Coming Back to You

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   I woke up to the sound of beeping and a pain in my stomach. I tried to sit up but failed, only falling right back to where I started. "Hey, you're awake! How're you feeling?" I heard a voice ask.
   I looked over and saw Himiko sitting next to me. "My stomach hurts." I replied.
   "Well duh, you were shot. You started walking off in the middle of battle. We were calling your name but you wouldn't stop, by the time the whistle blew you were knocked out. You were unconscious for a week and almost died."
   "I-" I started, unable to find words.
   "Don't worry, someone's on the way to heal you up. All For One said you don't need to fight anymore and are free to go home once you're healed. That's a plus right?" Himiko asked, trying to find the brightside of things.
   "Well, yeah, but what about you guys? I don't want to abandon you."
   "We'll be fine. We should be able to wrap this up in the next day or so, then we'll be home too."
I turned my head when I noticed that someone else had walked into the room. They walked over to me with a smile on their face. "Hello, I was called here to heal you. I'm telling you now that my quirk does take a couple days to fully work so you'll be sore until then. Just be careful, alright?"
I nodded, "Yeah, that's fine."
"Great, let me get you taken care of then so you can go home." The doctor said, taking my hand in hers. She closed her eyes and her hand started pulsing, a sort of red color surrounding it. After about 5 minutes she pulled her hand back and reopened her eyes, "There, you should start to feeling better soon. You should be fully healed within the next 2-3 days."
   I thanked the doctor and she left shortly after. Though my abdomen didn't hurt anymore, I still felt it when I tried to get up from the bed. Himiko helped me up and gathered my things for me. "I'll go get Jin, he can take you home." Himiko said, smiling. She left for a few moments then quickly returned with Jin in tow.
   "Let's go, kid. I'll leave you behind!" Jin said, turning to go to the car. I said goodbye to Himiko and went off with Jin, slowly getting into the car.
   "Can you take me to UA?" I asked Jin as he started to drive off.
"Of course. No way!" He replied. After what felt like eternity we finally arrived at UA. I slowly unloaded myself and my bag from the car and headed inside the gates. I knew at this time 2A would be in class so I went off to the dorms and walked right up to Denki's room.
I sat my bag down and fell onto his bed. I knew Denki would be back before the others, seeing as he couldn't do hero training right now, so I just lied there and stared at the ceiling until I heard footsteps start to approach the door. I slowly sat up, turning to face the door right as it opened. Denki's eyes widened once he realized I was here, tears quick to start rolling down his cheeks. "Toshi-" Denki said before starting towards me.
I stood up, "Hey, long time no see." I smiled as Denki wrapped his arms tightly around me. I let out a small cry of pain as he squeezed on my still healing wound.
Hearing this Denki backed away, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
"You're fine. I got shot and the wound's still healing, that's all," I said before going to sit back down on the bed, my legs starting to feel weak. I reached my arms out and placed both of my hands on Denki's abdomen. I leaned forward and planted a kiss right between my hands. "I've missed you two, I've missed you a lot."
Denki leaned down and kissed the top of my head, "We've missed you too, I'm happy you're finally back." Denki sat down next to me and quickly snapped his head so he was looking at me, a look of surprise and realization on his face. "Wait, did you say you got shot?"
"Oh uh, yeah. According to Himiko I almost died. I'm all good now though, I should be fully healed in a couple days." I replied.
   "Where? Let me see." Denki demanded, starting to pull on my shirt. I lifted it just enough to reveal the wound. Denki had a sad look in his eye, "You almost died and I didn't even know?"
   "Hey, I'm fine though, right? That should be all that matters."
   "But what if you didn't, Toshi? I know you said you were forced to go and that's fine, but what if you didn't make it back and I never got to say goodbye to you?" Denki asked as tears began to stream down his face.
   I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. "Don't think about that. I'm here, I made it back to you. Don't worry about the what ifs, worry about what's happening now."
   Denki cried into my shoulder for a few minutes until he composed himself, "S-Sorry, you're right. You're back and that's all that matters."
For the next few hours Denki and I just layed on his bed, catching up on what had been going on since I left a few weeks ago. Denki also took a minute to show me the newest ultrasound pictures he'd gotten. It's wild to think in a little over 2 months Haruka will finally be here.
   At some point Denki had fallen asleep in my arms, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I ended up thinking back to what happened while I was on the battlefield and how I felt in battle. It was still strange to me, I've always gotten a happy feeling from combat but this time was unlike the other times.
   I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock on the door. Ashido opened the door and walked in seconds later, "Hey Denks, I-" She stopped in her tracks when she saw me lying with Denki, "Oh, hey, welcome back."
   "Hey, thanks Ashido." I quietly replied, not wanting to wake up Denki.
   "Is Denki asleep?" Ashido asked. I nodded in response. "Ah, I'll come back later then." She turned to leave but stopping before she turned to look at me, "You can still call me Mina you know, it feels weird having you call me by my last name." With that she left. I layed my head back down not long after she left and gently placed my hands on Denki's abdomen, closing my eyes and slowly drifting off to the sound of Denki's breathing and the feeling of Haruka's small movements against my palms.

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