Epilogue: 7 years later

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   "Let's see if you can keep up! Catch me if you can, Chargebolt!" I yelled as I ran into an alleyway.
As I ran I took a quick glance back, seeing that Denki was close behind me. "I'm going to catch you this time, Mind Freak! You're not getting away!" Denki continued to chase me through the alley. Regardless of how quickly I changed directions or where I went he was right behind me, it was fairly impressive. A few moments later I finally made it to the rooftops, my domain.
   The second I stepped foot on the roof I took off, running at a full sprint as sirens started blaring in the distance. I checked my pocket to make sure I still had what Tomura sent me for then looked around for Denki, he was nowhere to be seen. I smirked, continuing to run until I was in a wooded area not too far from base.
   I took my place in a tree, taking a breather to admiring what Tomura made me do this for. I took it out of my pocket and held it above me. It was a red and blue gemstone connected to a chain, it doesn't necessarily look like much at first glance. "Is this thing that valuable?" I asked myself. Just as I was about to take off again I heard a thump at the bottom of the tree. I looked down to see Denki resting a hand on it. I crouched back down and smiled at him, "Hey, love. Nice try back there, you were so close."
   Denki looked at me with frustration written all over his face, "Shush, you know I've never been close to catching you. Not even once."
   I laughed, "I know, I'm just too good." I started to hear sirens again and stood up, "Now then, if you'll excuse me I have a delivery to make. See you at home." I said before taking off. When I arrived back at base I threw the necklace at Tomura. "I got it, you going to tell me what it is now?"
   Tomura just looked at me for a minute. "I- It used to belong to my mom. I saw it on a website and wanted it back."
   I sighed, "Do your own errands next time, man. I'm here for the fun shit, not going around to collect your family's heirlooms."
   "You got to play heroes versus villains with your husband, shouldn't you be grateful?" Tomura teased.
   "I'd rather be at home with my kids. Now if you'll excuse me, that's exactly where I'll be going. Call me if you need me for an actual mission." I said before walking out of base to go home.
When I walked inside the houseI immediately got ambused by Haruka. "Welcome home, papa!"
I smiled and placing a hand on his head, softly ruffling his hair. "Thanks kid, your dad home yet?" Haruka nodded his head then walked back into the house and pointed upstairs. I walked upstairs and opening the door to our bedroom, finding Denki and our 2 year old daughter Hattori sitting on the bed.
"Papa!" Hattori said as she threw her arms into the air.
Denki looked over at the me and smiled. "Welcome back."
I walked over to the bed and placed a hand on Denki's cheek before leaning down to place my lips to his, "Thank you." I then turned to Hattori and lifted her into the air, making her laugh. I sat down on the bed next to Denki while setting Hattori onto my lap.
   Denki leaned back into the bed and sighed, "5 years and I still can't get close to catching you, how sad is that?"
   I laughed, "Well, I have been doing this a lot longer than you have, love. I've been a villain since I was what, 7? That's 17 years. You just got your pro hero's liscence 5 years ago, Denks. You'll catch up one day."
Denki pouted, "But I'm the number 7 hero, I should be able to catch you by now."
"Not true, I'm one of the leaders of the league and have been for years. Being number 7 is nowhere near my level." I replied, teasing him.
"You're so mean to me." Denki said as he turned onto his side.
"Yeah yeah, I'm just the worst. I know." I replied, rubbing Denki's shoulder.
"Papa's the best! Papa's strong and fast!" Hattori said as she threw her arms around my neck.
"That's right, kiddo. You're so smart." I laughed, placing a kiss on Hattori's forehead. Haruka came walking into the room a couple minutes later, immediately going over to Denki.
"Papa, why's dad sad?" Haruka asked while looking up at me, his bicolored eyes shining.
I smiled at him and placed a hand on his head. "He's not sad, he's just salty that he can't beat me yet."
   Denki scoffed, "Arrogant much?"
   I moved Hattori off my lap and sat her on the bed, lying down to wrap my arms around Denki. "Only around you."
   "Group hug!" Hattori yelled before throwing herself on top of Denki and I, Haruka joining in seconds later. Denki started laughing, the kids following shortly after. I felt my smile widen as I threw my arms around the 3 of them, holding them close.
After a few minutes Denki sat up and looked over the the alarm clock. "How about we go downstairs and make dinner, yeah?" The kids jumped up in agreement and quickly started running downstairs. "Go change out of your costume then come down to help, we'll get everything ready." Denki said, placing a kiss on my cheek before going downstairs after Haruka and Hattori.
   I took a quick shower then changed into normal clothes, going downstairs to find Denki and Haruka cutting vegetables while Hattori watched. I joined in and got to work. I grabbed a pan and started cooking up the meat and prepping everything else while I waited for Denki and Haruka to finish with the vegetables. When they were done I added the vegetables in and finished cooking.
   After turning off the stove I plated everything and sat it down on the dinner table, taking my seat as Denki started putting together the kids' plates. Once the kids were taken care of Denki and I served ourselves, the kids quickly digging in.
Half way through dinner I stopped eating and looked around the table, thinking back on how things came to this. Somebody like me, a kid who was thrown onto the streets by his parents and ended up turning to a life of crime somehow ended up here. Someone like me has a husband and 2 kids with talk of having a third. I truly felt lucky. It's so easy for someone like me to end up living on the streets without a cent to their name, but I managed to get here. It's all because Denki gave me a chance, all because he never left me.
"You alright, Toshi?" Denki asked as he looked over at me.
I looked Denki in the eyes and smiled, "Thank you, Denks. For everything, really. I truly don't deserve you." I said as I reached over and took his hand, tracing my thumb over his knuckles.
Denki's cheeks turned a bright red, "I- where's this coming from?"
"Nowhere, I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life."
Denki smiled, pulling my hand up to press his lips on my knuckles, "I'm the lucky one, Toshi. I'm truly happy you're my husband and that things turned out this way. Hopefully you feel the same."
I looked over at Haruka and Hattori, taking in the happiness that was spread on there faces. I then looked back at Denki and gently squeezed his hand "I wouldn't want my life to be any other way."

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