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Taylor's pov

"Are you almost ready?" Colby shouted as he walked into his bedroom.

"Yeah!" I shouted back, quickly zipping up my bookbag with my clothes in it.

We were going on a hike, a rescheduled one from when we had planned to go a couple of days ago.

Even though we were having problems in our relationship, it was good that we were still willing to be with each other and have alone time.

I had a feeling that all of this was happening simply because we were moving too fast. We'd hardly known each other for two months, and I was already pregnant and we were at that weird "I love you" stage.

I hated and loved it at the same time.

I threw the bag in the corner of the bathroom, where I've been keeping it the past couple of days. It was somewhere I knew Colby wouldn't mind it being, and also wouldn't care enough to go through it.

I still had the envelope and tests in it.

I couldn't possibly leave them at the apartment without having constant anxiety about Alex going through my stuff. If she was to find out I was pregnant, surely she would tell somebody, or even make a hint about it on social media.

Which is something I didn't want to happen, because as far as the media was concerned I was single. There would be rumors with who the father was, and I didn't want that to interfere with the trapboys career.

My new Youtube video was posted yesterday, and I posted a couple of drafts on tiktoks and a photo dump on Instagram. Corey's video would be uploaded today, and Jake's would be whenever he got around to it.

I was still getting hate comments, especially on the Youtube video with Corey, Jake and Reggie. People in the comments were shipping Corey and I, which was something I didn't understand until he explained it to me.

Both of us were the only single people in the video, and since we were of opposite gender it was just asking for us to be shipped together.

Corey reassured me that he would ignore all of the comments like that, especially seeing that we weren't even all that close to begin with.

I also had a boyfriend, so that was another reason as to why all the "shipping" shit was awkward.

"Okay, I'm ready," I sighed, walking out of the bathroom. Colby was sitting on the edge of his bed, I couldn't help but admire his body.

I got a sneak peak of his arms that were poking out from his shirt. Sam always teased him about working out more, saying it was to impress me.

I was halfway convinced that Colby only denied it because it wasn't me he was trying to impress, but Alex.

NO. I scolded myself. None of these thoughts today. We are going to have a good day.

"Alright, great. It might rain while we're out, do you want a hoodie?" Colby asked, standing up and walking towards his closet.

He grabbed my hand as he walked past me, guiding me to his closet.

"When does it ever rain in LA?" I asked, looking through the racks full of hoodies in his closet.

"True. But just in case," He threw me a dark hoodie, knowing that I liked the one with X's on it.

Colby put a hoodie on himself, a hoodie with Aryia's name on it. It was his merch, and Colby told me that he had the matching cutoff shirt until Jake and the boys ripped it a couple of months ago.

I slipped my hoodie on, pulling my hair out from the back of it so it wasn't tucked into it.

"Let's go," Colby patted his pockets before jogging out of the room, "I gotta go grab my keys,"

I giggled, covering my mouth as I followed him out of the room at a slower pace. He had too much energy sometimes, but I loved him for it.

It almost made up for him cheating on me, at least on a good day.

Colby beat me down the stairs, out of breath by the time he ran out to his car. Even though he ran through the house, getting all the things we would need for our hike, I beat him outside.

He went to go open the door for me, but I shooed him away and did it myself. I wasn't a dependent lazy motherfucker, I could do it myself.

"Fine," Colby huffed as he got in the car, a smile on his face as he spoke, "I'll just be a gentleman and open the door for myself,"

"Have fun with that," I smiled back at him, "How far away is the trail thing that we're going to?"

"It'll be like twenty minutes," He pulled out of the parking area, and as he turned onto the main street he tossed his phone on the center console, "Music?"

"Yeah, I gotchu," I grabbed his phone, plugging the aux cord into it before scrolling through his music, "Do you have anything in mind?"

"We need a song," Colby rubbed his chin after he responded, "Every cheesy couple has one,"

"We're not a regular cheesy couple," I reminded, "But I'll find one,"

"Jake would disagree," He countered, resting his hand on my thigh as he drove.

I tried my hardest to think of a good song that people would use in a relationship. I also had to pick one I didn't love because when we broke up I didn't want to worry about having to listen to it.

While I looked, I put on some random Spotify station so the car wouldn't be filled with awkward silence. I didn't really pay attention to what was playing, but Colby seemed to like it because he was humming along, tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat of the song.

"I got one!" I shouted, tapping repeatedly at his screen.

"What is it?" He asked, glancing over at me. Colby seemed amused by my excitement, which made my heart flutter just a little.

I turned up the volume, and after a couple seconds into the song he realized what it was, "This?!" He asked in surprise.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Uh, no reason," He said quickly. Colby's smile faded a little, but he sang along with me when Nelly started singing.

"I was thinking about you, thinking 'bout me. Thinking 'bout us, what we gonna be!" I laughed a little, knowing this isn't how a "couple's" song is picked out.

Usually it's something that just happens to be playing during a meaningful moment. This would have to do, however.

Colby's happy mood came back after I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He was still driving so there wasn't much he could do in return.

After the song ended, I handed Colby back his phone. He played music I didn't really know, but it had a good beat so I still was able to vibe with it.

Before I knew it, he was pulling into a gravel parking lot. Nobody else was here, meaning we wouldn't have to deal with other people.

"I love this one," Colby admitted when we got out of the car and started walking towards the greenery, "Hardly anyone knows about it, it's beautiful,"

"Just like you,"

"Oh, quit it," I slapped his arm playfully, but I could feel my cheeks burn as I blushed. No wonder Jake thought we were a cheesy couple. We were. There was no denying it.

This was something I knew I'd enjoy with Colby. The time we spend alone, doing things that aren't necessarily sexual but mean as much as if it were.

Colby had told me about how the only thing he used to do with women was in his bed. I understood where he was coming from, after the heartbreak he went through that Kat told me more about than Colby did.

I knew I could never be her, be Meghan or Alex.

But I would do my best to be there for him.


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