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Taylor's pov

After spending the entire day with Gray and Colby, who actually seemed to get along really well, I realized that any plans I may think of could only work if we were back in California.

So even though I loved my father and family with everything I am, I convinced everyone, Colby included, that there was an emergency back at work that needed to be taken care of as soon as possible.

Gray knew damn well not to believe me, but he stayed quiet while I repacked my suitcase, and even offered to take it to my car.

I completely had forgotten we'd need to drive home, but he offered to take the car for me so I could "handle my business"

"So," He said, sliding my suitcase into the trunk of my car, "When everything with your work smoothes over, I think you should come reconnect with us. Mikey and I miss you back at the bar,"

Gray was definitely an attractive man, with his dark hair and bright green eyes. He was more ripped than Colby or Aryia, and damn was his smile charming.

"I might take you up on your offer," I said, leaning in to hug him, "I really missed you guys. I truly did, I just needed a break, I think,"

"Everyone deserves a break from time to time," He agreed with a nod, "But he would want you to come back stronger, you know that?" The small reference to Ryan made my heart ache.

"Yeah, and I will," I promised, "I will,"

I seemed to trail off, and I could tell Gray was distracting himself with his own thoughts, walking back into my father's house and mumbling something I didn't pick up.

Colby would be taking his bag with him, but I would be leaving mine for Gray to take home. I had nothing of importance in there, anyways, so I was completely fine with it and so was everyone else.

"You ready to go?" Colby hollered from the porch, smiling when he realized he caught my attention.

"Yeah. You called for the Uber, didn't you?" I asked as I shut the trunk and walked up to him on the porch.

"It shouldn't be much longer," He placed his hands on my hips, planting a kiss on my forehead, "Are you excited to go back home?"

"Yeah. I miss Ang," I felt him stiffen when I mentioned her, but the moment passed and he continued with his original thought.

"What about Alex?" He raised an eyebrow, seeming to ask why I didn't mention my best friend.

"Yeah, but I live with her so it's not as exciting. I think I'm going to see if they will do a girls night but I don't know yet," I bit my bottom lip in concentration.

I needed to get Alex and Angelina with me alone if I was going to find any information on Colby cheating without raising suspicion.

Or I could just get Colby or one of the trapgirls to throw a friend-party without actually telling them specifically to do it. Which shouldn't be hard because they are out partying every other night almost.

"I'm going to spend the night at my house, if that's okay," I looked up at him, and he gave me a fake pout.

"It's okay, if you get lonely you can just go cuddle with Jake or something," I teased him, and he laughed quietly, though he didn't seem very amused.

"I actually have to finish editing. Our video comes out next Sunday so I have to get that done," He admitted, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to where a car with the Uber logo pulled up at the end of the driveway.

We climbed in the backseat, Colby going after me so I was sitting behind the driver.

"Oh my god, are you Colby Brock?" The driver, who was a girl and couldn't have been older than either of us, turned around to get a better look at him.

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