The Heist

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It's almost been a month, I'm getting restless. This entire time I haven't been sent on a single mission and it's starting to drive me mad. Even though I go back to base every weekend, they don't send me on missions anymore. No matter how much I beg they always say no. I don't care that the heroes are searching for me, that's an everyday thing. I just need to get out there and do something. If I had my villain costume here chances are I would've went out and killed someone on my own, but that wasn't possible so I'm just stuck wallowing in my own misery.
Himiko and I were currently sitting on the couch watching a movie after I had spent all morning begging to go on a mission. "You know they're only saying no because they care about you, right?" Himiko asked, probably noticing how much I was fidgeting. I've noticed that if I don't go on missions for a while I fidget more and start doing more of that stupid neck scratching I got from Tomura. My neck was starting to feel raw, it's not great.
"I know, but it's driving me insane, Himiko. I need to do something. Kill someone, rob a bank, vandalize shit, I don't care at this point." I said, looking down to find my leg bouncing.
Himiko sighed, "I'll talk to Crusty and see what we can do. I don't like seeing you like this, Toshi." She said before getting up to go find Tomura. Himiko came back with him roughly a half hour later. "Just look at him, Tomura. He can't stay like this or he'll break."
Tomura planted both of his hands on my face, forcing my eyes to lock with his. "You're really that restless over this?" Tomura asked. I quickly shook my head, making him sigh. "You can come with Dabi and I tonight. The only rule is don't go off on your own, got it?" I felt my eyes light up as Tomura was talking.
"Yes sir." I replied.
Tomura smiled, "Good kid, we leave in an hour. Go get ready." He said before leaving the room. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, I finally get to go out again.
"You're welcome." Himiko said, smiling as she sat back down next to me.
I threw my arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug, "Thank you, thank you so much."
"Go get ready, Toshi. You don't wanna end up keeping Crusty waiting." I nodded and ran off to my room to get changed and warmed up. When I got to my room I sat on the floor, moving to stretch out my legs and arms. I was about to get up when my phone rang. I looked and saw an incoming call from Kaminari. Yes, I gave him my number, he wouldn't stop asking for it.
I answered the call, "What do you want, Kaminari?" I asked.
"Rude! I just wanted to see if you were up for coming out with the Bakusquad tonight! I know you're with your family right now, but everyone wants you here." Denki said, I could hear the excitement in his voice.
"Sorry, I can't. I have something important I have to do." I replied while standing up to change.
"Oh, alright. I won't keep you any longer then." Kaminari said before hanging up the phone, he sounded disappointed. I shrugged it off and put on my costume, cherishing every moment of it. I strapped my knives on and slid on my boots before walking out of my room, mask in hand. Tomura and Dabi were already waiting.
"There he is!" Tomura said, smiling at me. When I got over he went over what the mission was, "It's just a simple bank robbery, but you're free to handle things as you see fit. You know, get out your teenage angst and all." Tomura looked directly at me, "Twice is going to be driving the get away van, Dabi's in charge of distraction, and you're helping me with the vault. If I end up not needing help you go help Dabi take care of anybody inside, got it?" I nodded.
Tomura, Dabi, and I went outside and hopped inside the van parked outside. Once we were inside it took off. I placed my mask on and threw my hood up before strapping it, a new addition I had added to ensure it wouldn't fall off. I had a new mask in the works as well, though that's going to take some time. When the van parked Twice tapped on the van, Tomura then burst through the door, Dabi and I following suite.
Tomura darted towards the back while Dabi started setting small fires, trapping people inside the building. I rushed behind the counter and killed off the workers before they could call for help. I stared at the blood dripping off my knives, feeling a smile start to spread on my face. A few seconds later I rushed to the back, finding Tomura inside the vault. "Need help?" I asked.
"Nah, I'm good. You're free to do as you please." He said while throwing money into a duffel bag. I quickly turned around and ran back to the main area. I ran through the flames Dabi had set, digging my knife into the people barricaded behind the flames.
"Damn kid, and people say I'm brutal." Dabi laughed. I made sure not a single person was left uncut. Just as I finished Tomura tossed me a bag, yelling at me to go to the van. I did just that, following Dabi and Tomura out the door. We loaded the van and took off the second I was inside, not having time to close the doors. As we drove off I saw 5 people running towards the bank, recognizing them as the Bakusquad. I quickly leaned out of the van enough to close the doors, seeing them staring right back at me.
Once the doors were shut I pulled my hood and mask off before throwing myself onto the floor. "You were brutal out there, kid. No mercy, huh?" Tomura said, making me smile.
"When do I ever show mercy?" I asked, laughing. When we got back to base we unloaded our haul. Kurogiri poured us drinks and we sat at the bar to count everything up. In total it wasn't all that bad of a haul. The money was divided and it was a mission pulled off without a hitch. A while later the mission hit the news, video footage of the us being shown on the tv. I stayed up long enough to watch what they had to say with the rest of the league. After the reporter was finished I got up and went to my room, throwing my costume to the floor before going over and collapsing onto my bed.

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