Going Away

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   A little over a month had gone by since we found out Haruka's gender and chose his name. It was currently 1:30am on a Thursday and I was lying with Denki in his dorm room. I had gotten a call about an hour ago from him saying that he couldn't sleep and wanted me to come over, so here we are.
Denki was curled up in my arms, moving every so often to try and find a better position so he could sleep. It never worked. After about his 100th attempt he gave up and sighed, "I hate this, I just want to go to sleep. Why won't Haruka stop kicking me?"
I moved my hand from his abdomen to his face, cupping his cheek as I planted a kiss on his forehead. "I don't know, love. I'm sorry I can't help you more."
   Denki's face softened, "You're doing fine, Toshi. You always manage to calm him down a little. I just wish he'd stop just enough to let me sleep a little bit."
I moved my hand back down to Denki's abdomen and slowly started moving my hand across the firm skin, feeling the small kicks from Haruka soften. "Calm down a little bit, yeah? Your dad needs sleep, he has class in the morning." I started saying to Haruka. I found every now and then that talking to him would calm him down more, so I tried doing that whenever Denki needed me to. This time was one of them, I could start to feel the kicks lessen by the second.
After a couple minutes there were no more kicks and Denki was passed out. I felt a small smile creep onto my face at the sight of Denki and how peaceful he looked. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek then layed my head down onto the pillows, closing my eyes as I attempted to drift off to sleep.
    I woke up to my phone ringing. Denki was gone, indicating he was already in class. I turned over to see who was calling me, not surprised to find Tomura's name. I sighed and answered it in hopes of going back to sleep in the next 5 minutes. "What?" I asked.
   "Aren't you delightful to deal with. Listen, All Foe One is coming by base with a mission today, he got out and needs us for something. Be here in the next hour, this isn't optional." Tomura said before hanging up. I sighed, shooting Denki a text before getting dressed and heading over to base.
   When I got there everybody was gathered in the living room, waiting on the old man. As I looked around the room everybody looked tense and a little scared. In all honesty, I kind of get it, he can be an intimidating dude at times. I find him creepy more then scary, often questioning why that is.
   About 15 minutes after I got here the door opened, the old man strolling inside with a wide grin on his face. "Hello, my dear family. It's good to see you're all doing well." He said before walking over to us. "Tomura, go get the plans, would you?" Tomura nodded as he stood up and went behind the bar, pulling a folder out and handing it to All For One.
   "Thank you, my boy. Now then, all of you will be coming off with me on this mission. We will be gone anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. You are to tell nobody of why you're leaving. We'll be off in 30 minutes, go pack." The old man said before starting to walk off.
   "Hold it," I crossed my arms and glared at him, "I can't just leave for that long, my boyfriend's pregnant. I need to be here with him."
   All For One turned around and smiled. "Oh, young Hitoshi, we need you here. That hero boy will be just fine without you. You wouldn't abandon your family now, would you?"
   "He's my family too, he's literally carrying my child right now. I can't leave." I replied, standing my ground.
   His smile faded, "Hitoshi, this isn't up for debate. I thought Tomura told you this. It's either you come with us, or you're out of the league. Are we clear?"
   I felt my heart tighten, this is the first time this man has ever made me feel any kind of actual fear. As much as I hated the idea of leaving Denki alone for so long, I couldn't lose the league, they're the only family I have. "Y-Yes sir." I replied.
   All For One's smile returned, "Good boy, now go pack. We'll be leaving shortly." With that he walked away, leaving me alone in the living room.
I slowly made my way to my room, finding my traveling bag and packing clothes away for up to a month. I thought about Denki, that's all I could do as I packed. I thought about just how long I'd be gone. When I get back Denki would be about 8 months in, that's when he'd finally be able to stay with me full time. I was determined to finish this mission as quickly as possible so I can make it back to him before then.
When I finished packing my bag I texted Denki what was happening. This much I had to do. Whether that old bastard was ok with it or not, he deserved this much. As soon as the text was sent I walked out of my room, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
Everybody was already gathered by the door, I was the last one to arrive. "Now then, shall we go?" The old man asked before opening the door and leading us to a van that was parked out front. All For One took to the front to drive and Tomura went with him while the rest of us loaded into the back.
I sat next to Dabi who instantly put his arm around me, pulling me into a side hug. "I'm sorry you have to leave your boyfriend and kid for so long. I tried to reason with him but it didn't work out to well." Dabi said, giving me a soft smile.
I smiled back and leaned my head on his shoulder, it was rare that Dabi ever showed any kind of care for somebody and I wasn't missing out on it. "I appreciate the effort. Hopefully we can knock this out fast, I want to get back to them as soon as I can."
Dabi nodded, "We'll get you back. Don't worry, kid." At that we left, taking off on the journey that would quickly turn into my living hell.

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