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ALL CREDITS FOR THE SMUT GO TO heartlessbrock. check out the stories on that account if you haven't already!

Taylor's pov

The whole car ride home, I knew I had to find a way to test Colby. I debated on texting Angelina for ideas, but I knew this is something I needed to do on my own.

To my surprise, we came home to the house being empty. I had no idea where my father went, but a note left on the fridge said he was at his mother's and would be home in the morning.

I thought more about the situation, and realized how many doors this unlocked now that we were home alone.

I walked up to my bedroom, looking for wherever Colby went. I stopped when I got to my room, my eyes landing on my bed.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my brain. It was probably one of the stupidest ideas I ever thought of, but it was worth a shot.

The second Colby walked into the room, I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around him and resting my chin on his chest.

He smiled down at me, confused with my actions, "What are you doing?" He laughed, seeming nervous.

I shrugged, "I don't know," He knew better, or at least I thought he would.

"But," I added before he lost interest, "We have the house to ourselves,"

"What are you suggesting?" He asked, and I noticed how he swung the door shut with his foot.

I blinked innocently up at him, a smirk presenting itself on my face.

"Oh. I see what you're saying," He didn't hesitate with his actions, and within seconds I realized this would be easier than I thought.

Colby kissed me passionately as he reached for my ass, holding it in his hands. I moaned into his mouth, letting him deepen the kiss.

We made out for a while before Colby picked me up and led me towards the bed. I moaned and threw my head back as he kissed my neck, gently biting and sucking on the skin there.

"Colby.." I moaned as he laid me on the bed, hovering over me. "Yes, beautiful?"

He whispered as he kissed down my neck. "Take me." I whispered as he looked up at me with dilated pupils.

"Are you sure?" He asked as I nodded. "Positive." I said then took his face in my hands and pulled him in to kiss me.

Colby moaned into my mouth and brought his hand to my breast, squeezing it as I reached for the buttons of his pants. "Taylor." Colby said and looked into my eyes. "Are you sure? I don't want to rush this. " He said as I nodded.

"I want you. I want you so bad." I whispered then kissed him gently. Colby moaned then pulled back, taking my hands to pull me up. As soon as I was sitting straight, Colby pulled off my shirt, leaving me in just a bra. "You're so beautiful."

He whispered and looked at my body as if it was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. "I'm all yours." I said as he unclasped my bra. I moaned as soon as the fresh air hit my newly exposed skin.

"You're so hot." He said then lowered his lips to my neck again. As he kissed my neck I pulled his jeans down as far as I could then cupped the bulge that was in his boxers.

"You're so hard for me." I moaned as he nodded. "Only for you, beautiful." He said then kissed down my body until he reached the top of my jeans.

"Fuck." I whispered as he unbuttoned them and pulled them off of my body. "I'm gonna make you feel so good." He said then pulled my underwear off before bringing his mouth to my heat.

"Oh!" I gasped as he flicked his tongue against my sensitive clit. "Oh, Colby!" I moaned and brought my hand to his hair, lacing my fingers through it. "Right there, babe. Right there!"

I moaned and threw my head back. "You taste so good." Colby whispered as he teased my entrance with his fingers. "Don't stop!" I cried out as pleasure filled my whole body.

Colby grinned against me and continued at the steady pace he was going. I felt like my body was going to explode with how much pressure was building up but it felt so good. "I'm so close...oh I'm so close!" I cried out and gripped the sheets next to me.

"Cum for me, baby. Cum." Colby cooed as my orgasm flooded through me. "Oh, god! Colbyyy!!" I moaned out as I came all over his fingers. "Good girl."

Colby cooed then looked up at me. "You're so good at that." I whispered as I tried to catch my breath. "Just you wait. It gets better." He said then stood up and pulled his boxers down.

"I wanna play." I said with a giggle then sat up. "Oh yeah?" He asked as I slid off of the bed and got on my knees. "Oh, fuck. Taylor." Colby moaned as I spit on his cock. "Relax." I whispered then glided my hand along his shaft, looking up at him.

I did this for only a minute before I opened my mouth and put him in. I circled my tongue around his head, causing him to moan with pleasure. I felt satisfaction as I took him in deeper, bringing both of my hands to his shaft. I rubbed at him as I bobbed my head, essentially fucking him with my mouth.

"That feels so fucking good." Colby said then took a handful of my hair and pulling it, causing me to look up. "Good girl." He whispered as his eyes filled with need. This look in his eye only egged me on more as I quickened my pace.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." Colby announced as I pulled away and opened my mouth. I rubbed his shaft vigorously until he was cumming in my mouth.

I giggled then stuck my tongue out, letting the cum pool there before I swallowed it. "You're so hot." Colby growled then hooked his arms under my armpits and lifted me up.

I giggled as he threw me onto the bed. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Colby asked again as I nodded. "More than anything in the world." I said then kissed him. Colby groaned against my lips and hovered over me, letting his hands roam along my naked body.

We made our for a while before Colby reached down and pushed his cock through my wet folds, warming me up. "Wait. I don't have a condom." Colby said as I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it." I said then kissed him. We made our for a little while before he lined himself up with my entrance. "Ohh.." I moaned as he slowly inserted himself into me. "Oh!"

I gasped and dug my nails into his shoulders. I knew he was big but I didn't realize how big until he was pushing himself into me. "You okay?" Colby asked as I nodded. "You're fucking huge." I said as he grinned.

"I'll give you a minute." He said then stalled his movements. After about a minute I relaxed and looked at him. "Okay." I whispered and put my hand on his cheek. I looked into his eyes as he slowly thrusted into me. I moaned and looked at him with need as he studied my features.

"You're beautiful." He whispered then kissed me gently as he pulled out only to thrust into me again. "Ah!! You feel so good." I whispered and hid my face in his shoulder. "You're so tight, babe." Colby moaned as he thrusted into me.

"Oh! I'm close." I whispered as he quickened the pace. "I want you to cum with me. I want you to cum all over my dick." He said and thrusted into me harder. "Ah! Okay! Okay!"

I moaned out and threw my head back. We continued at this pace for only a couple more seconds before he started grunting and quivering.

"Oh! I'm cumming!" I gasped out as Colby grunted and punched the pillow next to me as he released inside of me.

We rode out eachothers orgasms before Colby collapsed on top of me. We both laid there trying to catch our breath as I played with his hair aimlessly.

I was sitting in a cloud of euphoria as we laid together. I have had sex before but it was never as good as what we just did.

I could get used to sex like this.

Too bad it probably wouldn't happen again.

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