Double Date

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   The next morning Denki and I woke up, knowing we had to get dressed and go meet up with Eijiro and Katsuki. Denki and I quickly got ready and headed out, just barely making it to UA on time. As we approached Eijiro turned to us with a smile, though his smile quickly turned to confusion when he saw me. "Hey Toshi, why are you dressed like that?"
"I- Did you forget who I am? I can't really just show my face walking down the street." I replied, holding back the urge to laugh.
   Eijiro's face turned red, "Oh, yeah, right. Sorry, I forgot." Eijiro stumbled, nervously laughing.
   "You guys ready to go? I'm hungry." Denki said as he grabbed onto my arm. With that we headed off. Katsuki and Eijiro decided on stopping by a diner they usually went to for dates then going to see a movie afterwards, neither Denki or I had complaints about this.
   When we got to the diner the staff quickly greeted Katsuki and Eijiro before leading us to a table away from everybody else in the restraunt. The waitress handed out menus then left fairly fast. After looking through the menu for a few minutes Denki leaned over to me and pointing at something, "I want this."
   I looked at whatever it was he was pointing at, it was some house special they had that had a bunch of random foods on a plate. "That's fine, get whatever you want." I replied, turning back to my own menu. A few minutes later the waitress came back for our orders. When it was Denki's turn he read off multiple different things off the menu with an excited look of his face, it was cute.
   After the waitress took the menus Denki threw himself back and leaned against me. "So, have you guys started doing any planning or anything for when the baby gets here?" Eijiro asked.
   "Not really, though we probably should soon. I know who I want involved in their life and we have plans for where they can stay but that's about it. I guess we should start talking about it more though, shouldn't we?" Denki replied, a small smile on his face.
   "You really should, you only have a few more month's until the brat's going to be here." Katsuki chimed in.
   "Probably, it's kind of hard when I barely get to see him." I sighed. Denki and I have tried on multiple occasions to talk about baby stuff, but something always comes up with the league or Denki needing to be at UA for something, it's been tough.
   "I'm sure you guys'll figure it out soon. If you guys want we can stop by the mall after the movie, we can go to that one baby store and get a few things." Eijiro suggested, making Denki's eyes light up.
   "Can we really?!"
   "Yeah dude, of course." Eijiro smiled.
Denki turned to me with a bright smile, "We can finally get the baby's room at the base set up. I've been wanting to do that for weeks."
"The base?" Eijiro asked, confused.
"Yeah, the villain's base. That's where the baby's going to be staying while I'm at school." Denki explained. I tensed at the mention of the league's base. As much as I trusted Eijiro and Katsuki, I didn't really want them knowing anything of base.
"Oh, and that's a good idea?" Eijiro asked, worry written all over his face.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, cocking an eyebrow.
"Ah it's nothing against you man, I promise. I just assumed Denki would want the baby to stay at the dorms with him, that's all. I didn't know if it was a good idea for him to be away from the baby or not." Eijiro quickly replied.
"I trust Toshi and the league a lot, I know there'll always be somebody there to watch the baby so I think it's the best decision." Denki said.
   Before anybody could say anything else the waitress brought the food to the table. She sat everything down and left. Denki was the first one to start eating, everybody else starting shortly after. Nobody really bothered to make conversation, making things slightly awkward. After we finished and paid the bill we went to the theater, things slowly starting to come back to life as Eijiro started talking about the movie.
   When we got to the theater we went and bought our tickets then went inside. Denki wanted to get movie snacks so I took him to the concession stand while Eijiro and Katsuki went to the auditorium to save seats. I payed for whatever it was Denki wanted then we left to go find wherever Eijiro and Katsuki chose to sit. We found them in one of the mid rows and went over, I ended up sitting next to Katsuki while Denki and Eijiro were on the ends.
   Throughout the movie Denki was leaning on my shoulder as Eijiro cracked jokes about random parts of the movie. I'm pretty sure Katsuki was the only one paying any actual attention to the movie as the rest of us were practically talking and joking throughout it. Once the movie was over Eijiro led us to the mall to take Denki to that baby store he was talking about.
As soon as the store was in view Denki grabbed my hand and pulled me along as he picked up his pace. Denki's eyes widened as he stepped into the store, his attention instantly going to something towards the back of the store. He pulled me along with him as he practically ran to whatever it was he spotted. When we got there he went over and pointed to a box for a crib, "I want this, please Toshi?" Denki asked, his eyes pleading.
   "Anything for you, love." I responded before going over and picking up the box. Denki walked around the store a little more, picking out a few more small items before declaring he was finished. We went to the register, paid, and left, finding Eijiro and Katsuki waiting outside the store.
   "You find everything you wanted?" Eijiro asked.
   "For now, though I'll definitely be dragging Toshi back at some point." Denki replied, a bright smile on his face. I got stuck carrying the bags, though I didn't mind all too much as I didn't want Denki straining himself trying to carry anything.
   When we got back to UA I said goodbye to Eijiro and Katsuki who went inside, leaving Denki and I alone. "I had a lot of fun today, thanks for agreeing to come along for this." Denki said as he pulled me into a tight hug. I placed the bags on the ground and hugged him back.
   "Of course, I actually had quite a bit of fun too." I replied, planting a kiss on top of Denki's head.
   Out of nowhere Denki flinched, his hands flying to his abdomen. "I think I just felt the baby move." Denki said, his eyes widening in amazement as he stared down. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist.
   "You're too cute. I love you, Denki." I said, leaning down to kiss Denki's cheek.
   Denki laughed lightly and moved his face to the side to connect our lips, "I love you too Toshi, so much."
    After a while Denki went inside UA, not wanting to be out past curfew. Once he left I was stuck carrying all the baby stuff Denki got back to base. I dragged the stuff into the baby's room then went into my own room to throw myself onto my bed, completely exhausted. As fun as today was, I was relieved to finally be back home. I've had enough social interaction today to last me a year. I closed my eyes, managing to pass out within seconds.

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