Face To Face

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   "Hitoshi, focus. We need you to be on your A game for this mission." Tomura said as he stepped in front of me. "This is important, kid."
   "Yeah, right, sorry. I promise I'm at the top of my game." I lied, my mind was on Denki. It has been the last few weeks. I kept thinking back on that night at the amusement park, about how I felt on the ferris wheel with Denki. I couldn't shake that feeling. I was questioning everything, especially how well I'm actually going to be able to betray him. I'm not sure if I could handle it anymore.
   "Whatever's on your mind, forget it for now. We need you. This mission's important. Go get changed, we leave in an hour." Tomura said before walking away. I went to my room and threw myself onto my bed before reaching to my drawer and grabbing my cigarettes, lighting one to try to take my mind off of Denki. It worked a little bit, it was enough for me to be able to focus on this mission at least.
30 minutes later I threw my costume on and walked out to the main area where Dabi and Tomura were already waiting. The plan was to rob a weapon's shop, Tomura wanted my help with the robbery and Dabi was to take care of anybody around. Jin was the get away driver and was waiting outside.
We loaded up into the van and made our way to the shop. Jin dropped us off and took his position down the street while Tomura, Dabi and I ran into the shop, quickly cornering everybody inside with Dabi's flames. I killed off the owner and stared filling the bag I was given with anything I found useful. Once the bag was full Tomura told me to go to the van and tell Jin to come around front.
I took off down the street and ended up bumping right into somebody before I got the the van. I ran into them so hard that I fell to the ground, almost dropping the bag in the process. I looked up and saw Denki sitting on the ground across from me, rubbing his back. "What the hell ma-" Denki's eyes widened in fear once he noticed who I was.
I just sat there, frozen as Denki slowly started to crawl away from me. It hurt seeing how scared Denki looked, his body was shaking and I could hear his breath begin to quicken. "Y-You're-" Denki slowly started saying.
"Mind Freak, what the fuck are you doing? Get up!" Denki was interrupted by Tomura calling out to me. I heard footsteps run up behind me then felt somebody grab the back of my jacket and pull me along. "Run, kid! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Tomura snarled as I started running. I looked behind me to see Denki still sitting on the ground, staring at me as I ran off.
We loaded into the van and quickly took off. "What the fuck was that?" Dabi asked, obviously annoyed.
Tomura started right after him, "Yeah, what the fuck, Hitoshi? Do you want to get caught?"
I looked up at them, "No! I- Sorry, I was just caught off guard. I'm sorry." I replied, pulling my hood and mask down. I felt guilt start to take me
over. "That's a rookie mistake, it's embarassing."
"Yeah, it is embarrassing. Whatever's going on with you, get your shit together. I have no idea what those UA brats are doing to you, but don't forget what you're even doing there." Tomura said while crossing his arms.
I nodded, "I know, I'm sorry. I'll get my shit straight. I promise, I'll make it up to you next mission."
Tomura placed a hand on my head and ruffled my hair like he used to do when I was little. "You better. We need you, Toshi." The rest of the ride back was silent. When we got back to base we unloaded what we had stolen at the bar. After that I went to my room, changing so I can head back to UA early. I wanted to check in on Denki. After I changed I said my goodbyes to the league then went off to the dorms.
When I walked inside I saw everybody gathered in the living room. As I walked further into the room I saw Denki curled up on the couch. I ran over to him and sat next to him before placing a hand on his shoulder. "Denki? What happened, are you ok?" I asked, hoping he'd answer me. He didn't.
"He came home from the store a couple hours ago and hasn't moved since. He won't say anything to anyone, he's just lying there." Mina said, a sad tone to her voice.
I felt guilty, I knew this was because of me. I started rubbing comforting circles on Denki's back, "Denki, tell me what's wrong. Please?" I requested. Denki simply crawled closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist while resting his head on my lap. I held Denki closer to me, letting him take his time.
After almost an hour Denki finally started talking, "I- I ran into Mind Freak. Like, literally ran into him." Denki said in a low voice. This gained everybody who was still in the room's attention.
"What? Denki, what happened? What did he do?" Mina asked, quickly running to Denki's side.
Denki turned to face her before continuing, "I was just walking to the store and I felt somebody run into me. They ran into me so hard they knocked me to the ground. I looked up and saw Mind Freak sitting across from me. But this is the weird part, he didn't do or say anything. He just sat there, staring at me. It's almost like he was surprised to see me. I started backing away but he didn't move, just continued to stare at me. Shigaraki and Dabi ran over not too much later, they just grabbed him and ran away. They were yelling at him as they left." Denki explained, slightly shaking.
Everybody was looking at Denki in shock. "That's terrifying, I'm so glad you made it out unharmed." Momo said.
"I wonder why he just stared at you. That's weird, don't you guys think?" Mina asked, looking around the room and earning nods in agreement from everybody.
"It is weird, he's a cold blooded killer. Why would he just sit there when he had a helpless victim in front of him?" Katsuki asked, earning glares from everybody, "What?"
"I-I just want to go to my room," Denki said, standing up before looking over to me, "Come with me?" I nodded, standing up and following Denki out of the room. When Denki and I got to his room, he quickly burried his head into my chest and started crying. I wrapped my arms around him and just let him cry. "Toshi, I-I was so scared. I thought I was going to die, I thought- I thought I'd never be able to see you again."
I rubbed circles on Denki's back, trying to calm him down. "I'm sorry I couldn't help, but it's alright now. You're at home with me now, everything's fine." I replied.
Denki didn't say anything, he just nodded and tried to bury his face deeper into my chest. At some point Denki ended up falling asleep, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I felt awful, I wanted so badly to tell Denki I was Mind Freak but I knew that I couldn't, I couldn't handle him hating me right now. Seeing Denki's face today proved just how much he hated the real me. I didn't deserve this happy life with Denki, not after what I've done. I don't know how much I could keep up the facade. I honestly don't know what'll come first, the end of the mission or me being consumed by guilt.

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