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Colby's pov

"Are you sure that all of this is a good idea, Colby?  You met her less than a week ago, and you're already sleeping in the same bed," Sam said, not looking up from his laptop screen.

"I don't want to wait too long just to lose her again," I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"You aren't losing her again.  Taylor isn't going anywhere, she never has, and she wouldn't anyways. I know it," He took a sip from his water, but his nonchalant vibe was really starting to piss me off.

"But what happens if something goes wrong?" I walked around to the front of the couch, sitting on it with my elbows on my knees, "I didn't judge you when Kat was seventeen and you got together.  Why are you judging me now?" I asked, thinking back to what he said.

"I knew Kat for months before I even thought about asking her out on a date, brother," He defended himself in a slow talking speed, not really focusing on what I had to say, but Sam's tone did soften when he opened his mouth again and he looked over at me, "What happened with Meghan will not happen with Taylor.  And you need to tell her about Meghan.  If you really care about her as much as you say you do, then you'll tell her about your past,"

"Yeah," I said lamely, staring at the ground.

"Remember that she isn't a fan," Sam said as I stood up, "She wants to get to know you for you,"

"Yeah, thanks brother," I said, even though he really wasn't helpful.

Even after nearly two years, it made my chest hurt to think about Meghan.  I thought she was the one for me, but God apparently said otherwise.  I didn't want to tell Taylor about her simply because I know deep down inside me I will never stop loving Meghan.

But there's a difference between being in love and loving someone.  I already told Taylor about the girls I used to numb my pain, to push it into a tiny box.  However, I didn't want it to be like that anymore.

And I wanted to make sure Taylor knew that.

I opened the door to my bedroom quietly, trying not to wake her because I knew she was still sleeping.  I watched her for a moment before walking further into the room.  Taylor's face was so peaceful, a slight grin on her face as she slept.  God, she was beautiful.

I got back in the bed and made my way over to her, resting my head in the crook of her neck and laying on top of the blankets.

Just like I used to do with Meghan, back when she was mine.  I twisted the ring she gave me, the one she gave me almost two weeks before she left.

Before she left me and this world forever.  I shut my eyes tightly, clenching my fists, trying to block out the memory of when I found her, face down on the bathroom floor, blood dripping from the wound in her head.

I remember when I got home with Sam, and how there was blood leaking underneath the bathroom door in my apartment. And that's when I found her.  I pulled her into my arms, crying into her chest and screaming for Sam, who called the ambulance, who knew it was too late.

I vividly remember Katrina screaming and sobbing with me, and Sam comforting us when the paramedics ripped the lifeless body from my arms.

Katrina was the one who brought us together.  Meghan was from Canada, just like Katrina.  They grew up together.

For months afterwards, if something reminded Kat or I of her, we'd start crying like babies, but the one who suffered the worse was Sam. He lost a bestfriend, a girlfriend and someone he had yet to get to know like the other two did.

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