Finally in My Arms

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5 weeks later Denki and I had finally finished getting the last couple things we needed for Haruka's room, everything finally ready for when he got here. Tomura had the doctor on standby as Denki was fairly close to his due date. Denki and I have barely left my room, I was sticking by his side every second of the day, wanting to be there the exact moment his water breaks. Denki didn't seem to mind this.
   Today was no different than the rest. I was currently holding Denki close as he was dealing with one of those false contractions. Denki had said they'd been getting worse by the day and had been happening more frequently. Denki's arms were linked behind my neck as I was rubbing his abdomen, this has been one of his favorite positions when the contractions got bad. This contraction lasted for a few minutes then passed on, though another one started about 5 minutes later.
   This happened at least 7 times before the contractions fully passed. Once they did Denki's hands dropped to my waist, pulling me as close to him as he could get me. He hasn't been talking all that much these past couple days either, it kind of sucked but I wasn't going to push him about anything.
   A few minutes later Denki had passed out from exhaustion, I found this out by looking down to see him asleep in my arms. I decided to take this as a moment to sleep aswell. I haven't told Denki this, but I've barely slept myself. While he sleeps I'm awake, watching over him to make sure he's alright. It may be a little much but I don't care, I want to protect him. After looking him over one last time, I layed my head next to Denki's, closing my eyes as I allowed sleep to take me over.
    "T-Toshi wake up. Please." I heard while I felt somebody shaking me.
   "Denki?" I asked, my vision blurry.
   "Toshi- T-The baby, my water broke." Denki gasped, his voice full of pain. I quickly sat up, my vision slowly setting in. When I could finally see probably I saw Denki clutching his stomach on the floor, a pool of liquid under him.
   "Shit- Ok stay here, I'm going to tell Tomura, I'll be right back." I replied before sprinting out the door. I ran down the hall, practically busting Tomura's door down.
   He jumped and glared back at me, "What the hell, kid?"
    "Denki- His water broke. We need that doctor." I quickly stumbled out.
   Tomura's eyes widened as he got up and grabbed his phone, "Shit, alright. Take him into the bathroom, I'm calling him now." I didn't waste any time and instantly went back to my room.
   I walked over to Denki, who was still clutching onto his abdomen, and kneeled down next to him. "Can you walk? We have to get you into the bathroom." I asked as I placed a hand on his back. Denki shook his head no. In a panic I quickly picked him up and ran to the bathroom, gently placing him on the ground.
   Denki let out a cry of pain moments later, tears starting to run down his face, "T-Toshi-"
   I grabbed onto one of his hands, "I'm here, Denks. The doctor'll be here soon, just hold on."
   About 5 minutes went by and the doctor walked into the bathroom, a calm smile on his face, "Let's get this going, shall we?" He handed Denki medication, saying it would help with the pain a little. Denki took them without hesitation. "Can you remove his pants and underwear then place this underneath him?" The doctor asked, handing me a towel. I nodded and did exactly what the doctor instructed me to.
Once Denki was in position the doctor checked to see how dilated he was, "You still have a while to go until you can start pushing. Anything you need that'll help?" The doctor asked Denki, who simply shook his head no. I had Denki where his head was resting against my chest, one of my arms around his waist while the other held onto his hand. Never in my life did I think Denki's grip was this strong, I felt like he was breaking my hand into pieces.
Hours flew by, Denki slowly getting closer and closer to being able to start pushing. When hour 5 came around it was finally time. The doctor got together the last few things he needed to deliver the baby and got into position, "Alright, Kaminari. On the count of 3 I need you to start pushing, alright?"
   "Yes yes, just please get him out of me." Denki said, weakly but frustrated. The doctor nodded and started counting, at 3 Denki's grip somehow tightened even more as he started pushing.
   "You're doing amazing, love. I'm so proud of you." I told Denki after a few minutes. I could tell Denki was getting really tired really quick, but knew he wasn't giving up. He kept doing exactly as the doctor instructed as time went by.
   I could hear the league starting to pace in the hallway as hour 6 rolled around. Denki was still going, though the doctor said he was almost done. I was continuing my attempt of supporting him, having zero idea if I was actually doing anything beneficial to him. All I was really doing was sitting with him, holding his hand, and trying to encourage him. How much did that really help him?
   After another 10 minutes the doctor smiled, "I can see the head. Keep pushing, Kaminari." Denki took a deep breath before continuing, his grip still somehow managing to tighten. "One more push and you're done. On the count of 3 Kaminari, alright?"
   "Just hurry up, please." Denki pleaded, his voice exhausted. The doctor did another countdown, Denki giving one last push as cries started filling the room. I felt Denki's entire body relax into me, he was extremely sweaty and out of breath.
   "Congratulations, he's completely healthy. Do you want to cut the cord, Shinso?" The doctor asked me. I nodded, gently lying Denki to the ground before going around to cut the umbilical cord. Once that was done the doctor cleaned up Haruka and did a couple other things like take his weight, size, etc.
   After that he wrapped him up in a blanket, walked over, and handed him to Denki. Denki quickly reached his arms out and took Haruka from the doctor before bringing him to his chest, tears running down his face. Haruka was absolutely beautiful. The first thing I noticed was that he had one purple eye and one yellow eye along with a small amount of blonde hair. Denki looked up at me with a bright smile, "I did it."
   I softly laughed and wrapped my arms around Denki's waist, resting my head on his shoulder. "You did it, he's finally here. I'm so proud of you, love." I replied, taking in the first moments of this new chapter of my life.

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