I Was Worried

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   It's been a few days and I haven't heard anything from Denki, I was getting worried. I tried texting him a few times aswell but still heard nothing, it was very unlike him. As soon as I woke up this morning I tried calling him, I knew he'd be in class at this time but I still had hope he'd answer. Spoiler alert, he didn't. Today I gor sent out on another mission with the league, Tomura thought it'd be a good idea seeing as I've done nothing but sulk the past couple days.
   I guess things could be worse, the mission was going fairly well so there were no complaints there. I got in my share of fun so I guess my spirits were lifted. We wrapped up the mission successfully and went back to base where you guessed it, I went back to the same thing I've been doing, constantly checking for new messages from Denki. To my surprise there was actually a message, Denki asking to call. I quickly responded and rushed to my room, my phone buzzing the second I closed the door.
   I answered the call and moved the phone to my ear, "Denki?" I asked.
   "Hey Toshi! Sorry I haven't answered you at all. I kind of got into it with some of the kids in my class and haven't been able to do much." Denki replied.
   "You haven't been able to do much? What do you mean?"
    "I was in the hospital, they busted my arm and my phone was left at my dorm. I'm good now though." Denki laughed, I have no idea how he was laughing about this.
   "That's assault, Denks. Please tell me they got in trouble."
   "Oh yeah, they got suspended for a week. The school year ends next week though so it's only for a couple days. The principal wanted them back for finals. It sucks but that's just how it is. I'm alright so nothing else really matters to me."
   "Yeah, as long as you're safe that's all that matters to me." I replied, slightly annoyed. "How messed up's your arm?"
   "Not too bad actually, a slight sprain but I'm going to Recovery Girl tomorrow to get it healed. I'll be good as new after that."
"Good. That's really great, Denki." I was trying my best to hide how angry I really was, I'm not sure how well I was succeeding. The fact that somebody hurt Denki pissed me off beyond belief, though I knew I couldn't do anything about it now.
"Yeah, and like I said before school lets out next week so I'll be able to see you a lot more. That's even better news, yeah?" Denki asked, excitement in his voice.
The thought of spending UA's break with Denki managed to call me down a little bit, "It is, I'm looking forward to spending your break with you." I replied, a smile on my face.
I heard a slight bang and voice coming from Denki's line, he yelled back before turning back to our conversation, "Hey, I'm so sorry to cut this short but I have to go, Eijiro just called me down. I'll text you later, alright?"
"Yeah, sounds good."
"Cool cool, I love you."
"I love you too, Denks." I replied before hanging up the phone. I was relieved to know he was alive, but I still couldn't get over the fact that somebody hurt him. I decided to not wait around until he texted me and went out to the living room, joining Tomura, Dabi, Jin, and Himiko, who were gathered around the tv watching a movie.
   "Hey kid, what's up?" Tomura asked as he turned to look at me. I took a seat next to him and leaned back into the couch.
   "I finally heard from Denki, he was in the hospital." I replied, telling Tomura what Denki had told me.
   Tomura's smile faded, "Shit kid, sorry, that really sucks. I'll kill them for you if you want."
   "No, it's alright. Denki's getting it taken care of, it's no use doing anything now." I replied, giving him a soft smile. I then took notice to what movie they were watching, the 4th Saw movie. One of my favorites.
I quickly put my full attention on the movie, immediately knowing where the movie was and what was going on. I've binged all of the Saw movies many times growing up, I knew them like the back of my hand. It didn't take long for me to get completely lost in the movie, everything else around me instantly becoming irrelevant.
When the movie ended I put in the next one, Saw 5, which was my favorite movie of the series. I'm always in the mood to watch it. As soon as the movie started I once again got lost in it, the movie seeming to only last for a few moments. It was around 7pm when the movie ended, I didn't even notice that Dabi had gotten up and started cooking at some point.
   I walked into the kitchen just as Dabi started placing plates of food on the table. I took my place and waited for everyone else to take their places aswell. Once everybody was sat down and all the food was on the table we started eating, starting dumb conversation throughout dinner. After dinner I was starting to feel a little tired and decided to get ready for bed, though I didn't want to sleep until I talked to Denki a little more. I missed him, alright?
   I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of long pajama pants before sliding into my bed, waiting for my phone to light up with a message from Denki. I surprisingly didn't have to wait all that long. I picked up my phone and saw a text from Denki. It wasn't much, just a simple run down of his day along with the question of what I did today. I told him, though I kept the mention of my mission to a minimum.
After about a half hour of back and forth texts about random things we said goodnight to eachother, mainly because of the fact I was close to passing out. As soon as Denki responded one last time I turned my phone off, plugging it in before I placed it on the nightstand next to my bed. Right after I turned onto my side, curling up underneath the covers and falling asleep seconds later.

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