The Bakusquad

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   A little over a week has gone by. I had told the league about the heroes' plan and had Tomura give me some tips on how to prevent others from easily finding my costume. His solution was putting a lock on the dresser, it was idiotic. I asked Dabi afterwards, and him being the only logical one here, told me to leave it at base from now on. As much as it killed me to do so, I agreed. It was the only solution that wouldn't lead me to getting caught. I brought it to the base a few days ago, it pained me everyday not to have my knives near me.
   I had agreed to go out with Kaminari's friend group today after class as a way to gain more of their trust. I was once again woken up by Kaminari, though this was becoming a daily routine. Classes went by like normal and when we got back to the dorms I was reminded many times of the plans I had agreed to. I sighed and went to my room to change out of my uniform. I threw on a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and a pair of black boots. I wanted to keep my villain boots, as they were the most comfortable thinhs on the planet, but I was told no. Dabi pointed out that they were a key giveaway to my identity, which I guess was true.
   I grabbed my wallet and hooked the chain it had to my pants before walking downstairs to meet up with the rest of Kaminari's friends. "Didn't know we were hanging out with Hot Topic." Bakugo said under his breath. I shot him a glare and he stuck his hands up in defense. We all started walking to the bus stop, though I made a point to trail behind the rest of the group. This was something I was taught to do growing up with the league, if you don't trust people never let them out of your sight when around them.
We got to the bus stop after about 10 minutes and the bus rolled up minutes later. They all sat at the front while I chose to sit a couple seats away from them. Ashido turned around when she noticed how far away I was, "Come up here with us, Shinso. You're too far away!" She yelled, making the few people on the bus look at me. I sighed but went over and sat in the seat behind Ashido, which just so happened to mean I was sitting next to Kaminari.
We got off the bus at a mall, the group wasted no time to rush inside. As we were walking I noticed Kirishima and Bakugo's hands were laced together, it's information that I kept in my the back of my mind just in case. We were constantly going in and out of stores, though I suppose that's the purpose of a mall. I've only ever been to malls to raid stores with the league, I've never actually went shopping with other people. Old habits never die though, as I've learned when I noticed my pockets had small items I don't remember having when we got here.
   I have no intention of returning said items.
After a couple hours the group decided to go to the food court. We got in line for a pizza place and ordered, Kaminari and I being assigned the task of finding a table. Once we found one I sat down and told Kaminari to go back to the others. He agreed and I sat at the table, deciding to pass the time by scrolling through my phone. Somebody sat across from me not long after Kaminari left. I looked up to see Tomura in his shitty disguise. "What do you want, Crusty?"
Shigaraki put a hand over his heart, "That's so rude, Hitoshi. I thought we were friends."
"You came over to me for a reason, right? Don't think I didn't notice you following me around the mall." I said, giving him a blank stare as I placed my phone down on the table.
"We taught you so well." Shigaraki replied, wiping away fake tears. I rolled my eyes as he continued, "I just wanted to see how you were doing. Have you gained their trust yet?"
I shrugged, "I think so. I mean, they invited me to hang out with them so that's something, right?" I looked over Shigaraki's shoulder to see the group heading towards us. "You may want to leave, they're coming back."
"Hey, Shinso. Who's this?" Kaminari asked as he placed a tray on the table.
"I'm just a friend." Tomura said as he got up to leave, "It was good to see you, Hitoshi." With that Tomura left, leaving the others confused.
"Never knew you had friends." Bakugo teased.
"Of course I have friends, that doesn't mean you guys know them though." I replied, getting glances from everybody, "What?"
"He looked a lot older than you, dude. That's a little weird." Sero said.
"It's not weird, he's like an older brother to me." I replied.
"How old are your friends usually?" Ashido asked.
I shrugged, "I don't know, early 20's? I have one friend who's my age, the rest are older. That's just how it is for me, they're my family." I said as I reached over to grab a slice of pizza.
"What about blood family?" Kaminari asked. I tensed, which I guess Kaminari noticed. "Sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't want to."
"It's fine, it's in the past. My parents abandoned me when I was 7, the guy you just met took me in. Him and his friends raised me." I replied.
"Sorry man, that's awful." Kirishima said, his eyes filled with sympathy.
"It's not too big of a deal, I like living with them. It's never boring."
"Are they the family you've been talking about? The ones that taught you how to fight and watched horror movies with?" Kaminari asked. I nodded in response, making Kaminari smile, "I'd like to meet them one day, they seem like cool people."
I looked down, knowing that would never happen, "Maybe." That's all I said before changing the topic. After we finished at the food court we walked around the mall more, my pockets gaining a few more items in the process. It was around 7pm when the group decided to leave. We got onto the bus right as it was leaving and went back to the dorms. As soon as we were back I parted ways from the Bakusquad, which I learned is what they called themselves on the bus. I went to my room and emptied my pockets, seeing what my hands had grabbed.
   It was mostly a bunch of random junk, but there were a few decent things like a small ring and a pocket knife that read "#1 son". I threw the stuff in a drawer and went to take a shower. I changed into my night clothes after I showered and slipped into bed, scrolling through my phone before attempting to fall asleep for the night.

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