I needed a day to relax.

While I was scrubbing my hair, I remembered how I told Sam I would come over today.  I didn’t know exactly what we’d be doing, but I wouldn’t mind getting out of the apartment and doing something.

Even though it’d be awkward as hell if Colby was there.

I’d have to act like nothing happened last night, that I stayed home alone like I told Sam I was going to.

I wondered if Sam knew that Colby went out last night, and if he knew that Alex was the girl in his room instead of me like he assumed.

Sam would put the pieces together quicker than I would, being that they live together and he’s much more observant that I was.

Maybe I could just hide in Corey’s room or go hang out with Tara in Jake’s.  I didn’t know Tara quite as well, being that she kept her distance from me from the start.

Based on the conversations I overheard, she knew Colby would get like this.  I didn’t want her to have the satisfaction of knowing she was right and then push me away.

I finished my shower in a short amount of time, throwing on the white crop top and light gray sweatpants before throwing my hair up in a bun, letting it air dry that way.  I put on light makeup, light eyeshadow, mascara and lip gloss.

By the time I was out of the shower and back in the living room, Angelina was up.

“Hey,” I greeted, grabbing an apple from the basket on the counter and taking a bite.  “I have to go over to Sam’s today.  Did Alex ever come home?”

“Yeah,” A third voice answered for Angelina, and I looked over to see Alex walking into the room, “Good morning yall.  Angelina,” She greeted stiffly, hardly looking at the girl.

“Did you have fun last night?” Angelina asked, a polite smile on her face, “Taylor got lonely I came over and we did stuff,” 

Alex glanced back and forth between the two of us, confusion painted on her face, “Yeah,” She said quickly, opening the fridge and looking through it, “Are we out of yogurts?”

“They’re in the back,” I pointed with a pinkie before looking at Angelina, “Look, that’s not how that went at all and you know it.  You surprised me with White Claws and we hung out,”

“You’re back to drinking?” Alex glanced over at me.

I realized I completely lied to her about the alcohol, “Yeah,” I lied again, “Feels good sometimes, you know?”

“What were you up to yesterday?” Angelina asked, getting up from the couch and joining us in the kitchen.

“Oh, nothing much,” She looked down at a drawer as she opened it, pulling a spoon out for her yogurt, “Went to a friend's house, got home late.  No biggy,”

“Must have been a good friend,” Angelina nodded to Alex’s neck, something I hadn’t noticed before.  Hickeys.

The sight of them made my blood boil.  There were two.  I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, but it was expected.  I knew this would happen, everyone who was friends with Colby knew it would happen.

Alex stiffened, her hand instantly going to her neck, “Yeah, we got a little carried away,”

“Looks like it,” Angelina said before quickly moving on, “So, speaking of which, Taylor.  How good’s the dick?”

“What?” I choked on the bite of an apple I had in my mouth, putting a hand on my chest out of panic.

I knew she was trying to spark something in Alex, but I wasn’t expecting her to start asking me questions about Colby and I’s sex life.

The look on her face represented something close to serious, so I’d figure I’d answer the question with complete bullshit and tell her the truth later.

“Well,” I began, and was immediately cut off by Angelina.

“Oh, wait you’re actually sharing! Holy shit!” She shouted simply out of excitement, “Tell me everything.  When was the first time? Did you guys do it while you were away?  Oh my god I feel so bad if your dad had to hear that,” my face began to burn as I continued.

“Uh,” I lied, though I covered it up pretty well, “I think the first time was when I met him.  We met at Jake’s birthday party or whatever then just, went for it,”

“What?” Alex spat, clearing her throat before continuing in a calmer tone, “I didn’t know that,”

“Yeah, he’s a horny fucking guy,” I said with a laugh, and I wasn’t lying, “It should be his middle name,”

“I’ll say.  Anyways, aren’t you going over there today?” Angelina remembered.

“Yeah.  I think it’s because the first part of Cerro Gordo comes out today,”  I threw the remainder of the apple in the trash, not feeling hungry anymore.

“I wish I could go with them on a youtube trip, but not to a desert,” Alex added into the conversation for the first time without being asked about it.

Alex was a clout chaser, I’ve known that for a while now.  Of course she’d go with them.  But she never will.  I will shoot her before that happens.

“Maybe one day,” I say instead, “Maybe one day all three of us will go, we’ll have to see,”

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