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Time flew by, and before I knew it it was the last day of Denki's break. He went back to UA to start his second year tomorrow so I wanted to make the most of today. Denki was practically at the base every day the past couple months. Every moment was filled with laughter and fun, along with a few nights where we ended up getting intimate. I was having the time of my life and never wanted Denki to leave, though I knew he had to. I wanted him to finish his education and achieve his dreams, I know how important being a hero was to him.
   I was currently laying in my bed, wide awake with Denki in my arms. He was starting to stir awake and shortly later opened his eyes, giving me a smile when he saw me. "Hey, goodmorning." Denki said as he moved to wrap his arms around my neck.
"Goodmorning, love." I replied, placing my hands on his hips as I moved down a little to place my lips onto his. "You willing to go out with me today? It's your last free day so I want to make the most of it."
Denki quickly nodded, "Yes, I'd like nothing more." Denki proceeded to get out of bed and grabbed a pair of clothes he had sitting on my dresser before he walked into the bathroom. I refused to get up at the moment, the bed was still warm and I didn't want to move just yet.
   I stayed put until Denki came out of the bathroom. He placed his night clothes on the dresser and walked over to the bed, pulling the sheets off of me. "You said you want to go out today so get up, I wanna go do stuff with you." Denki said. I groaned, still refusing to move. Denki grabbed onto my arm and pulled me off the bed until I hit the floor. He leaned over me, smiling. "Now get up, I want to leave."
   I reluctantly got off the floor and grabbed a pair of clothes out of my closet, slowly walking to the bathroom to get changed. Once in the bathroom I changed and got ready to leave, going back into my room minutes later to find Denki sitting on my bed, a smile plastered on his face. "Ready to go?" Denki asked.
"Yeah, we can leave now." I replied, making Denki get up and take my hand before he started pulling me out the door. I barely had time to put on a mask and pull my hood up. I think Denki forgets that I need to hide my face and hair sometimes as he looked at me confused for a few seconds before he realized what I was doing. He had a slightly disappointed look on his face once my hood and mask were on, but it didn't take long for him to go back to his usual self.
   Denki led me down the streets until we arrived at a small cafe. He led me inside and we were greeted by a woman not too much shorter than Denki. I looked around and saw cats all around the cafe, my eyes widening as I looked at Denki. He laughed and smiled at me, "I figured you might enjoy coming here, I know you like cats so I thought it was a good idea."
   "You know me all too well." I replied while placing a hand on his head and messing his hair up a little. Denki asked what I wanted and told me to find a place to sit, that way I avoided as much contact with people as possible. I took a seat in an area that had 2 bean bag chairs and multiple cats. The second I was down I was quickly greeted by a couple of the cats. I started petting them, managing to make the cats purr instantly. I felt a smile creep onto my face.
   "Having fun?" I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw Denki smiling at me, drinks in hand. He handed me my drink and took the seat across from me.
   "I am, I wonder if Crusty would let me get a cat." I said before going back to petting one of the cats.
   "I'm sure he would, you know he adores you." Denki replied, taking a sip of his drink. I nodded and pulled my mask down enough to down some of my coffee. We stayed at the cafe for about 20 more minutes before we took off to the next place, though Denki practically had to drag me out. I didn't want to leave the cats.
   We ended up going to some random stores we found on the street for a few hours, though I of course ended up with a few items in my pockets. At about 3pm Denki was tired of walking around so I took him to a restraunt I knew would be safe for me to go to. I was tired of wearing the mask and hood so I figured it was a good choice.
   I led Denki to the restraunt and was immediately recognized by the staff once we got inside. "Hey Toshi, want your usual table?" One of the waitresses I knew well asked.
   I took my hood and mask off and smiled at her, "Yes please, thank you." She nodded and led Denki and I to the table.
   Denki looked at me nervously, "Hey, uh, is it alright for you to be here? Especially without your mask and stuff?"
   I smiled at him, "I'm good, Denks. I come here a lot. This is a villain's only reatraunt." Denki seemed to get a little more nervous so I took his hand in an attempt to reassure him, "Relax, everyone here knows me. You're safe, I promise." Denki gave me a weak smile and nodded, looking around the room one last time before picking up the menu that was sat in front of him.
After a few minutes the waitress came around and took our order. I tried starting a few conversations with Denki but he seemed off, "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, I'm just a little scared I guess. I've never been around so many villains before. I know the league so that's different, but this is-"
I took his hand again and looked him right in the eye, "You trust me, right?" I asked, earning a nod from Denki, "Then believe me when I say there's nothing to be scared of. I'm not kidding when I say that everybody here knows me, they know I'm with the league. They know that I'm not afraid to fuck them up. You're safe here as long as you're with me, alright? Don't be scared, I'd never bring you somewhere that would bring you harm."
Denki seemed to relax after that and slowly became more talkative again. The food arrived and at that point Denki was completely acting like himself again, it was relieving. I was scared I'd made a mistake by bringing him here. Once Denki and I finished eating I paid the bill and we left, me sighing as I knew I'd have to put the mask and hood back on.
It was around 5pm at this point and Denki had to go back to the dorms. We went back to base, gathered his things, then I walked him back to UA. When we got to the front gates Denki placed his bag on the ground and wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you for today, for these past couple months in general actually. I had a really good time spending my break with you." Denki said as he burried his head into my chest. I smiled and placed my arms around him, holding him close.
"I had a lot of fun too, Denki. It's a shame that you have to go back so soon." I replied.
Denki pulled my mask down and planted a kiss on my lips. "It is, but we'll get to do this next year, then after that I'll graduate and we can be together all the time. That's something to look forward to, right?" I smiled and nodded in agreement.
Denki pulled me in for another kiss, this one lasting until somebody coughed behind us. Denki and I looked over to see Iida standing in the gates. We didn't move, Iida just stared daggers at me for a few minutes before speaking. "Kaminari, this is against school rules. You know that, right? He shouldn't be anywhere near here, or you for a matter of fact."
Denki scoffed, "Just let it go, man. He's not going anywhere." Denki gave me one last kiss before pulling my mask back up and picking up his bag, "I'll text you, yeah?" I nodded and Denki shot me one last smile before going into the gates, pulling Iida inside with him. I turned away and started walking back to base, feeling some sort of loneliness as I realized I'd barely be able to see Denki for a while. I hated this feeling, more than anything, though I know things have to be this way. For the sake of Denki's future, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to ensure it's nothing but bright.

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