Extra: Families Meet

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Heyo! So I was reading back on a couple chapters and thought it would be a good idea to dedicate an extra chapter to when Kaminari's parents met the league. So ye, that's what this is. Enjoy!
"Hey, Toshi! My parents wanted me to invite you and a couple members of the league over for dinner tonight at 5. They want to meet them before the baby's born and thought that tonight would be a good time. See you tonight, I love you. <3" That's the text I woke up to this morning from Denki.
"You're sure this is a good idea?" I texted him back.
Denki answered immediately, "I'm sure it'll be fine. Have some faith, alright?"
I sighed, knowing damn well that this was going to be a disaster, "Yeah, sure. See you tonight." I replied before going out to find Tomura. I wandered into the living room, finding him and Dabi sitting on the couch. "Just the people I was looking for." I said as I walked over to them.
Tomura and Dabi both looked at me in confusion. "What? Do you need something?" Tomura asked.
I nodded, "So you guys now have very important plans tonight. You're coming with me to Denki's parents' house for dinner."
Dabi's eyes widened, "Are you insane?"
"Yeah, kid. I don't think that's too good of an idea." Tomura added.
"Believe me, I know. But please? Denki's parents won't leave us alone about meeting you guys before Haruka's born. Wear your disguises if you want but please do it this one time, I won't ask you to do this again." I pleaded.
   Tomura and Dabi gave in, "Fine, what time?"
   "We have to be there by 5." I said.
   Dabi sighed and crossed his arms, "You owe us big time for this."
   "Yes, sir." I responded before walking off. I had a few hours to kill until we had to leave so I decided to hide out in my room and finish the book I've been reading to kill time.
    When it was time to leave I met up with Dabi and Tomura at the front door. They both had masks and hoodies on in an attempt to hide their faces. "Let's get this over with." Tomura sighed as he walked out the door. Dabi and I followed him to the car the dreadfully headed off to Denki's parents' house.
   As we pulled up I saw Denki sitting outside on the porch. I got out of the car the second Tomura parked and walked over to him, helping him off the ground. I gently wrapped my arms around Denki, "What're you doing out here?" I asked.
   "Waiting for you guys so I can walk you in." Denki replied as he looked behind me to see Tomura and Dabi, "Hey guys, thanks for coming."
   Tomura scoffed, "If it wasn't you we would've said no."
   "Right, well I really appreciate this. Follow me." Denki said, leading us inside. "Mom, dad, they're here!"
   Denki's dad came over to us when Denki called out. "It's good to see you again, Hitoshi." He looked behind me, his eyes slightly widening when he saw Tomura and Dabi, "Y-You guys must be his family? Shigaraki Tomura and Dabi, correct?" He asked.
   "Yeah, that's us." Dabi said as he looked around the house.
   "Right, it's nice to meet you both. If it's ok can you please remove your masks and hoods? I assure you, we're not going to call the cops or anything. We just want to meet you guys seeing as you'll be helping Hitoshi and Denki raise Haruka." Denki's dad replied. Tomura and Dabi obeyed, removing their hoods and putting their masks in their pockets. Denki's dad looked intimidated but didn't say anything, he just signaled for us to sit down at the table.
Denki and I sat down next to eachother as Tomura and Dabi sat across from us. They already looked bored and annoyed, which I already figured would happen. "Play nice, I'll never forgive you if you fuck this up." I told them, shooting both of them a glare.
"Yes, sir." Dabi replied, mocking me. I shot him another glare, Dabi jokingly putting his hands up in defence. "Have some faith in us, kid. I'll have you know I'm very charming." I just scoffed as Denki's parents walked over and sat food down at the table. Once everything was set I noticed Denki's mom shoot Tomura, Dabi, and I a glare before sitting at the end of the table, Denki's dad sitting across from her.
   "Thank you for inviting us over, it's an honor to meet you guys." Tomura said with an obviously fake smile.
   "Yeah, Denki's a great kid so I'm sure you guys are even better." Dabi added. I rolled my eyes at their shitty attempts at being good people.
