I Have a Date

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   "Well? Does this look good?" I asked as walked outside my room to show my outfit to Himiko. I had a date with Denki today and I wanted to actually look decent.
   "You look great, Hitoshi! I'm sure he's going to fall for you even more!" Himiko replied, a wide smile on her face.
    "I still don't think this is a good idea." Tomura started as he walked down the hall, "Hitoshi-"
    "I know. I know I'm going to have to betray him one day, I'm well aware of that. When the time comes I'll do it without hesitation. But for now I'd like to enjoy this. I want to enjoy doing what normal teenagers do while I can." I replied, getting a sympathetic look from Tomura.
I gathered up a couple things like my phone and wallet then left to meet Denki. I arrived at the restraunt and walked inside, finding Denki already sitting at a table. I started towards him, Denki jumping up to greet me as he saw me approach. "Hey! You look amazing." Denki said as his face started to turn red.
   I smiled then went to sit down, Denki following suite. As we looked through the menu I noticed Denki contantly peaking up and looking at me. I took this opportunity to tease him, "I apologize, but I'm not on the menu, Denki." Denki's head quickly disappeared behind the menu.
   "You're bullying me."
   "Maybe, but it's cute when you get flustered." I replied, making Denki peak up from the menu again. I gave him a soft smile that made his face turn an even deeper red. The waitress came by a few minutes later and took our orders, leaving Denki with nothing to hide behind. "Tell me more about you?" I asked, trying to help him relax a little.
"I-" Denki started, though he was a little flustered. He took a moment to calm down and continue, "There's not too much to say about me, I've had a fairly good life. My parents are really supportive of me and help me however they can to make my dreams come true, I've been pretty lucky." I noticed Denki's smile fade as he looked me in my eyes, "S-Sorry, I didn't-"
    I put a hand up, "It's fine, really. I'm glad you've had a better upbringing than I did. Nobody else should have to go through that shit." I really was happy that Denki had a good life, but I can't help to feel a little jealousy. I often wondered what kind of life I would have if I wasn't abandoned. I probably wouldn't have been a villain, that's one thing I'm almost sure of. Maybe I'd be at UA as an actual student, not somebody that's only there to betray them.
    My thoughts were interrupted by food being placed on the table. "Hitoshi, you seemed really deep in thought. Are you alright?" Denki asked once the waitress had left.
I nodded, "Yeah, sorry. I was thinking about what may be different if I wasn't abandoned." I said as I took a bite of food.
"Well, at least no matter what I'm certain you'd still be at UA. I'm very confident that we'd be becoming heroes together no matter what happened. I'm happy we're students together, Hitoshi. I'm really looking forward to working with you more in the future." Denki replied.
He had a huge smile on his face and I felt my heart tighten, guilt taking over my body. I gave Denki a fake smile, "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it aswell."
    After we finished eating and payed Denki and I had left, hand in hand. We started walking to a small festival that was being held not to far from here. It still felt weird to go out and do stuff like a normal person would. I'm so used to walking down these streets to steal, rob something, or even going to a restraunt and run off before paying. Doing things the normal way felt so foreign, but it was kind of peaceful in a way.
We arrived at the festival and started walking around, Denki pulling me to stands with small trinkets on them. This time I did end up noticing my instincts grab a few things. I did my best to stop myself, not wanting to steal around Denki, but it's hard to break habits you were taught to do for so many years. Denki ended up buying a couple pins and small glass figures he said he'd fallen in love with. I enjoyed seeing Denki look this happy, it made my heart flutter.
After a couple of hours of walking around Denki had finally had enough and decided to leave. Since today was a Saturday I planned to go back to base afterwards. I walked Denki back to the dorms, feeling a tug on my arm as I started to walk off. "Where are you going? We're back at the dorms." Denki said, confusion on his face.
     "I was going to go back home. It's only Saturday so I was planning to go back." I replied, putting a hand on the back of my neck.
    Denki looked down at the ground, "Can I uh, come back with you, maybe? I would like to meet your friends." He said quiety.
   "I-" I started, feeling my nerves kick in, "That's not a very good idea, sorry."
    "Why isn't it a good idea? Are they homophobic or something?" Denki asked as he looked up at me.
    "No, it's definetly not that. Two of my friends are gay and one's bi. It's just- I'm sorry, Denki. It just really isn't a good idea for you to meet them, for any of you guys to meet them." I replied.
    Denki looked back a the ground, disappointment all over his face, "Oh, alright. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Denki said as he started to walk off to the dorms.
    I grabbed him by the arm, "Don't look sad about it, please? I don't like it. I'll try to make it so you can meet them one day, alright? Now's just not a good time." Denki's face lit up a little bit as I finished. He nodded and wrapped me into a tight hug. I placed a hand on his cheek and lifted his face towards me, locking our lips together.
   "Um, before you leave, I want you to know something about me. Something important." Denki said as he pulled away from me.
   "Yeah, sure, go ahead. You can tell me anything." I replied, a little scared.
   Denki looked at the ground and started playing with his fingers, I could tell he was nervous. "Promise not to hate me?"
   I laughed, taking his cheeks in my hands before placing a kiss on his forehead. "I could never hate you, Denki."
   "R-Right, um, I just wanted you to know that I'm transgender." Denki said, his eyes laser focused on the ground.
   I took a second to process what he said before pulling him into a tight hug. "That's all? Denki, that doesn't change how I feel about you. If anything I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to tell me."
   Denki looked up at me, a wide smile on his face. He tightly wrapped his arms around me, "Thank you. Thank you so much, Toshi." After a few moments Denki spoke again, "I should go inside before I keep you out here all night. I'll text you tomorrow, yeah?" I nodded and let Denki go.
    Once we seperated Denki waved me goodbye and headed back to the dorms while I went back to base. When I walked inside I noticed a small trail of red feathers scattered across the floor leading to Dabi's room. I sighed and picked them all up before walking to his room and busting the door open. Once inside I found Dabi naked and on top of the number two hero, Hawks. "What the hell? Get out, Hitoshi!" Dabi yelled, an annoyed look on his face.
    I threw the feathers inside the room, "Friendly reminder, stop leaving your fuck buddy's feathers all over the fucking base. It's irritating as hell. I don't need to know everytime you get laid." I said before leaving, slightly slamming the door behind me. I did this almost every time Dabi had Hawks over, mainly because Hawks always leaves his annoying feathers everywhere. I hate it. Dabi only ever fucks Hawks to piss off Tomura, they have a thing for eachother but their both too stubborn to do anything about it. Hence, Dabi tries to piss him off for some fucking reason.
   I sighed as I went back to my room, emptying my pockets before going to shower. My head was filled with memories of Denki, along with the guilt that hadn't left my body all night. I'd easily betray everybody at UA if it was in the best interest for the league, but I'd feel bad about betraying Denki. I'd like to put that off for as long as possible. After my shower I layed in my bed, sending Denki a goodnight text before closing my eyes and attempting to fall asleep.

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