A Mission

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It was currently 6:30pm and I was in my dorm getting ready. I was so fucking excited, it felt like years since I've been on a mission. I finished strapping my knives to my side and threw my hood up, helping to conceal my face. Yes I wore a mask but having a hood on my costume covered the remaining portions of my face, it helped a lot.
I made sure I had everything and unlocked my balcony door. I opened it and stepped outside, jumping from balcony to balcony until I got to the ground. As soon as I stepped foot on the pavement I darted away from UA. I knew this was risky seeing as heroes were always guarding here, but I knew I was stealthy enough to do this. Once I was far enough from UA I took to the woods, traveling through the trees.
At full speed I was able to get to base at 6:55pm, good timing in my mind. I walked inside and was greeted by Tomura and Dabi. "Hey kid, good to see ya. How's UA?" Dabi asked me before taking a swing of his beer.
"Complete shit, I hate it there." I replied, making Dabi laugh. Tomura walked up to me and handed me a piece of paper.
"This is your target. It has her address on it if you want to go there or you can try to catch her on her way home from work, it's your call." Tomura said. I reviewed the paper, her job was only 10 minutes from here and her apartment 15. She walked home alone everyday and appears to live alone. Looking everything over more it seems she takes a fairly secluded route. In my experience, that's a lot safer than waiting in an apartment as there would be less people.
I made one stop to get Toga's voice then went out the door, heading to the spot in her route that I've pin pointed as my best chance of succeeding. I got there and sat on top of a building, patiently waiting for her arrival. 20 minutes passed and she finally arrived. I slowly lowered myself down the building using the ladder its side and hid behind a dumpster. lt's go time. "Excuse me, miss? Can you please help me?" I asked in Toga's voice.
The woman quickly turned around and started looking for the girl. "Hello? I'll help you-" Got her. I went down in front of her and unsheathed one of my knives before handing it to her.
"Slit your throat." I told her. She obeyed and seconds later I was sprayed with blood. I quickly took my knife from her and climbed back up the ladder, escaping to the rooftops. I used my gloves to wipe the blood off my blade as I was running. I was a fair distance away when I heard sirens blaring, seeing an ambulance drive past me and towards where the girl was. I smiled as I took to the woods, disappearing within the trees.
I got back to base minutes later, finding Tomura and Dabi were still sitting at the bar. "That was fast, did you get her?" Tomura asked.
I removed my hood and mask, "Of course I did, who do you think I am?" I replied, slightly offended. Tomura laughed and called me over to the bar, Kurogiri handing me a drink as I sat down. The league never cared if I drank alcohol. Hell, they let me smoke, why would they care about this? We're villains and they grew up the same way, it was normal here. I took a sip of my drink as Kurogiri turned the tv on, switching to the news.
"'Mind Freak strikes again,' huh?" I noted as I read the headline. That didn't take long to get out at all.
"They always know it's you but can never figure out who you are, I think it's hilarious." Dabi says.
I laughed as I sat my glass back on the bar. "I'm always the one killer where there's never a weapon or trace that I was there. The whole point is for them to know it's me." I replied.
"You almost always have them slit their throats as well." Tomura chimed in.
I shrugged, "It's the fastest way to do it, and the easiest." I said while finishing off my drink. I went to the bathroom to clean myself off, not wanting to clean my costume as I'll get back to the dorm too late. I finished and said my goodbyes to Tomura and Dabi, pulling my hood back up before going back to the dorms.
When I got there I quickly ran back to the dorm building, the night working to my advantage as my costume was all dark colors. I quickly started climbing the balconies and reached mine moments later. I went inside and closed the door, letting out a breath of relief before taking off my costume. I put everything back and went to shower off any blood that was left on me.
After my shower I went down to the kitchen, wanting to grab a snack. When I got downstairs I saw that the class was crowded around the tv. I walked over to see what they were watching and saw the same headline I saw at the base, they were watching the news. "This is horrible, how does this guy keep getting away?" Somebody said.
"I don't know, but it's sick. This Mind Freak guy needs to be brought down, too many people have died because of him." Somebody else added.
"Hey, Shinso. Are you ok? I tried knocking on your door earlier but you didn't answer." Kaminari said, turning his head away from the tv. The rest of the class turned to look at me aswell.
"Sorry, I was completely knocked out. I didn't hear you." I replied.
"I get that, I'm glad you got a little extra rest. You always look so tired." Kaminari commented.
"Yeah." I responded, "What's going on?"
"That Mind Freak guy killed somebody tonight, they found her dead in an alleyway." Ashido explained, "It's so sad, I don't get how people can kill like that."
I shrugged, "Some people are just fucked in the mind like that. It's sad but it's reality." I said before going to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple from a bowl and went to join the class, who were still talking about my murder from tonight.
"Do you think they'll ever catch him?" I heard somebody ask as I sat down.
"They have to, I heard they're starting to gather the pro heroes to start searching and find out who he is." Kaminari said.
"Where'd you hear that?" I asked.
"I overheard Mr. Aizawa talking to Present Mic about it earlier today, apparently they're helping." Kaminari replied.
"I'm sure they'll be able to catch him." I said. Shit, if the heroes are starting to turn their focus on me then I have to be more careful. I need to figure out a bulletproof way to conceal my identity and to ensure that I never get caught. If I can't do that, it'll be game over. The first step, hide my villain costume in a secure location.

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