Swapping Out

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   Sunday night Himiko took off to take my place at UA today. I gave her a fair amount of blood so that her disguise wouldn't fall while she was there. Meanwhile, I was ready to have the time of my life. Tomura gave me 4 different profiles, meaning I got to go on 4 different missions in the next few hours. I geared up, came up with my plan, and left, more than ready to pull this off without a hitch.
   It was 6am when I arrived at my first destination. Yes I was playing it risky by doing this during the day, but that's the whole thrill of it. Plus, it's the time I'd have the best odds at catching my targets. By the way their work schedules worked I'd have just enough time to hop into position and run into them, I just had to stay on schedule.
Right on time I saw my target start walking down the alley I was waiting in. For this I was using the little darkenss that remained to my advantage and hid in the shadows. As soon as she walked past me I grabbed her from behind and slit her throat before taking off to my next destination. Another thing I was known for was traveling great distances in little to no time. Many people question how I do it, but the reality is I just know the right routes to take.
I arrived at my next destination at 7am. I was on the other side of the city, waiting on top of a building. This next target I wasn't going to be able to grab him, I had to use my quirk. His file said he had a short temper so I planned to use that to my advantage. As my target walked by I dropped behind him. "Do you always dress like a bitch?" I commented, making him turn around.
This did it.
   "What the hell did you say?" He asked as he started towards me. I took control over him and handed him one of my knives, pulling off yet another signature throat slit before taking off. The city was in pure daylight at this point, this is where things start getting risky. I quickly started running off to my next destination. I got there early so I had some time to kill. I ended up going on my phone to check the news and see how far ahead of the police I was.
   An hour ago the info on my first victim was released to the public, I don't see anything on the last guy yet. Himiko had texted me when she woke up, telling me everything was going smoothly at UA. I checked the time, 9:15am, it was just about time for my next victim to be showing up. Right as I turned around there she was. I quickly dropped behind her, "Excuse me miss? Can you help me with something?" I asked before walking up to her.
   She turned around with a smile on her face, "Why sure-" She said, though her face changed to terror once she noticed who I was. I took control and ran up to her, jamming my blade right into her stomach before pulling the blade up and slicing her open. As I sheathed my blade I heard somebody scream. I turned around to see a child around 9 years old standing behind me. I hated hurting kids, but I had to take her out for my own protection. I quickly ran up to her and snapped her neck, finding this to be the fastest way to deal with her.
   After she dropped to the ground I ran away from the scene, dipping in and out of back alleys until I was far enough away to climb onto a roof. My final location wasn't all to far away from my current location so it didn't take me long to arrive. About 5 minutes after I took my place my final victim arrived right on schedule. I dropped down and took her in my arms before stabbing her in the side of her neck. I pulled my blade out of her neck only to put in in her chest. She fell limp in my arms.
   I heard sirens in the distance, taking this as my sign to leave. As I was running I checked the time, 10:30 am, I finished right on time. "Freeze, Mind Freak!" I heard somebody call out from behind me. I looked back to see the hero I was with for that work study chasing me, he appeared to be on his own.
   "Why should I?" I called out, hoping he was too focused on me to notice what I was doing. I got lucky.
   "Because-" He threw his hand over his mouth, but it was too late.
   I smirked, "Jump off the roof." I commanded. Seconds later he did just that, throwing himself off of the tall building. I didn't care if he died or not, nor did I stick around long enough to find out. I got right back to fleeing, making it back to base without any more interruptions. I was fairly out of breath when I got back, getting concerned looks from the other league members.
   "You alright, Hitoshi? I don't think I've ever seen you winded before." Tomura said, throwing me a bottle of water. I quickly pulled off my mask and chugged the water.
   I emptied the bottle and turned to Tomura, "I was almost caught, I just had to run faster than usual." I replied.
   "You're all over the news today. You did good, kid." Dabi said, shooting me a smile.
   I laughed, "I'd honestly be concerned if I wasn't. 5, possibly 6, murders in one day is kind of a big thing to the police. Especially if it's all done by one person." I said as I walked to my room to shower. My costume was drenched in dried blood, I'd actually have to wash it this time. I removed my costume, showered, started the laundry, and took a nap, exhausted from today's mission.
    I was woken up by somebody jumping on me. "Wake up, Toshi! You have to go back to UA in a couple hours." The voice I recognized as Himiko's said.
   I sighed, "And you couldn't let me sleep until I had to leave?" I asked, making Himiko laugh.
   "No way, you have to deal with me. You're all anybody was talking about today. Every hour another murder was announced, you really put everyone on edge." Himiko said.
   I smirked, "I kind of figured that would happen. How many kills were reported?" I asked, wanting to know if I killed that hero.
   "5 deaths, 1 injury. That hero barely survived, he's in the hospital in critical condition." I sighed, I knew he'd be interviewed the second the press would be allowed near him. I spent the next couple hours relaxing with Himiko. As I was getting ready to leave Denki texted me, asking when I was coming back.
   I told him I was heading back now, in which he said to be careful and on guard. It made me laugh. I knew he was telling me to watch out for Mind Freak because of today's attacks, I found it hilarious.
   A while later I was walking into the dorms, instantly getting greeted by Denki, "Hitoshi! I'm so glad you're ok. I was worried something was going to happen to you." Denki said as he pulled me into a hug.
   "I'll be fine, Denki. I can protect myself." I replied. Denki gave me a slight nod before letting me go. Everybody was still talking about the Mind Freak attacks, I instantly grew tired of hearing the gossip over it. I put up with it regardless, not wanting to seem suspicious. A while later I finally made my escape to my room and instantly collapsed onto my bed, managing to fall asleep in seconds.

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