Barely Escaped

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"Ready to go kid?" Tomura asked as I walked out of my room. I was strapping my blades to me as I walked over.
"Damn right." I replied, a smile on my face. Today Tomura was taking me out on a mission. It was just me and him seeing as Himiko and Jin were on a different mission, Dabi was out with Hawks, and the rest of the league were I don't even know where. Tomura wanted to go and rob someone's apartment. I have no idea why but I don't question these dumb missions he wants to go on sometimes.
The plan was for us to go while the resident was out, I was on look out while Tomura robbed the place. After the mission was over he said he'd take me to one of the nicest villain restraunts around seeing as we barely spend time together anymore. I was actually fairly excited about it, I'd never tell him to his face but I admired Tomura quite a bit. He's as close to family as I'll ever have. He saved me and I owe him my life. That's why I'll never abandon Tomura, why I'll never betray him. He's the only person in the world who has 100% of my loyalty.
It took us about 20 minutes to get to the apartment, we were 15 ahead of schedule. We hid out on a roof across from the targets' apartment amd waited for them to leave. Tomura handed me a headpiece so we could keep in contact just in case anything went wrong. I pulled my mask and hood down and put the earpiece on, quickly hiding my face again once it was on. After waiting for a while the target finally left. We waited about 5 minutes before heading over.
I leapt onto the balcony while Tomura made his way inside. Once I heard him say he was good I started my look out, examining every area that somebody could possibly come in. Things were looking good for a while, up until the target started walking back to the apartment. I hopped down from the balcony and grabbed her, holding a knife to throat as I called in to Tomura. "Crusty, the target's back. I have them here, what do you want me to do?" I asked.
"Kill her, I'm on my way out now, let me get out before you do it." Tomura said. I waited until Tomura said he was out. As soon as I got the signal I stabbed the target's chest, making her collapse
to the ground. I bent down to grab my knife when I heard a voice.
"Freeze, Mind Freak!" I heard someone yell. I looked over and saw a police officer start running towards me. I had no time to reclaim my knife. I took off, jumping up the balconies of the apartment complex before getting to the roof and heading off to the nearest wooded area.
"Tomura, be careful. The cops almost got me. They're probably all over right now." I said through my earpiece.
"Got it. Be careful, Toshi. I'll meet you back at base." Tomura replied, I heard his pace start to pick up so I did the same. After a solid 15 minute sprint I made it back to base, finding Tomura inside out of breath. He smiled at me as I walked inside, "Good to see you made it."
I took off my mask and hood, a smirk on my face, "Of course I made it, who do you think I am?" I said as I took a seat next to him. "Though, I lost one of my knives. That's probably not a very good thing." I was actually pretty bummed out the I couldn't get my knife back, I adored those knives.
Tomura got up and walked to his room. He returned a few minutes later, a box in hand. He handed it to me with a smile on his face, "I've been waiting for an opportunity to give these to you."
I looked at him with curiosity as I took the box, turning so the box was sitting on the bar. I opened it and found a pair of 4 sharp violet and pitch black knives. I picked one up and held it to the sky, admiring it as it shone in the light. I looked over at Tomura, my eyes were probably shinning. "You like them? I found them at a shop a while back and thought you'd like them."
"Tomura, I love them. Thank you." I replied, making Tomura's smile grow. "These are even better than the last set you got me, I didn't think that was possible."
"I'm glad you like them, kid. I've had them for a few weeks. I just didn't know how or when to give them to you." Tomura and I ended up talking at the bar for quite a while longer, just catching up and drinking together. We haven't done this in over a year, it was nice. "Ready to go to that restraunt? You have to get back to the dorms in a little so I don't want to keep you out too long." Tomura said. I nodded and slipped my hood and mask back on before leaving. Sure it was a villain only restraunt, but I was still iffy about getting my face out there, unlike Tomura who's face was very well known.
   We walked inside the reatraunt, getting multiple greetings as we were shown to a table. Tomura and I were two of the most known villains around, every time we go somewhere we get dozens of people coming up to us. Tonight was no different. Every few minutes someone new would come up to talk to either me or Tomura. It gets annoying but I'm guessing that if you were a hero the same thing would happen. You get used to it.
   A few people have asked me about what happened today and if I was worried that they had my knife. To be honest, I was. I knew I'd never touched the knives with my bare hands, but there's always a possibility they could trace it back to me, that's that worst case scenerio. I played it off like I wasn't worried though, not wanting it to seem like a big deal. Tomura and I finished up at the restraunt after about an hour and went back to base. I felt a little tipsy from drinking here and at the restraunt but it was't bad enough to where the kids at UA would notice. Usually on Saturday's the league and I would get completely wasted if we had nothing to do, it was always a favorite weekend activity of mine.
   I changed and started walking back, lighting a cigarette on the way back knowing damn well I wouldn't be able to smoke while I was there. Fucking Eraserhead. I walked inside and saw that everybody was in the living room. I heard a few welcome backs as a pair of arms flew around my waist. I looked down to see Denki staring up at me with bright eyes, "I missed you." Denki said with a smile on his face.
I smiled back, "I missed you too, Denki." Before anything else Denki pulled me into a kiss, though he quickly pulled back and looked me in the eyes.
He lowered his voice, "You taste like alcohol and smoke. What have you been doing tonight?" Denki asked, worry spread across his face.
I smiled and placed a hand on his head, "Don't worry about it, alright? It's nothing bad."
   Denki backed off but still looked a little upset. He already knew I smoked outside of school, I wasn't going to tell him I drink too. I sat down with the rest of 1A for a while. Surprisingly enough no information from today was released yet, they're probably waiting to get DNA results from my knife back. Chances are tomorrow the news will be flooded.
After about an hour or two the class went to bed. I stayed up, flicking through channels as I wasn't tired yet. I found a horror movie playing and decided to watch it. It was the second Friday the 13th, a classic. I stayed up for the entirety of the movie and I was about to find something else when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Denki, "Hitoshi, can you come to bed with me? I don't like how late you're staying up." Denki requested.
I sighed but obliged, turning the tv off before following Denki to his room. He climbed in bed and I followed, Denki quickly cuddling up to me. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my chest. "I wish you'd take better care of yourself. I'm slowly learning just how unhealthy you are behind the scenes." Denki practically whispered.
"Sorry." I replied, burrying my head into his hair, "This is just how I live my life." Denki never replied, I assumed he fell asleep. I decided to try and do the same so I closed my eyes, eventually managing to pass out.

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