Denki's Parents

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5pm rolled around and it was about time to head over to Denki's parents' house so I went into my room to wake Denki up. He was curled up under the covers, shirtless. I've noticed recently that Denki hated wearing shirts unless he had to. When we're usually in my room and alone he removes his shirt, claiming that it's uncomfortable for him, though I won't complain about it.
I pulled the covers off of him and slowly started to shake him awake. "Love, it's time to get ready to go to your parents'." I said.
Denki groaned and placed his hand on my arm. "Come lay down with me for a few minutes, please?" Denki asked, his eyes remaning closed. I gave in and layed down next to him. Once I was down I wrapped my arms around him, resting my hands on his abdomen. Seeing him shirtless really makes you realize just how big the baby's gotten, it surprises me every time.
After 5 minutes later I felt a few small movements coming from Denki's abdomen, making Denki groan in frustration. "Why can't I just have a few more minutes of peace?"
I laughed and slowly moving my hand across his abdomen, "Because the baby knows you have to get up. We're going to be late if we wait around any longer." I said, placing a kiss on the back of Denki's neck. Reluctantly, Denki finally got up and went to get dressed.
   When we were ready to leave I went and found Tomura, telling him we needed a ride. He finished the last round of the game he was playing and drove us to Denki's parent's. When we got there his mom was waiting outside for us. I got out of the car and went over to help Denki out, Tomura took off the second we were out of the car. "Who was that?" Denki's mom asked as we walked up to the house.
"My brother." I replied. She didn't push past that and led Denki and I into the house.
"Dinner's almost ready, you boys can go watch tv until then." Denki's mom said before walking into the kitchen. I sat down while Denki layed next to me, resting his head on my lap. I slowly started messing with his hair while we watched whatever was playing on the tv.
   His parents called us in for dinner a little later. We got up and took our spots at the table, his mom quick to start eyeing me like usual. "So, Denki, how've you been feeling?" Denki's mom asked.
   "I've been good, Toshi's been to thank for that. Since the baby started kicking I've been really uncomfortable so he helps calm them down. I'm almost jealous at how easy it is for him to do." Denki replied.
   His mom looked me up and down, "Is that so." Denki's dad leaned over and whispered something to her, making her sigh.
   "How've things been for you, Hitoshi?" Denki's dad asked. If we're being honest he's the only one making an effort to try and get to know me.
"Things've been alright. I haven't really been doing anything other than taking care of Denki and getting things ready for the baby." I replied.
"Have you started thinking of names?" He asked.
"We've thought of a few options but don't want to decide on anything until we know the gender. We find out at my next appointment." Denki answered.
   "Are you going to have a gender reveal party?" Denki's mom asked.
   "No, I don't really want to. I'd rather just find out at the doctor's and tell people." Denki said.
   His mom looked baffled, "But why?"
   "Because there are too many people from the hero side and villain side that I'd want to invite. Things would just get messy so it's easier this way."
   His mom looked disappointed and annoyed at the same time. She scoffed, "I don't understand why you involve yourself with villains anyway."
   "I love Toshi, mom. That's why. I love his family as my own aswell, I don't know how many times I need to tell you this. The villains and Toshi aren't going anywhere, get used to it." Denki snapped.
   "They're evil, Denki! They could hurt you and the baby!"
   "But they won't, mom! You don't know them like I do, they're so nice and they care for me like I'm one of their own! I've told you this before, they're my second family! I-" Denki stopped and clutched his stomach.
   I rushed over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder as I crouched down so I was in his sight. "You ok? Calm down, you shouldn't be stressing yourself out or getting upset."
   "Denki? What's going on? Is the baby ok?" Denki's mom quickly called out.
   I stood up and fully placed my arm around Denki, "He'll be fine, he just got too worked up."
   "It's your fault you stupid villain! Get away from him, you'll only do more damage!" His mom started to rush towards me, only to be grabbed by Denki's dad.
   "Stop, you know it's not his fault. He's done nothing but love and care for our son, I don't understand why you need to act like this." Denki's dad said to her, he looked over at me, "Take Denki outside for a little bit, alright? Get some fresh air and help him calm down."
   I did as I was told. I helped Denki get up then took him outside and onto the steps. I had both of my arms wrapped around Denki as he leaned against my chest. "Why can't she just be nice to you?" Denki quietly asked.
"I don't know, but just give it time. I'm sure she'll come around. You don't need to stress yourself out over it." I replied as I slowly rubbed his back.
Denki looked up at me, he had tears running down his face. "It's so tiring, Toshi. I just want you all to get along. You keep trying to get along with my friends and my family, it's not fair to you that they don't try to do the same."
"I know love, just give her time." I said, holding him a little closer. Denki dug his face into my shoulder as I heard him start to sob. I just held him close and let him cry on my shoulder as I rubbed his back. It took a couple minutes for him to calm down. Once he was calm we went back inside, finding his parents sitting on the couch.
"Hey. Can you guys come sit with us?" Denki's mom asked. Though Denki was hesitant, we went over sat down on the couch opposite of his parents. "I just wanted to apologize, to both of you. Your father informed me of how much stress I'm probably putting on you. I want to help you, not stress you out. I-I'll make an effort, I'll try to be nicer to Hitoshi. He's the father of my grandchild, I should be nicer to him."
"You should. He tries so hard to be nice to you and you treat him like shit, it's not fair to him." Denki responded.
His mom nodded, "You're right, I'm sorry."
I started to answer but Denki covered my mouth, "Don't forgive her yet, I want to see her actually start treating you with respect before you forgive her." Denki said, I simply nodded. "Text Shiggy, I want to go home."
"You sure?" I asked. Denki nodded so I did as he said and asked Tomura to come pick us up.
Denki got up and walked to the door, "Wait, you're really leaving?" Denki's mom asked.
"We are, I just want to go home and spend time with Toshi. I've had enough of this for today." Denki said as he slid on his shoes and walked out the door.
"Thank you for having us over, we'll see you in a couple weeks." I said to his parents before following him outside. "You alright?"
When I got over to him I put my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder. Denki leaned his head back, "Yeah, I just really want to go back so I can be alone with you." I nodded, just holding him close until Tomura pulled up. The drive home was silent. When we got back to base Denki and I immediately went to my room. Denki didn't hesitate to throw his shirt to the ground and climb into my bed, holding his arms out to me.
I took my shoes off and joined him, putting one of my arms around him and placing the other on his stomach. Denki buried his head into my chest and closed his eyes, minutes later he was fast asleep. I wasn't as lucky and remained awake for a few more hours, simply laying there and admiring Denki as I waited for sleep to take over.

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