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Taylor's pov

"Alright so we're going to play this game a little differently," Sam announced to the group of us sitting in a circle.

He brought an empty beer bottle, laying it on its side in the center, "Someone is going to spin the bottle," Sam made an example as he spoke, spinning the bottle and waiting for it to stop.

"It landed on Corey, so I would ask Corey "truth" or "dare"," He explained, and held his finger up, "And if you get a dare you don't want to do, or a question you don't want to answer, you take a shot. But you can only do this one time, so use it wisely. Anyone who doesn't use it by the end wins fifty bucks,"

"Sweet, making that dollar baby," Red-haired Jake rubbed his hands together, watching as Sam took a seat in between Kat and Corey. I was seated in between Brennen and Colby, with Angelina and Alex to Colby's right and Jake Taylor and Katrina to Brennen's left. Sam was sitting almost directly across from me.

"I want to start," Jake said, spinning the bottle instantly after. Waiting for the bottle to stop spinning was almost painful, but everyone except one person let out a sigh of relief when it slowed down enough to land on someone.

"Okay, Katrina. Truth or Dare?"

She thought for a moment, considering her options, "Mmmm, dare,"

Jake didn't think of a dare previously, so it took him a second to think of a good one. He started off easy, grabbing a balloon hanging on the pole table and handing it to Katrina, "Suck the helium out of this baby and sing who she while doing the tiktok dance,"

"Fucking weak!" Someone shouted from across the room, and I looked over to see an unfamiliar boy with dark hair standing beside Xepher. It surprised me that I didn't know who this man was yet, and how they had so many random people show up to their parties.

"What can I say, I'm a nice guy Griffin," Jake shrugged before turning his attention back to Katrina, who had already bit the balloon and sucked the chemicalized air out of it.

"Whoa," She said, placing her hand on her chest before laughing at the sound of her voice, "Okay, wow," She couldn't stop laughing at her own voice, which I thought was pretty cute.

"Do the dance before it wears off!" Brennen said, pulling out his phone and recording it.

"Okay, okay," Kat used her hands to push herself to her feet, skipping over to an open space and facing the group.

"Who she, wearing all that Gucci posting pictures of her tushi," She threw it back aggressively, and Angelina and I began clapping, impressed with her performance though she wasn't even done, "I think she wants to be me. Talking to my boyfriend like she is his girlfriend, told her you were single. That's what she said!" She wasn't really singing, all of us aware that it would probably injure her vocal chords, so she was just saying the words with a lot of energy to back it up, "You're left a smoking gun, oh woah,"

"That's what she said!" Kevin yelled from somewhere by the kitchen, and Corey gave her a high five as she joined the circle once more. "Okay, my turn," She said, her pipsqueak voice beginning to die down. She spun the bottle, landing on Jake Taylor.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Uh," He took a sip of his White Claw before setting it down next to him, "Truth,"

"What is the most amount of girls you made out with in one day?" She asked, saying the first thing that popped into her mind.

Jake Taylor began counting on his fingers, and I highly doubt he was being honest when he moved on to his second hand, "Four, I think. On my eighteenth birthday," He quickly added when Brennen shot him a surprised look. "Anyways," He cleared his throat before spinning.

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