Back to Base

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   I woke up to my phone ringing, Denki groaning as the ringtone filled the room. I turned around and grabbed the phone, "Hello?"
   "Yo, I'm outside. Hurry up, I want to go home." Tomura said. I looked over at the alarm clock, 10:35am, 5 minutes past when we were supposed to meet Tomura outside.
   I sighed, "Give us like, 10 minutes." I hung up the phone then turned to start waking up Denki. "Love, Tomura's here. We have to go."
Denki groaned and rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling, "Do we have to? I don't wanna move."
"Yes, we do. We can go right to my room and you can go back to sleep when we get back, alright?" I said before standing up. I grabbed Denki's arms and slowly helped him sit up.
   "Hey, where're you guys going?" Mina asked once we got downstairs.
   "Denki's staying with me at my place until the baby's born." I replied, wrapping a hand around Denki's waist.
   "Oh, alright. See you whenever you come back." With that Denki and I left and walked out to Tomura's car. When we got there I opened the door and helped Denki inside before taking my place next to him.
   "Took you long enough." Tomura scoffed as he started the car and took off.
"Is it correct to assume the old man disappeared again?" I asked as I wrapped an arm around Denki's waist.
Tomura sighed, "It is. He said he'll be back next week for some new routinely check in or whatever."
"Wonderful." I replied, "Before I forget to mention it, I'm not going on any missions until Haruka's born. Even after he's born I'm only going on weekends since Denki'll be there to take care of him."
Tomura nodded, "I already figured that much out, kid." The rest of the car ride consisted of mostly silence, every now and then the silence being interrupted by Tomura yelling at other cars on the road. As soon as we got to base Denki made a bee-line for my room. I followed him, closing the door behind us as Denki threw his shirt to the ground and climbed onto my bed.
   I sat down behind Denki, letting him lean back onto my chest. Once he was comfortable I wrapped one of my arms around his waist and placed my other hand on top of his stomach, slowly moving it back and forth. "I hate and love how relaxing this is." Denki said as he turned his head to look up at me.
   I smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead, "Hopefully it's helping you feel a little better, I know you've been feeling like shit lately." I replied.
   Denki sighed, "I have, I'm pretty sure the only reason I haven't lost my shit yet is because of you. No matter what you somehow always know how to help me feel better."
"I'm glad I can be of use to you." I said while resting my chin on top of his head.
   "You're always of use." Denki placed his hands on top of mine and readjusted his position.
   "Have you thought about what you want to do when you give birth?" I asked.
   Denki looked at me in confusion, "What do you mean? I though I had to go to the hospital for that?"
   "Not necessarily, you can do a home birth. Tomura actually brought this up with me not too long ago, but the league has a private doctor that he can have help you if you wanted to have the baby here."
Denki started to move his hands across his abdomen, guiding mine with it. "I-I think I want to do that. I kind of like the idea of it just being us and the league there, I'd much rather have as few people there as possible."
   I planted a kiss on top of Denki's head, "Understood. I'll let Tomura know at some point." About an hour later Denki had fallen asleep while talking about something. I ended up picking up a random book from my nightstand and started reading, figuring that was the best way to kill time until Denki woke back up.
   About half way through my book I looked down at Denki, noticing movement coming from his abdomen. I smiled and closed my book, setting it down next to me before placing my hand where I saw the movement. I felt kicks against my palm and started gently moving my hand in small circles. "Let your dad sleep a little longer, he needs to rest." I quietly said. Haruka surprisingly stopped for the most part, only moving every once in a while.
   Denki woke up about an hour later. He turned on his side and moved so his head was resting on my thigh. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and looked up at me with a smile, "Hey, how long was I out?"
"A couple hours, you sleep good?" Denki nodded as he cuddled closer to me. I placed one of my hands on his back and took his hand in the other one. I rubbed his back gently, Denki humming in response.
Out of nowhere the door flew open, Denki and I's attention snapping over to see Himiko run into the room. "Hey!! Watcha guys doing?" She asked as she ran over to the bed.
   "Jesus, Himiko. Knock before you run in, will you?" I said while covering Denki up with a blanket, slightly annoyed. Denki groaned and dug his head into my side.
"O-Oh sorry," Himiko said, "Dabi and Tomura told me to come get you guys for dinner."
   "Yeah, we'll be out soon." I replied, dismissing Himiko. "Let's go, Denks. You can go back to sleep after you eat." It took a couple minutes but Denki finally got up and we went to the dining room.
As soon as Denki finished eating he went back to my room. I stayed out with the league for a little while to talk to them and ask Tomura about getting the doctor to come here when Denki goes into labor. Afterwards I went to my room, finding Denki curled up under the sheets of my bed, passed out. I quickly showered and then climbed into bed, wrapping my arms around Denki. I placed my head on the pillow and smiled, just lying there and listening to Denki's calm breathing until I managed to go to sleep.

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