   "Yes, well, we've heard a lot about you guys from Denki. It only makes sense for us to interact and meet eachother." Denki's mom replied, picking at the food on her plate.
   Denki's dad cleared his throat, "So, tell us a little about yourselves."
   Tomura and Dabi looked at eachother, "Well, there's not much to me. I practically raised Hitoshi with Dabi and I play a lot of video games. There's nothing else to really say about me." Tomura answered as he scratched at his neck.
   "Yeah, besides raising Hitoshi there isn't much to really say. I ran away from my birth family and moved in with the league shortly after. They're the only people I'm really around anymore." Dabi added.
   "Why'd you run away from your birth family?" Denki's mom asked.
   "My dad was an abusive asshole." Dabi responded, his face turning to anger. I kicked him underneath the table to snap him out of it.
   "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Denki's dad said, his face full of sympathy.
   Dabi shrugged, "It is what it is, I just feel bad for leaving my brothers and sister behind." The table basically went silent after that, nobody knowing what to say.
   Tomura broke the silence, "So, tell us about yourselves."
   "Well, we're pro heroes so that takes up the majority of our time. We mainly do our patrols on the other side of the city so I don't believe we've ever crossed paths with the league." Denki's dad answered, Denki's mom nodding her head in agreement.
The rest of dinner was full of awkward small talk between Tomura, Dabi, and Denki's parents, Denki and I left to simply watch and observe everything. When dinner was over Denki's dad asked if we wanted to stay to watch a couple movies. Though I could tell they wanted to leave, Tomura and Dabi agreed, probably for my sake.
I layed down on one of the couches, Denki coming over and lying down in between my legs once I was comfortable. Tomura and Dabi sat on the couch opposite of us as Denki's parents took the 3rd. Out of politeness, Denki's parents let Dabi choose the movie. Now personally, I thought that was a bad idea on their part, seeing as Dabi was only into heavy gore movies. Surprisingly enough, Dabi went easy on them ans put on Scream. Usually he likes torturing people with movies, the fact he didn't take this opportunity to do so was a complete shock.
I examined the room to get a read on everyone as I slowly ran my thumb over Denki's abdomen. Throughout the movie, Denki was constantly jumping and moving, though I had no idea why. Scream's not scary, like, at all. Dabi and Tomura were fully invested in the movie while Denki's parents watched in horror, though that's not very surprising. They didn't seem like the kind of people that watched many horror movies.
When the movie ended Tomura made up an excuse saying we had to leave, probably sensing how tense the room was. I agreed with his decision to leave and said my goodbyes to Denki while Tomura and Dabi said goodbye to Denki's parents. The second we were in the car Dabi and Tomura let out deep sighs in unison, "Jesus fuck, I thought we were gonna die." Tomura said as he started the car.
Dabi laughed, "Right? I felt like they were ready to kill us at any second."
"It's because you guys are idiots. Scream? Really?" I teased them.
"What? Scream's a classic! Sorry if they don't have taste." Dabi pouted as Tomura took off back to base. "Besides, did you see their faces? Priceless! I'd pay good money just to watch their reactions to half the movies we raised you on."
I laughed then pulled my attention away from Dabi's rambling as I felt my phone buzz, getting a text from Denki. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that tonight wasn't a complete disaster. They somehow won over a small part of my parents. That's something, right?"
"That's surprising." I texted back before looking up, "You guys didn't completely fuck up, good job." I told them, making Tomura scoff.
"I told you I was charming." Dabi replied, making Tomura and I laugh at his stupidity. For the rest of the ride home I stared out the window and texted Denki. I'm still surprised that Dabi didn't end up burning the house down or something, that was kind of how I expected this night to go. I must admit that I'm kind of happy that tonight wasn't a complete distaster though, it gives a chance that things just might work out between Denki and I's families. It's a long shot, but I'll be holding onto that small chance. I want everything to work out, for Haruka's sake.

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