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Taylor's pov

"Nice apartment," Colby noted as he stepped through the door for the first time.  I couldn't agree or disagree with that statement, simply because it wasn't that nice, but it wasn't an awful place to live, either.

"Not as nice as your house," I walked over to the couch, turning off the television that Alex must have left on, "Alex, are you here?"

With no response, I assumed she was probably not home.  I couldn't remember whether or not I saw her car in the parking garage.

I peeked over at Colby, who was looking through the fridge with a smirk on his face, "What?" I asked, walking up to him, "Is it because we have an empty box of Mountain Dew Code Red in there?" I snuck my arm past his head, pulling it out before throwing it away.

"No.  I just know where you live now, that's all," He shut the fridge door.  Honestly, sometimes men could be confusing.

"How does knowing where I live make you smile?  It's not my fault you drove for nearly twenty minutes going the exact opposite way, and then typed the wrong apartment complex into your phone," I shrugged pulling myself up to sit on the counter.

"I didn't want to look like an idiot and just sit there until you told me your address," He said, walking over to me and standing in between my legs.

"Well you looked like an idiot anyways, and we should have been here an hour ago," I let out an amused breath, and he smiled, resting his hand on my thigh and caressing my leg with his thumb.

I heard Alex's bedroom door shut, and we both looked into the direction of the short entry hallway that led to her room.

I spun around on the counter, getting down on the other side just as Alex made an appearance, "Oh. Hey Tay, hi Colby," She waved, stretching before walking into the kitchen behind Colby and opening the fridge.  "Who drank the last code red?" She looked at the both of us suspiciously.

"The box was empty when we got here," I told her, "Alright, I'm going to go and get ready.  You can do whatever," I told Colby.

"Okay," He said simply, and followed me to my bedroom.  It wasn't really a big deal since I had to take a shower and the bathroom is where I'd be getting ready, but I'm assuming that's what he figured or he just didn't want to talk to Alex. 

"Yeah, my room is not as nice as yours, but it's good enough for me," I said and we walked into the room.  My bedroom was nice, it had a master closet and master bathroom just like his, but the bedroom itself was smaller and it didn't look like Elizabeth the Dragon's sex lair.

"It suits a girl," He said, nudging me in the arm.

"Alright sexist," I fired back, "I'm going to go and take a shower.  You do as you please,"

Colby raised his eyebrows at me as if he was debating on whether or not to ask a question, "What Colby?" I asked, turning to pull out jeans and a crop top to change into.

"Does that mean I can shower with you if I wanted to?" He asked, and I laughed at the stupid request.  Then I realized his face was dead ass.

"What would you change into?" I asked quietly, feeling the mood in the room change dramatically, and how surprised that he was that I was actually thinking about the offer.

"Nothing, I would just put on these," He motioned to his outfit, and all this conversation was doing was confusing me.

"So you want to take a shower with me, for what?" I asked.

Not that I had a problem with taking a shower with him, but we met only a couple of days ago.  And I didn't want him staring at, well, me.

"It would save time.  We're already about to run late for meeting up with everyone else, and I still have to shower," He pointed out, and I shrugged.

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