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Taylor’s pov

“I’m telling you, Mikey and Gray are just my friends. I haven’t even talked to them in God knows how long,” I said, crossing my arms and facing him.

“That’s not what your dad made it seem like,” Colby snapped, not looking at me as he drove.

We were on the way to investigate the abandoned bar and home of the murderer Joe Ball, or the “alligator murderer”

Colby insisted he drove, and I put the directions into his phone so he’d know where to go.

“My dad likes to exaggerate things, Colby.  Calm down,” I begged.  “This is supposed to be a fun night where we film my first Youtube video, not a night that we spend arguing about two people I haven’t even mentioned to you,”

“Have you ever thought about that? The fact that you never mentioned them to me? What if you never told me who they were because they’re just your fuck buddies that you go and see when I’m not around?!” He slammed his fist against the steering wheel. 

I never saw Colby act like this, not even on the night we met when he was yelling at the guy who was trying to take me home.

“Are you accusing me of fucking cheating? You of all people?!” I retorted, “Do you realize how stupid you sound right now?!”

“What else am I supposed to think, Taylor?” He yelled back at me, and when he looked at me I could clearly see the rage flaring in his eyes.

“I don’t know, maybe just use a little common sense!” I threw my arms up in the air before letting them fall into my lap.

“There is no sense in this!” Colby motioned back and forth between us, “You try and hide everything from me like I’m not going to find out about it eventually!  And when I do, all you do is get all defensive and it’s so stupid!”

“Oh, and now your calling me stupid,” I asked, even though it came out more as a statement then a question.

“No!  But don’t you see a problem here?” Colby looked over at me again, his voice not as loud anymore.

“I’m not the problem in this relationship!” I snapped, “You are!”

Not even seconds later, Colby slammed on the brakes, pulling off to the side of the road, “Get out,” He said coldly.

“You’re going to kick me out of my own goddamn car?” I asked as I readjusted myself in the seat.

“I didn’t stutter, did I? Get the hell out,” He repeated, and after a moment, I huffed and obeyed.

I took my bookbag that had all the camera equipment, flashlights, and water we were going to use.  We were in the middle of nowhere, probably only five miles or so from where the Sociable Inn was.  That was the name of where we were heading, well, where I am going. Alone.

Without looking back, I began making my way down the road, looking straight ahead.  I didn’t look at a single car that drove past, so I didn’t exactly know where Colby went.

At this point I didn’t really care, and I considered the things Angelina told me once again.  I pulled out my phone, calling the number that she put into my phone before leaving the other night.

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