Kirishima and Bakugo

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"E-Eijiro!" Denki said, quickly jumping away from me, "What're you doing here?"
"I'm coming back from break, what else? Why's Hitoshi here and why are you talking about a baby? What's going on, Denki?"
"I- Can we not talk about this here?" Denki asked.
Kirishima nodded, "We can go up to my dorm if you want."
"I want Toshi to be with me for this-"
"That's cool, he can come with. If anybody asks questions I'll tell them I invited him over to talk about something." Kirishima said as he started walking into UA. Denki and I followed him. I tightened my hood as we walked, not wanting to be noticed right away.
   When we walked into the dorms everybody turned around to greet Kirishima and Denki back, they fell silent when they noticed me. "W-Why is he here?" I heard somebody ask.
   "Relax, I invited him over to ask about something. Me, him, and Denki'll be in my room." Kirishima said, leading us up to his room. I could feel the stares of everybody watching me as I followed Denki and Kirishima. When we got up to Kirishima's room Bakugo was lying on his bed, snuggling up to one of his pillows.
"Hey, I missed you." Bakugo said as Kirishima walked through the door. He had a soft smile on his face until Denki and I walked into the room. He quickly went back to his signature scowl, "Why the hell is Purple Hair here?"
"I need to talk to him and Denki about something." Kirishima replied.
"I'm staying then." Bakugo said, crossing his arms.
"Is that alright, Denki?" Kirishima asked.
"Y-Yeah, that's fine." Denki stuttered. Kirishima gestured for us to sit and climbed next to Bakugo.
"So then, what's this about a baby?"
Bakugo's eyes widened, "A baby? What?"
   Kirishima and Bakugo both locked their eyes on Denki, confusion and curiosity on their faces. "I didn't really want anybody knowing yet, but I'm pregnant." Denki said while messing with his fingers.
   "Wait, seriously? How though?" Kirishima asked.
   "I'm transgender, I wasn't born male. So one thing led to another and yeah."
   "Bro you should've told us! Congrats man, how far along are you?" Kirishima said while Bakugo just sat there in confusion.
"I'm almost at 4 months." Denki replied, a small smile on his face.
"And Purple Hair's the dad?" Bakugo asked, just getting a nod in response. Bakugo laughed, "Have fun explaining that one to everyone."
"They all know I'm still dating Toshi, I don't get what the problem is."
"The problem is that I'm a villain, Denki. Of course they're going to have issues. Everyone here's a hero, I'm an enemy in their eyes." I said.
   "Well, most of them. Kat and I don't see you that way if it helps any." Kirishima gave me a soft smile while Bakugo just clicked his tongue.
   "Kind of, though I wouldn't blame you guys if you did." I replied.
   Kirishima just laughed, "C'mon man, we spent how long together while you were here? I think it's safe to say you're not actually a bad guy, you're just on a different path than us. That doesn't make you bad or anything. I still consider you a friend, Katsuki won't admit it but he does too."
"Thanks Kirishima." I said, smiling at him.
"You can still call me Eijiro you know, that hasn't changed."
   "Right, sorry. Thank you, Eijiro."
   "You never text us. We worry you know." I heard Katsuki grumble.
   I had to hold back a laugh, "Sorry, sorry. I kind of just assumed you wouldn't want to hear from me." I told him.
   "Well you assumed wrong, it'd be nice to know you're alive every once in a while. And not just from Dunce Face leaving to go see you." Katsuki scoffed.
   "Right, I'll keep that in mind." I replied.
   "So, you and Toshi are really going to be parents, huh?" Eijiro asked before looking back at Denki.
   Denki smiled and placed a hand on his abdomen, "Yeah, it's kind of crazy for us to think about really."
"Know that Kat and I are here if you need help with anything, alright? We're here for you guys, regardless of if anybody else is."
"I really appreciate that guys, thank you. I have to tell the rest of the class eventually and that's really scary to me, especially since there's a good chance Toshi can't be here for it." Denki said, locking eyes with me.
"Kat and I can always be there if he can't." Eijiro offered. "If anything we'll just sneak Hitoshi into the dorms."
"I already plan on doing that when I'm farther along, there's no way I'm going days on end without him. I refuse to go through the painful stuff without Toshi here."
"You can always just stay with me." I said.
"I would, but Nezu said I can't leave until I'm 8 months, which is stupid really." Denki pouted.
"Why so long?" Katsuki asked.
"He said it's because that's when false contractions start and stuff like that so he wants me in school until that starts." Denki replied, annoyed, "I just want to be with Toshi all day, I don't understand why I have to wait so long."
   "Maybe you can talk to him? Ask to stay with him sooner?" Eijiro suggested.
   "Probably not, he was very adamant that I couldn't leave until I started feeling the false constractions happening." Denki scoffed.
   "I'm sorry, at least you'll get to spend the entire last month or so with him." Eijiro said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Very true, if I had to stay here until I was about to give birth I'd cry. I already can barely handle only seeing him on weekends, that would just be torture to go the entire pregnancy without seeing him everyday." Denki complained. I ended up staying and talking with Denki, Eijiro, and Katsuki for about another hour or so until I had to leave. UA's curfew was coming around and I had to get out before then. I said my goodbyes then made my way down the balconies, quickly escaping into the night.

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