Kaminari Denki

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   I went over and sat down in the seat the teacher told me to. He addressed himself as Mr. Aizawa, but I instantly knew who he was. The Erasure hero, Eraserhead. I've encountered him before. When I was 13 I was sent to kill some guy that Tomura had it out for. As soon as I killed him I started to make my escape but was chased by a guy in a black jumpsuit with white cloths around his neck and yellow goggles covering his eyes. He was the only hero to have almost captured me, I'd never forget him. Though, chances are he's proabably already forgotten about that encounter.
As he was about to start the lesson the blonde kid sitting next to me leaned over and held his hand out to me. I looked over and was greeted with the boy's huge smile. "Hey! My name's Kaminari Denki, it's great to have you join our class. I hope we become friends!" He said, still holding his hand out. I looked at him for a second, only taking his hand when I realized he wasn't going to back down. He looked like he was about to ask another question but was interrupted by Eraserhead, one of the few times I'll be grateful towards the hero.
   This kid did not leave me alone all day. Class after class he would come up to me and start asking me questions about myself and telling me things about him. It was annoying. As much as I wanted to lash out at him I knew I had to play the role I was given, a teenager that wants to be a hero. I had to play nice, even if it killed me inside. At lunch he dragged me over and made me sit with him and his friends. One of my instincts is to examine people and keep note of them if I think they're a threat. There was one guy there that I could sense I may have trouble beating, a blonde with red eyes, his name being Bakugo Katsuki. I knew I had to be careful around him if I wanted this mission to succeed.
   After lunch the rest of our classes slowly went by. I didn't really know how to do this whole hero training thing so I got to sit out today, though I don't know how I'm supposed to do this tomorrow without seeming suspcious. If you watched them fight it was obvious they lacked experience and were still learning how to do this stuff. I, on the otherhand, have known how to fight for years. Obviously. Watching me fight these guys would make that painfully obvious, I don't think I'd be able to tone it down. Maybe I don't have to? I'll just talk to Tomura about this when I call him later.
During the walk back to the dorms this Kaminari kid still won't leave me alone. I was hoping he'd get the hint that I didn't want to talk to him but he was oblivious. He clearly thought that I wanted to be friends. The second we got to the dorms I grabbed my suitcase before anybody else could get anywhere near it and went off to find my room, avoiding anybody who tried to stop me. I found my room and went inside, it was smaller than my room back at the base but it would work for the small time I had to be here.
The first thing I did was start looking around the room, keeping an eye out for cameras and seeing if there was any place I could use as a hiding spot for my knives and costume. I didn't find any cameras nor a good place for my costume, so I settled for the bottom drawer of a nightstand that was next to the bed. Tomura didn't give me my new knives until I left this morning so I took this as an opportunity to look them over. I unsheathed one of them and held it like I was engaging in battle. It fit my hand perfectly, the blade was sharp enough to deal quite a bit of damage aswell. The handle was black and purple, matching the color scheme of my costume. I loved them.
I placed the knives in the drawer first then layed my outfit on top, sliding my mask in the open space next to the outfit. After everything was in place I slid the drawer closed and unpacked the rest of my suitcase. Once I finished packing I sat on the bed and took out my phone, deciding to calling Tomura. After a couple of rings he picked up, "Hey brat, how's UA?" He asked.
I scoffed, "God awful. There's already some kid getting on my nerves. I was hoping to get a couple days of peace in before these people started bothering me." I replied.
Tomura laughed, "Damn, sucks to be you, Hitoshi. But hey, maybe you can use him to get information."
"Maybe, there's something I need to ask you about . The last class is some hero training thing where apparently we spar against eachother and what not. Am I allowed to go all out or should I try to hold back? The experience and skill difference between us is fairly large. If you think this will affect the mission I'll figure out a way to tone it down." I asked.
Tomura took a minute before responding, "Go all out. If anybody asks say that your family comes from a long line of heroes, fighters, or something like that. Just say you've been training your whole life, I think that sounds fairly believable."
I nodded, "Got it. You did great on the knives by the way, they're perfect."
  Tomura and I talked for a while longer until there was a knock on my door. "Shinso? Dinner's ready, we're waiting on you to come down." I sighed, recognizing the voice as Kaminari's.
"I have to go, call me if you need me." I said before hanging up the phone. I got up and opened the door, finding Kaminari on the otherside with a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes as I started to follow him downstairs. We got to the dining area and I took the only available seat, in between Kaminari and some girl with black hair. The food way passed around and any hope of me getting through this without talking to anybody was thrown out the window as I was asked question after question.
They were all minor until some girl with brown hair spoke up, "How'd you get the big scar on your cheek?" The one question I didn't want to be asked. I had a scar that went practically half way across my face, I got it last year in a battle against some gang leader. He managed to catch me off guard and got me really good with a knife. Everybody turned to me, waiting on my answer.
After taking a moment to think I answered, "There was an incident when I was a kid, I don't remember the details though. I was too young." I sat there, hoping they'd believe it. After I heard a couple people apologize I relaxed, seeing that they believed it, or at least pretended to.
Once dinner was finished I attempted to escape back to my room but failed. Somebody grabbed my arm and as a reflex I reached down to my side for a knife, though I quickly realized it wasn't there. A couple people looked at me in confusion but said nothing. "You're not escaping us again! C'mon, this is your first day here. We need to get to know you better!" A girl I was earlier introduced to, Ashido Mina, pulled me over to the living area where the rest of the class was waiting.

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