Hero Work

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Another few weeks had gone by and the hunt for me has died down a little bit since I've only been going out on missions on weekends and if multiple league members were with me. Even with this rule I haven't been out much. I was able to go out maybe twice a month if I was lucky. It sucks, but Tomura said I may be able to go back full time soon. The past 6 days I've been off at some hero work study thing that became a requirement for first years.
   I don't really see a point in any of this, why would you send kids here just to make them work for some hero? It just didn't make sense. I ended up getting sent to some combat agency, though I couldn't be bothered to learn the heroes name. It's not like it'll be important or beneficial. All I've been doing is paperwork, what's the point? Today was the last day of this though, then I'd be back at the dorms. I never thought I'd be happy about that.
As I was finishing up the last of the paperwork I was assigned an alarm went off. I noticed a bunch of people start running around the office while I just sat there in confusion. The hero I was staying with ran up to my desk, "Shinso, you're coming with us. There's been a villain attack." He said before running off again. I got up and walked to where the hero and his sidekicks were standing. When they started running out the door I followed close behind.
We approached a small store that was consumed by blue flames. Fucking Dabi. "Shinso, help the civilians get to safety. We're going after the league!" I did what I was told, but I hated every second of it. Helping these people was the exact opposite of what my brain was telling me to do. I'm supposed to be killing them, not helping them get to safety. Despite my mental troubles, I just focused on doing what I had to in order to get this done and over with.
"Hey, Hitoshi. It's weird seeing you on the other side." I heard a voice say from above. I looked up and saw Dabi smiling at me.
I sighed, "You're the ones that made me do this shit. Now get lost, I don't want to blow my cover over some dumb conversation." I scoffed, shooting a glare at Dabi.
"What a sassy child. Whatever you say, Toshi. See you later." Dabi said before running off. I shook my head and stood in front of the store, waiting for the heroes to arrive. It took everything in me not to give into the urge to kill someone as I stood there, I'm seriously not meant to be on the hero side. The heroes came back empty handed a few minutes later. They were unable to catch Dabi and whoever else might've been with him, though that didn't surprise me. The heroes gave a statement to the police then we finallt went back to the agency.
   I finished off my work for the day before I hauled myself to the room they gave me, not wanting to deal with anymore hero bullshit. A few knocks came to my door every now and then by people wanting to check in on me but, everytime I sent them away. I'm so fucking over this. I didn't leave the room for the rest of the night. I just layed in bed, texting Himiko until I was able to fall asleep.
   The next morning I packed my bags, eager to get out of here. The hero offered to walk me to the station but I refused, wanting him out of my sights as soon as possible. I left and walked to the train station, boarding the first train that'll take me back to the dorms. About a half hour later the train came to a stop and I got off. When I got to UA I was greeted by the few of my classmates that had returned already, though most of them were still at their work studies and probably wouldn't be back until later.
   Today was a Saturday, so I had no intentions of sticking around long enough to see the rest of them come back. I dropped off my stuff and went downstairs, telling the people in the living room that I was going to see my family. With that I started my walk to the league's base, only to find it empty with a note on the bar when I got there. I walked over and picked up the note, it read: Hey Hitoshi, we had to go on an emergency mission. We'll be back as soon as we can, just do whatever until we get back. -Tomura
   I sighed and went behind the bar to pour myself a drink, I could tell that this was going to be a boring day. I hated being by myself for long periods of time. I'm fine being alone in a room as long as I know other people are in the building, but that's about it. I've never been able to figure out why, I don't care enough to try to figure it out either. I walked over to the couch, drink in hand, and sat down before I turned on the tv and tried to find something interesting. I found a random horror channel and settled on that.
   Hours later the door opened, indicating that Tomura and the others have returned. Himiko was the first to notice me. The second her eyes locked on me she ran over and threw herself on top of me. "Toshi! I so wish you could've gone on that mission, you would've loved it." Himiko said as she rested her head on my chest.
   "I do too, but my UA mission sadly comes first this time. I had to do that stupid work study shit." I relplied as I placed a hand on Himiko's back.
   "I can always go to UA in your place, that way you can still go on missions sometimes." Himiko said.
   My eyes widened, "That's right- Why didn't I think of that sooner? You're a genius, Himiko! If you're at the dorms while I'm off on a mission that would help clear suspicion of me aswell."
   "Just say the word and I'll do this for you, Toshi. You know I'd do anything to help." She replied.
   "I'm going to give you a run down on everything you need to know. I'd like you to fill in for me Monday. You'll be going to the dorms Sunday night, going to school Monday, then coming back here to swap back after school. Sound good?" I asked.
   Himiko nodded, "Sounds perfect, just tell me what I need to do."

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