Days Like This

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The few days I was still healing I stayed at UA, practically hauled up in Denki's room the entire time. It hasn't been all too bad seeing as Denki's been hauled up with me. I didn't necessarily want to go into the main rooms unless I had to, that way I didn't bother 2A. I know I'm not even supposed to be here so I want to keep my presence to a minimum. Tomura's coming to take us to base tomorrow so we won't be here too much longer anyway.
Denki hit 8 months yesterday and finally hit the point where he no longer could attend classes, meaning we were finally together 24/7. When I woke up Denki was still passed out in my arms. I looked over at the alarm clock, 9:37am. I carefully got out of bed, making sure not to wake Denki up. Once I was successfully up I made my way to the kitchen, wanting to make Denki breakfast before he woke up.
I went with a safe option, chocolate chip pancakes, seeing as 1, Denki's been craving them, and 2, he's a 17 year old child and will never complain about them. Once the pancakes were finished I plated them and poured a glass of chocolate milk before bringing them upstairs to Denki. When I got back upstairs I walked into his room, finding him still passed out on the bed. I sat the plate and glass on the nightstand then walked over to Denki, pushing his hair out of his face before leaning down and kissing his forehead. "Denks, wake up."
Denki slowly started moving, "Five more minutes."
"I made you food." This got his attention. Denki's eyes snapped open as he attempted to sit up, he quickly failed and fell back onto the bed.
   He sighed and lifted his hands into the air, "Help please." I laughed but took his hands, gently pulling him up. Once he was up I handed him the plate of pancakes, making a smile grow onto his face, "Have I ever told you that you're my favorite person?"
   "Once or twice." I replied, going around to sit next to him. After a few minutes Denki finished eating and wanted to go watch a few movies until the class got back. When we got downstairs I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher then went to join Denki in the living room. I threw myself onto one of the couches, Denki choosing to lie down in between my legs.
   Denki scrolled through movies while I covered him up with a blanket, though he quickly threw it off. "It's hot, there's a reason I don't like wearing shirts. Blankets are worse." Denki pouted. I quickly backed down, knowing better than to argue with him right now. When Denki had chosen what he wanted to watch he handed me the remote and relaxed, resting his head on my shoulder.
Out of habit my hands rested on Denki's abdomen, slowly moving one of them across the firm skin. About half way through the first movie Haruka started moving and Denki started complaining, especially as time went on and the movements got more frequent. "Make him stop." Denki groaned, moving his head to the side to rest his forehead against my neck.
"I'm doing what I can, love. Sadly there isn't much I can do." I replied, continuing to gently rub Denki's abdomen. Haruka ended up moving and kicking for the next hour, making Denki irritated. When he finally stopped I felt Denki relax again.
   "Finally." Denki whispered as he dug his head into the crook of my neck, closing his eyes.
"One more month, love. You're almost done." I said, resting my head on top of his.
"I know, I can't wait til he's finally out. I want told hold him and you know, not have a baby fucking with my organs." He complained.
"Soon, Denks." Denki went back to choose a new movie moments later. We had about 20 minutes left of said movie when the class walked in. I quickly pulled the blanket over Denki, not caring about any protests he might make. He surprisingly made none.
"Hey guys, we're almost finished then we'll be out of your way." Denki said while turning to look at his classmates.
"No, wait, please stay out here." Mina requested as she walked over to the couch.
"Yeah, dude! You and Hitoshi have been in your room this whole time. Stay out here and hang out with us, man." Eijiro added.
"I thought-" I started, getting interrupted by Katsuki almost immediately.
"We were serious when we said we still considered you a friend, dumbass."
   "I vote we stay. I'm nowhere in the mood to move right now, you're a very comfortable pillow." Denki said.
   "Please?" Mina begged.
   "I- Y-Yeah, sure." I replied, a little nervous. I still felt awkward being around UA kids, but I had to make some sort of effort. They're going to be in my life forever seeing as they're Denki's friends.
   Mina's face lit up, "Yes! Let us change out of our uniforms, we'll be back!" With that she ran off, the others following close behind.
   "There goes our alone time and peace." I sighed.
   Denki laughed, "You have me all to yourself for the next month, you'll live." He said while reaching up and grabbing the back of my neck. He pulled my head down towards him and locked our lips together. I moved one of my hands to his cheek, deepening the kiss.
"Maybe we should've just let them go back to Denki's room." I heard Mina start joking and she sat down on one of the other couches.
"Yeah, we don't want Denki getting pregnant again." Eijiro said, everybody turning to look at him.
"That's not how that works, dumbass." Katsuki said as he sat next to Eijiro.
"I- I knew that!" Eijiro replied, his face turning a deep red.
   "Enough teasing, it's movie time!" Mina said as she grabbed the remote from the couch. As Mina was scrolling through Netflix Denki suddenly jumped, gasping as his hands flew around his abdomen.
   "Denks? What's wrong?" I asked, feeling a sense of panic.
   "I think it's a false contraction. They are supposed to have started up soon." Denki said, a look of pure pain on his face. I did the only thing I could think of and pulled Denki closer, placing my hands on top of his.
   "Let me know if I'm making this worse, I-I don't really know how to help." I said, feeling a bit useless. I hated that Denki was hurting and I couldn't do anything.
"You're fine. Don't move, please." Denki replied in a weak voice. I did as he said and stayed as I was until the pain passed. When it did Denki let out a sigh and looked up to me with a smile, "Thank you."
"Are you alright?" Mina asked, looking over at Denki with worried eyes.
Denki nodded, "I'm good now, sorry." Mina simply nodded and selected the movie she was on. Denki relaxed back into the position he was in moments ago, and replaced his forehead against my neck. As he did that I wrapped my arms around his waist and replaced my hands on his abdomen. At some point Denki had fallen asleep, his soft snores echoing through the room.
   "That didn't take long." Katsuki said, crossing his arms as he moved so his legs were on Eijiro's lap.
   "You can't really blame him, his energy's been at an all time low lately. I guess pregnancy's to blame for that, though." I replied as I looked down at Denki.
   "Do you want to go up to his room? We understand if you do." Mina asked.
   I softly shook my head, "No, it's alright. I'd rather not risk moving and waking him up." Mina nodded and turned back to the tv. One by one more people from the class walked in and joined us. I pushed my nerves aside and ended up spending the rest of the day watching movies with class 2A. Denki didn't wake up until dinner, which after that he just wanted to go to his room and go back to sleep.
   I went up to his room with him, saying goodnight to 2A as Denki got up to leave. Once in his room he quickly climbed into bed and curled up with the covers. He stuck his arms out and started making grabby hands towards me, "Hurry, you're warm and I require my pillow." Denki said.
"Is that all I am to you now?" I looked over and saw Denki slightly nod his head. I felt a smile spread onto my face as I walked over to my side of the bed, Denki quickly taking hold of me and pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms loosely around Denki, knowing he'd turn around so his back was to my chest. Moments later he did just that.
I moved my forehead so it was leaning against the back on Denki's head and closed my eyes. One of my hands was caressing Denki's abdomen while the other was holding one of Denki's hands. It wasn't too long until Denki was asleep again, my own consciousness fading not long after.

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