Check In

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   About a week has passed, Denki has been spending 90% of his time lying in my room. He's tired all the time so it's understandable, the only time he's not sleeping is when he's eating or showering. Well, I guess I should say trying to sleep. Denki says that Haruka's kicking has been picking up every time he tried to sleep, his false contractions weren't helping. I stay with him and do my best to help out and comfort him, but it doesn't seem to be doing all that much.
   Today was a bad day, no matter what we tried Haruka wouldn't stop moving and kicking, leaving Denki in a constant state of discomfort. I suggested going out into the living room and having a movie day to try to take his mind off it and Denki agreed. He was currently lying in between my legs on the couch, his head resting on my chest.
   My hands were rubbing his abdomen in an attempt to calm Haruka down. After a while he did finally stop, Denki sighing in relief and relaxing into my embrace. "I swear it feels like bliss when he stops." Denki said.
I smiled and leaned down to kiss his cheek, "Only a couple more weeks, you're almost there."
Denki smiled, looking up at me, "Then we can finally hold him." Denki hummed as he placed his hands next to mine.
We both jumped as the front door swung open, All For One stepping inside seconds later. He looked over and saw Denki and I on the couch and walked over to us. I protectively wrapped my arms around Denki, not wanting that man anywhere near him or Haruka. He noticed this and smiled, "Oh, Hitoshi. You really think I'd hurt your boyfriend and unborn child? I'm so hurt. I consider you my son, I'd never do something like that."
    I scoffed, not moving my arms from around Denki, "Whatever, what do you want?"
   "Well, I was going to ask if you knew where Tomura was. I told him I was coming this week for a routine check in, you know, to see how all of you were doing." All For One said, a shitty grin on his face.
   I slighty tightened my grip on Denki, making sure it was loose enough as to not hurt Haruka, "He's in his room." I told him.
   "Thank you, Hitoshi," He turned to Denki, "It's so nice to finally meet you, young man. You must be the pregnant boyfriend I keep hearing about. How are you?"
   I felt Denki tense up as he moved closer to me, "Y-Yeah I am, it's nice to meet you too. I'm alright, how are you?" Denki answered, trying to be polite.
   All For One's grin grew wider, "Why, thank you for asking, I'm splendid. How's the baby, everything going alright?"
   Denki nodded and wrapped his hands around his abdomen, "Yeah, he's good. E-Everything's fine."
   "Excellent, that's great to hear. Now then, I'm going off to find Tomura." All For One said before finally walking away. Denki and I simultaneously let out a sigh of relief. Denki changed positions and threw his legs over mine as he wrapped his arms around my neck, holding me close.
   "You alright?" I asked in a calm voice, wrapping one of my arms around his waist.
"Y-Yeah, that's All For One." Denki said, tightening his grip.
   "Yeah, this is his first time back since he drug me off on that mission. I don't know why he's here but I won't let him lay a finger on you, I promise."
   Denki nodded and placed his head in the crook of my neck. A few minutes later All For One came back into the living room, Tomura and Dabi close behind him. Dabi sat next to Denki and I while Tomura and All For One stood in front of us.
   I replaced my arms around Denki protectively once I felt Denki's body tense up again. All For One laughed, "Relax, boys. I'm only here to discuss something with you three."
   "Can you get to the point then? I have somewhere to be." Dabi said, crossing his arms.
   "Going to see #2 huh?" All For One asked with a knowing smie.
   Dabi scoffed, "That's none of your business."
   "Sir-" Tomura started, getting cut off.
   "I know, Tomura. I'm leaving for a while, I have a solo mission I need to go on. I wanted to discuss leadership positions with you before I leave, just in case something happens. Currently Tomura and Dabi are both second in commands, but I'm changing that. Tomura is going to be in charge of the league fully starting today. Hitoshi, I want you to be a second in command with Dabi, I think you've more than reached the qualifications for it." All For One said, smiling at me.
"I- But I can't. I have to take care of my son when he's born and-"
"Toshi," Tomura started, "There's a reason Dabi's with you in this. Your top priority is your son and Denki, I know that. I only want you to take this position when you're ready to come back, until then I want you to take all the time you need off. Dabi's my only second command until then. When you're ready I would really like it if you joined him."
Tomura didn't say anything else, he just smiled and walked off. "So, can I leave now?" Dabi asked as he stood up. The old man nodded so Dabi left.
"You're not coming back, are you?" I asked.
All For One looked at me, "How'd you come to that conclusion?"
"You have the exact same tone and expression my parents did when they left me. You're not going to be coming back, you're leaving for good."
All For One smiled at me, "I always knew you were a smart one, Hitoshi. Don't tell Tomura, I'm doing this for him. I'm only holding him back from his true potential, this is the only way for him to grow."
"I think this is the first time I've ever respected you." I replied, making the old man laugh.
"I'll miss you, Hitoshi." All For One said before walking off, turning back one last time as he got to the door, "You'll make a fine father, I just know it." With that he left, leaving Denki and I alone once again.
"Toshi? You're crying, are you ok?" I heard Denki ask as he wiped my eyes.
   "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." I replied, unsure of why I was crying. Denki wrapped his arms back around me and rested his head on my shoulder. The rest of the day we simply stayed in the living room and watched movies, later being joined by Himiko and Jin. Everybody was paying attention to the tv and interacting besides me. I spent the rest of the day stuck in my own head, completely unable to get the old man and what he said out of my head.

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