Prologue: I'm Begging You

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"You've gotta be fucking kidding me, there's no way." I practically yelled.
Tomura sighed, "Hitoshi, you're the only one that can do this. You're their age and nobody knows your identity. We need you to do this."
I stood up, "There's no way I'm going somewhere I'd be surrounded by heroes, that's a death wish. Tell the old man that he's out of his mind. I'm not doing it, Tomura." I started to walk out of the room but Tomura grabbed my arm.
   "Hitoshi, please, I'll do anything. We need you to do this for us. It's one of the most important missions we have right now. You know I never beg for anything, doesn't this say anything? We'll still call you for other missions, just please do this." He begged, never letting go on my arm.
   I forced my arm out of his grasp and sighed. "Get me new knives, top of the line. The ones I have now are too dull. Do that and I'm in." I replied as I turned to leave the room. As I walked I pulled my pack of cigarettes out my pocket. Tomura thanked me but I just rolled my eyes, "I can't believe I actually agreed to this."
   And that's what led me here, currently walking into the doors of UA. My name is Shinso Hitoshi, my villain name is Mind Freak. I'm 16 years old and one of Japan's most wanted villains with around 200 kills under my belt from the last 9 years. I was abandoned at age 7 and was taken in by the league shortly after. They trained me to be one of the strongest villains around, I do my best to live to their expectations. Never in my life did I imagine that I'd be going to UA, but here we are. I already hated this mission more than life itself.
   I was told I had to move into the dorms here so before I went to class I dropped off my suitcase. Hopefully the kids in this class don't touch it, all my villain gear is in there. It would be unfortunate if my mission failed on the first day because some stupid kids were too nosy for their own good. I'm not afraid to cut off some fingers if they touch my shit. The only reason I'm even here is because of my age and the fact nobody but the league knows of my identity outside of Mind Freak, I've been careful and stealthy enough for nobody to catch me or figure anything out. I plan to keep it that way aswell.
   I've been told throughout my life that I look like a villain. I have messy purple hair, eyebags, and over the years I've earned a fair amoung of scars from combat, mainly on my hands and arms. Growing up with my quirk wasn't very easy either, I've always being told I had a villain's quirk from everybody around me. Maybe that's what led my down this path. I don't regret the life I've lived, it's actually fairly fun being a villain. I enjoy doing what I do and I can't imagine doing anything else with my life.
   Walking down the halls of UA I recieved many confused startes, probably because people were wondering who I was. School has been in for a little over a month from what Tomura had informed me, so it's probably weird to see a new face at this time. I scanned the halls for class 1A as I walked, finding it after 15 minutes of wandering the halls. I opened the door and walked inside, the teacher waving me over to him and having me stand in front of the class.
   "You guys have a new student joining you today, go ahead and introduce yourself." The teacher instructed.
   I sighed and look ahead at the class, "My name is Shinso Hitoshi, I look forward to working with you guys." I said, immediately feeling sick. I absolutely hated this. This mission is going to be torture, I can already feel it.

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