Amusement Park

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   I woke up to a pounding headache. Yes I expected this, but I always forget how bad a hangover really is. I heard a door slam and looked over to see Denki walking out of the bathroom. "I hope you know that you're a fucking idiot, Toshi." Denki said, a step away from yelling.
I clenched my head, Denki's voice making my headache worse, "Babe please, my head hurts. Take it easy on me." I groaned. Denki walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.
"You deserve it for being so stupid." Denki pouted.
"How was I being stupid?" I asked, moving my hand so I could see Denki.
"You're 16, Hitoshi. You shouldn't be drinking or getting drunk. You shouldn't be smoking either, it's going to ruin your health. I don't know why your friends let you do that shit, but I'm not ok with it." As Denki finished talking I got up, not wanting to talk about this. I hated it when people tried to tell me how to live. It's my life, I should be able to live it how I want. I went into the bathroom, got changed, then walked to the door. Denki grabbed my arm before I opened it, "Toshi, please-"
"Just leave it, Denki. Please. I don't want to talk about this." I'm assuming I had a pained look on my face judging by how Denki looked at me with nothing but sympathy. Denki simply nodded and pulled me into a hug. This lasted until I remembered my headache, groaning once I realized the pain was still there. Denki led me downstairs and had me sit down, going into the kitchen then coming back with pills and water. I took the pills and layed my head on the table, just wanting to rest for a while longer.
   After school was over I felt a lot better, though all I wanted to do for the rest of the day was lie in my bed, which of course didn't happen. As I was lying there, face buried in my pillow, there was a knock on the door. Denki rushed in seconds later. "Hitoshi! Get ready, we're going to an amusement park with the Bakusquad!"
   "Denks, I really don't feel like it. Can I just stay here?" I asked, determined to stay in bed. I failed. Denki grabbed my arm and pulled me off the bed.
   "Get dressed, we leave in 10." Denki said as he left the room. I reluctantly got off the floor and changed into day clothes, slowly making my way downstairs to meet up with the others.
   "Took you long enough, Eyebags." Katsuki scoffed as I approached. I just rolled my eyes, not in the mood to deal with him. The Bakusquad started towards the bus station, Denki practically dragging me along. He had his arm linked to mine so I couldn't slip away, the bastard.
We got to the amusement park about 45 minutes later. I just stood there for a moment and stared at it. I've been to amusement parks with the league when I was younger, but that was a while ago, it shocked me how big and crowded it was. "You look nervous." I heard Denki say.
I looked over at him, "I'm not nervous, just a little surprised. I didn't know amusement parks were this crowded." I replied. Denki laughed before he took my hand and ran into the park, pulling me with him. Denki ended up leaving the others behind but I didn't really mind that, I'd rather have some alone time with Denki anyway.
   Denki stopped in front of a rollercoaster, pointing at it then looking back at me with a big smile on his face. "Go on that with me?"
   I agreed, though I felt nervous the entire time we were in line. Pathetic, I know. One of the most notorious villains is scared of rollercoasters, who ever would've guessed. After a few minutes of waiting we were sat down and strapped in. I was getting more scared by the second, scolding myself every second of this. I felt Denki take my hand, I looked over and saw he was nervous aswell. That made me feel a little better about myself.
The ride slowly started, clicking filling my ears as the ride went higher and higher on the tracks. I squeezed onto Denki's hand once we got to the top. We were held at the top for a few seconds before the ride shot down, a scream escaping my throat as we accelerated down the tracks. I heard Denki start laughing, after that it didn't take long for my scream to turn into laughter.
The ride suddenly came to a stop, Denki and I were still laughing as the ride pulled back into the station. The restraints were released and Denki and I left the ride, Denki throwing an arm around me as we started walking. "I never took you as somebody who would scream on a rollercoaster." Denki laughed.
I blushed, "To be fair I have't been to an amusement park in years. It's not like I'm used to rollercoasters and rides."
"Don't get shy on me now, Toshi. It was cute." Denki said, taking my hand before running off again, "Now we're going to the next one!"
    Denki and I spent the next few hours jumping from ride to ride before running into the rest of the Bakusquad and deciding to take a food break. We went to the food court, ordered our food, and sat down, everybody instantly bursting into conversation. For whatever reason I felt more distant than ever. I was having the time of my life, but I couldn't help but think about what they would think of me if they knew who I really was, about how much they'd hate me, about- "Hitoshi?"
   I quickly jumped out of my thoughts when I heard somebody say my name. I looked over and saw the Bakusquad staring at me with confused looks. "You alright, bro? You looked really upset, are you not having fun?" Eijiro asked.
   "No no, I'm having a great time! I'm alright, I promise. I was just really lost in thought about something." I replied, giving them a fake smile. They seemed to let it go and went back to their conversation, all but Denki who just clung onto my arm.
   After everybody finished eating we ended up going back on rides, as a group this time. This went on for a couple more hours until it was pitch black outside. As the rest of the Bakusquad got ready to leave Denki dragged me away from the group, getting in line for the ferris wheel. I've always wanted to go on one, so I was actually kind of excited.
   About 15 minutes later we were finally at the front of the line and called to our seats. We got inside and the ferris wheel started up, stopping a few times to let others on. "You know, I never thought I'd end up feeling this way about anybody, that I'd actually want to spend my life with someone." Denki said, smiling, "When I met you I knew there was something special about you, I guess I was right. I'm fairly certain that you're my soulmate."
   I stared at him, my eyes wide before I broke into a soft smile. "I honestly feel the same, Denki. I never thought I'd need somebody in my life like this."
   Denki leaned closer to me, "I love you, Hitoshi. I love you more than I ever thought possible."
   I felt my face flush. I was stunned for a moment but quickly found my composure and placed my forehead onto Denki's, "I love you too, Denki, so much." I replied. Denki closed the space between us and connected our lips. I sunk into it and placed a hand on his cheek. As the ferris wheel continued I just kept losing myself to Denki. I was completely smitten by the time we left the ride, bringing a fairlt good ending to a perfect night.

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