Author's Note: The End of Top Priority

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Hey, you've made it to the end!

(To be honest, i have no intent of writing a sappy letter about how grateful i am for you reading this, i'm not here to waste your time. If you wanna see that stuff, go look at my conversations haha. anyways-)

Okay, Top Priority WILL have a second book..... On these conditions:

We hit 4.5k reads (currently at 3.5k, or 3,591 if you wanna be specific)

120 votes (current at 87)

230 comments (currently at 137)

I know that sounds like a lot, but I promise it won't take that long!

Until those goals are met, I will be working more on Disastrous, which just hit 100 reads a couple days ago so thank you for that!

The second book to Top Priority (as of right now) is called I Needed You, and it WILL have a prologue which will be different than my normal writing style, (i'm trying something different with those chapters).

THOSE chapters will be released with these goals for Disastrous

250 reads (currently 113)

40 votes (currently at 22)

and 35 comments (currently at 14)

Alright, this book is finished besides occasional updates on the goals, so now you've officially completed: Top Priority.


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