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Taylor's pov

"This is impossible," I said, trying to calm myself down.

"It could be a faulty test, that happens from time to time. Oh my god," She realized, looking down at her own, "Mine could be a bad one and I could actually be pregnant,"

"I don't think so, Kat," I set my pregnancy test down on the counter, "I can't have kids,"

"So what are you worried about?" She looked at me, clearly confused.

"The fact that the doctor might've been wrong," I chewed my lip, "Let me take another one,"

I ran out of Sam's bedroom and down the stairs, alerting everyone of my presence with my loud footsteps.

Katrina followed me, beating me to the kitchen and tossing me a water bottle before getting one for herself.

Colby and Corey were also in the kitchen, looking at us oddly as we chugged water.

"What are you two up to?" Corey asked, smiling through the awkwardness of us drinking water aggressively.

Kat put her water bottle down before me, looking at him, "We're filming a video where we eat spicy food," She lied, taking in a breath, "Takis are spicy,"

"Y'all are gonna be shitting later," Corey warned, and Colby watched me with a confused look on his face.

"I didn't know you'd be filming a video," He looked back and forth between the two of us.

I set the empty water bottle down on the counter, letting the cap fall beside it, "We just got bored and Kat needs content,"

"Where's the camera?" Corey crossed his arms, "Shouldn't you be recording your guys' reactions?"

I met Katrina's wide eyes with my own before snatching the empty water bottle off the counter, running back out of the room with another word. Kat followed me, realizing what I was doing to get out of asking questions.

By the time we were back in Sam's room, both of us were out of breath, "We need to work out more," She breathed, falling backwards onto his bed.

"For real," I agreed, tossing the water bottle in the trash can in Sam's office before walking back to Katrina.

"You gotta piss yet?" She asked, looking over at me as she grabbed her phone.

I shook my head, sitting back down on his bed. Overall, I was still unbothered about the positive test. I knew I couldn't have kids. I fucked that up for myself years ago, when I still lived in Texas with Celina and Angelina.

"Okay, well I do," She sat up after a second, tossing her phone beside her, "I'll be right back,"

"How small is your bladder god damn?" I asked, but I got no response.

I had no idea how this was happening to me. I knew I wasn't pregnant, that was impossible.

I needed to call Angelina, but I wouldn't do that to Kat. She needed me right now, more than I needed anyone.

I was only twenty two years old, I wasn't ready for a kid. I had my entire life to live, and if I really was pregnant then that meant that I would forever be tied to Colby.

And if we broke up then I wanted nothing to do with him. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible, but I couldn't do that to my kid.

That would hurt, it would hurt me, Colby and the child. No matter what, I couldn't hurt my child like that.

There was no guarratnee I was pregnant, and it was highly unlikely.

How often is a doctor wrong? Something wasn't adding up.

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